**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Lol ill whip my notes out in a min and check how big she was at my 28 week scan. I never really took any notice of measurements when I was pregnant with Jay and Lilly but I started to take more notice when I was having Ollie cuz they kept saying he was small so I kept checking online etc.
So now im doing the same again. Oh has moaned at me cuz im drinking more than im eating at the min but im making sure im eating as much as I can of my main meal he said he doesnt want baby to be small.

Im in two minds if to ask for a csection so they can sterilise me at the same time as we are 100% sure we dont want anymore babies. But dunnon if ill be asking too late now cuz ill be 34 weeks at my next scan and consultant appointment x
Due date 19th April although am getting induced 22nd March does anyone know why I have been taken off the April due date list thread???
Just seen am down for the 29th it's the 19th :-)

Just changed it :-)
Was planning on going to bed now but Ollie has other ideas and keeps waking up crying/screaming. Nothing is working to settle him tonight. Hes cutting his last 4 teeth as well so im positive that this is the reason why he keeps waking up crying/screaming. But dear me the way he is screaming tonight he will more than likely wake jay and Lilly up and they have school in the morning.

Been walking like I've got a ball stuck between my legs today cuz ive had pain under my bump/pelvis.
It seems to get worse throughout the day.
Feel tired as anything but Everytime I get up to get changed for bed Ollie starts crying so looks like its a long night ahead for me x
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't been on much the last couple of days - it's been a tad hectic! First off on Friday it was FIL birthday so we all went out for breakfast and then to somewhere called Shobdon so FIL and OH could gp up in an aeroplane for a 'flying lesson' or as they used it a photography exercise! Yesterday and today I've been in agony with braxton hicks. I called the midwife yesterday as there was so much pressure on my lady bits and cramping and shooting pains up bump and into back I was starting to worry. Midwife said that apparently painful BH are normal but if the pain gets worse or I can time them and they become regular then I was to go in. They've eased off a lot this afternoon so I'm no longer panicking but it was a total reality check that this baby could literally come any day now!!

How is everyone else doing? Xx
I hate heartburn so much! Thought I was managing ok the past few days but not long woke up gasping for breath and have just been really sick. Now my legs are like jelly, I can't get rid of the acid burn in my throat and I'm too scared to lie back down. Work is going to be fun in the morning!

That must be so frustrating Cossie if you are really suffering but it's not the real thing!
Next month ladies and hopefully all our issues will be over. I've acquired some serious varicose veins on my legs and more disturbingly, on my lady bits!!! How utterly gross. I've googled it, and there's nothing I can do about my very unsightly legs and woohoo except not stand too much, or sit too much - helpful(!). Just want the sprog out so I can look normal. Can't stand the thought of having these nasty veins for another 6-8 weeks!

My child is poorly too, was panting all night so off to the doctors we go this morning, probably needs antibiotics agains - it's just a vicious cycle. Our boy gets ill, then OH and I get ill, then LO gets ill again. Starting to think we should all be wearing surgical masks so we stop contaminating each other! :lol:
Ollie seems better this morning but still going to take him to the doctoeto double check.

Woke up with clicky hips :( it doesnt hurt much yet but Jesus im starting to think this baby is going to be huge if its the pressure of her making this happen :/
We arent having the best time of it are we? Everyone said to me tri 1 is the worst but by far since I've hit 30 weeks has been my biggest struggle.
My hips are clicking most of the time when I turn at night...And I need to turn quite often as I get annoying hip pains. Then when I get up my hips feel stiff and achy for a while.
Morning ladies, how are we all this morning?

Haven't had any BH this morning so the panicking has now gone. But I now get more petrified with every twinge! I think that's down to realisation that the time is very nearly here!!

So this week is my last week at work so is undoubtedly going to be stressful and jam packed!! Especially as I have my growth scan today, midwife appointment Friday and our antenatal class on Saturday!! It's all getting very real now! :D xx
I'm shattered!!

Because I spent 3 days in bed poorly my sleep pattern is screwed! I'm going to have to try stay awake all day just so I can sleep tonight.

Any tips on achy hips in bed? I've got lots of support cushions but not providing anything for the pressure on my hips from laying down. Again...3 days of being poorly!!

So excited that our baby will be here in a max of 4.5 weeks.....and I turn 30 a month today! xxx
:( not good chazabell. I know my friend used to use bandages. Her OH would basically bandage up her hips before bed and she'd use a full body support cushion too. She swore by this routine and said her sleep would be totally screwed up if she didn't. Another friend was given a massive tube bandage to support her hips by the physio which she reckons eased it at night but didn't really do much through the day. Hope you find something that works for you!
Taking the kids to school this morning and I didnt notice the clicking/popping as I was walking but there was an achey feeling as I was walking feels like shes bout to just come out lol seriously though its such a weird feeling.
Really cant wear my jeggings either now as they are really uncomfortable so now im pretty much in leggings all day until I get home from the school run and im straight into my comfy pjs :)
Also constantly feels like I need a wee but when I go to the toilet theres only a little so more than likely its the pressure from the baby on my bladder making me feel like this. Hopefully find out next week if they will induce me at 37 weeks or not and will be asking about having a section with a view to beinf sterilised xx
Hi Emmalouise, perhaps baby has engaged already? Aches and pressure in lower abdomen and frequent but non productive toilet visits are both signs of it...Can you tell in mirror if bump has dropped? I'm eagerly waiting for our girl to do the same but this could happen as late as during early labour or as early as 4-5wks before due date...our girl has almost discovered my ribs so hoping she'll engage soon lol...

She had another bout of hiccups today and hubby felt them which was nice cos every time she rolls/kicks and he goes to feel she stops (grr...) but hiccups are regular so knew he'd stand a better chance of feeling them lol...
I'm still feeling crappy....im sorry for moaning but I am!!

I've just discovered that it's easiet for me to sit than it is for me to lay down.....it helps nausea and indegestion & heartburn. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to get up from the sofa, and I think I'm having very mild BH....no tightenings just slight pains across lower abdo.

I feel like I've had a slight increase in cervical fluid today too....
Back from growth scan. Amniotic fluid measuring normal, baby's legs are average but head and abdomen are measuring large :( booked in next week for a GTT. If the GTT comes back positive I've heard that this means they like to just do a c-section rather than let you give birth naturally - is this right or have I been told wrong?
Hi everyone!

I hope that everyone is well, however, it sounds like everyone is having a rough time still.

I'm hope that the babies are all fine. My Mum says that they always try and worry you about the size of the baby but she told me not too worry too much about it as it's usually not a problem.

On a personal side of things, I finally got my dissertation finished! It's been really hard to get through my last year of Uni being pregnant but the end really is in sight!


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I had growth scan 2 weeks ago and they told me my lo has a long spine long legs and a big belly and was already weighing 4.8bls that was at 31 weeks :-/ I was worried about this but so many people have said ignore what weighs and average size they give as they can be far wrong....

34 +1 getting induced in 2 weeks time I've got up today and belly feels so heavy....like my god I feel like my belly is going to rip an burst open. First time mum and had feelings of period pains in lower abdomen today this normal xx
Well done lizzy getting threw uni an pregnancy!!! Jezz I've struggled getting anywhere other than my front door the past 3 months well done :-)

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