**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I still have this silly itchy rash on my forehead. I called the GP in the end who prescribed me some cream for it. Hope it settles down soon because I look a bit silly :lol:
Its going so quickly now isnt it?

Had to come to bed early got a right horrible headache I wasnt gonna come up too early but then oh told me to go to bed cuz I look tired and ill.
Now in bed with a glass of milk trying to get comfy but its just not working no matter which way I lay its just not comfortable.
Thank god I have sorted jays and Lillys costumes out already for world book day tomorrow at school/nursery. No faffing about in the morning or if my headache is still there I aint gotta mess bout trying to find them.

The headache ive had for weeks started to dull down but now its come back. Oh the joys of pregnancy lol.

Argh. Off to bed with an itchy head :-( Really just want things to go normally! No sick child, mumma or daddy! No eye or chest infections and strange reactions to migraine patches. 7 weeks to go - then I can at least take better medication!
Its certainly no fun n you've had your fair share, pretty sure if u breastfeed you're still limited on medication...correct me if im wrong but sure I read that somewhere...no aspirin or ibuprofen at least...hope you all feel better soon...
Yup, I've heard that too. Grumble. It's frustrating though as I was denied antihistamine for my head. Just want the good stuff already.

Will have to see how long I keep up breastfeeding if I continue to feel pants!
What a horrible nights sleep!
Kept waