**** April 2015 Mummies ****

no not yet, more than likely will do it tomorrow now, as kids are all in bed and we have no one to watch the kids if i have to go up.
doesn't help that i've had heartburn all night and thats making me feel sick, and have this weird irritated feeling :/ i have no idea where its all coming from, i've never felt like this before in previous pregnancies.
dont feel tired now either so more than likely will be awake most of the night watching crap on tv while the kids and oh snore their heads off.

baby is moving great think trying to pin point which way she is lying but i can't remember how midwife told me to check etc...

Hi guys, I'm sure this is just my mind playing tricks on me but all of a sudden yesterday had really achy lower back and bum muscles (the ones in your bum cheeks, think they're called glutes) and for the first time sleep didn't alleviate it so still achy now...then despite eating completely normal food that I have often, out of nowhere (TMI alert) I have diarrhea and that's after suddenly becoming more regular in that area also 2x per day not every other day like usual. I felt a bit of pelvic pain also this morning but put that down to not sleeping well. Baby is fine as feel her move just as frequently as usual but wondering if these are early labor signs? My doula says you should to help you relax in the latter weeks being in denial instead of symptom spotting is the best policy but I dunno...what do you ladies think? I know these signs can go on for weeks and hoping just having an off day as want her to 'cook' a little longer lol...
I have no idea unfortunately :-( I had no labour signs at all with my son and he was induced in the end. I'm really going to be clueless if things happen naturally this time!

I'm going to the Baby & Toddler Show tomorrow and when I get back i'll be greeted with the in-laws. Grumble. Ah well, haven't seen them in a while so guess we're due a visit and my son is excited so that's what matters.
Kitten id try to relax and continue eating what you normally do. If it gets worse then contact midwife as you can loose essential salts and water. I was wondering if my sicky feeling was my body preparing but it's gone on too long and I'm achy from tossing & turning all night. I was awake until 4.30am :(

I hate returning home to visitors, I'm not a people person when they are visiting my house lol xxx
Hi chaz thanks for that. Just came out of the blue n with bein a hypochondriac at the best of times as well as symptom spotting think my body is just playing with me. Otherwise im fine...just been batch cooking again so have 14 meals in freezer to cover first couple of wks...feel prepared now for that aspect. Midwife visiting later so will mention my symptoms for her info but sure its nothing...
Had my first physio appointment today and my back feels so much better and I have more exercises for the sciatica. I was worried I'd get brushed off but he was great, I really recommend it to those suffering, get ur doctor to refer you. He said he wants to see me ever few weeks plus once after baby has arrived to check everything has realigned.
35 weeks tomorrow so not long left at all and can't wait.

Hope everyone us over the bugs x
Kitten id try to relax and continue eating what you normally do. If it gets worse then contact midwife as you can loose essential salts and water. I was wondering if my sicky feeling was my body preparing but it's gone on too long and I'm achy from tossing & turning all night. I was awake until 4.30am :(

I hate returning home to visitors, I'm not a people person when they are visiting my house lol xxx

I'm the same. I'm really am not a good host! One of the reasons why the MIL isn't my biggest fan.
Finally got hold of my midwife again she didnt seem concerned but told me im the same tomorrow then to phone fau and to explain to them whats been happening. Swear my midwife is half Soaked! She just dismisses everything pretty much but when I was pregnant with Ollie she was more concerned etc and shes the one who sent me to the hospital to be monitored cuz of how high my BP was etc
Headache hasnt been too bad today. Can still tell its there though.
Been an okay day though. Got the washing and cleaning all done without sciatica rearing its ugly head but knowing my luck it will be bad tomorrow.
Wanna pop into town tomorrow to get a few bits thats left for hospital bag but doubt I will as ill more than likely change my mind.
Been feeling a little off tonight since bout half 7. Stomach ache/cramps feets like baby is pushing down more and is causing a hell of a lot of discomfort at the bottom of my bump. Hopefully thats all it is and she doesn't decide within the next few days to make her grand entrance lol.

Hope you're all feeling better tonight xx
I must say I'm tired of body watching now. I am trying to ignore it but I can't help but constantly obsess over it!

36 weeks today, 1 more week until full term. We should be finished decorating by then too!

Does everyone feel ready? Have you got everything? Xx
Nowhere near ready yet lol. Still gotta get pushchair keep sayin we'll order it but then end up either forgetting or something else pops up that needs paying out.
Had a little panic/worry earlier and I have no idea why. Really cant remember how many babygrows/vests to take into hospital. I keep thinking ive forgot to put some stuff in the bag.

33 weeks tomorrow and really starting to get fed up and really uncomfortable. X
Can't believe we're only 2 weeks away from full term! Eek! I think we're pretty much sorted. I need to buy new towels so we can use our old ones for the birth... But otherwise nothing particular to buy. Ordered the new liner for the pool & the clary sage oil yesterday!
Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing every hour at night? So uncomfortable!
33 weeks today where has time gone!!
We are pretty much good to go for baby, their room is finished, pram is at my mums and we just need to get the moses basket our friends are lending to us.

My bump is so lopsided and ive still got a huge lump at the top right despite thinking baby was turning I think they are taking their stubbornness from me - not that I will admit that to my OH.
Bump is feeling really heavy and I get a lot of pressure when I walk, not sure if it's baby or my pelvis has slipped out of place again, apparently I'm walking like an old lady.

Emma that's awful she isn't taking you as seriously especially when there are so many campaigns and stuff to know your body and the changes for the sake of you and baby. Hopefully the symptoms have eased or you get seen at hospital today even if it is just peace of mind. I have no idea how you have managed to be so patient I would be freaking out.

Hope the rest of you ladies are having an easier time, we are almost there!

What helps the most is that baby is moving and wriggling about so im not too worried yet. Ive had 3 other babies and ita taught me a hell of a lot to be calm in certain situations.
I did get annoyed though and ended up phoning the community midwives number and she was the one who ended up answering the phone!
Got scan and consultant a week Monday so got that to look forward to. Just gone through babies hospital bag and decided ill take 3 vests and 3 sleepsuits plus 3 hats just incase and some scratch mitts and nit forgetting her blanket and all in one coat.
Im so fed up its unreal and so tired. Think oh wants to go to his dads today so will more than likely be going down there with the kids if we dont pop into town to get a few bits n bobs xx
Hi guys, feeling pretty much ready everything purchase, batch cooking done for two wks worth (which ive heard from other mums of 9-12wk old babies they are very glad they did) and everything set for the birth pool. Its a waiting game now...trying not to bodywatch too Prettypee but its hard, turns out my issue a couple of days ago was a one off and no other symptoms...babies staying for now...

Thing is we just had a scan and according to her measurements she has put on 3lbs in 2wks! I know they can be wrong but she's almost 7lbs at 34 + 3 - what will she be at 37, 40 or possibly 42weeks?? All OH sings now is 'big baby' in a really growly monster voice - v annoying...lol
Scans can be 2lb off either way I think cant really remember what they say. Im dreading them saying baby is a massive at my scan on the 16th. We didnt bother going to ohs dads today instead I popped into the town to get a few bits for a chicken dinner tomorrow. Gonna try and persuade oh to order a Chinese tonight as craving egg fried rice with beef curry yum :)

Been having on and off braxton hicks all day irregular as well but oh noticed earlier when he was talking to me that he could tell that I was getting them cuz id stop and have to sit in a different position to get somewhat comfy xx
I strongly advise against anyone catching a stomach bug or being around anyone poorly!! I've never felt so poorly!!!!! I've not even come into contact with anyone I know is poorly!! Sickness and dioreah. Haven't kept a single thing down food wise and very very minimal fluid! Baby still active but I feel worse if I lay on my left side! 4 weeks until his due date!!

Luckily I feel ready for him, everything is washed, packed & ready. Just need to antibac our room once I'm feeling better xxx
Was in absolute agony last night from bout 5/6 onwards all my hips and pelvis were hurting like hell especially when I walk no matter what way I was in bed it hurt but managed to get some sleep thanks to oh who done everything to help me even rubbing my back. He said last night that he told his dad that he will be goin down to see him today but he has said he doesn't wanna go and that it'll more than likely cause me more pain with walking down there.
Swear cuz ive said this is my last pregnancy everything has either worried me or caused me some kind of pain/discomfort lol.
My youngest boy Ollie has woken up with a chesty cough and runny nose so looks like he wont wanna move off of the settee all day unless its to follow me or his dad.

7 weeks left today! Unless consultant tells me otherwise on the 16th. X
Due date 19th April although am getting induced 22nd March does anyone know why I have been taken off the April due date list thread???
Just seen am down for the 29th it's the 19th :-)
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Hi Emmalouise, thanks for that, I do realise that they are estimations only but even so...maybe we can compare measurements when you have your scan, I have just discovered through reseearch that the head and abdominal circumferences are at a ratio of 1:1 between wks 32-34 and then the body starts a growth spurt and the head slows down...phew! She's already at 11.63cm front to back - hoping the overlaps in the skull will be able to bring that down to 9-10cms during birth! Her abdominal circumference is 34cm so lots of growing there needed (although if you look at the percentile charts she is above 90th centile for that measurement now - hoping she just had an early growth spurt!) as only 2cms larger than head circumference...Her thigh length is 6.82 so only has another cm to go for average length but reckon she'll be long legged as me and my OH are.

This may sound insane but just got out my measuring tape and drawn a crude sketch of her current measurements...really helps to visualise where different parts are though in my belly but OH wont look at my drawing lol...

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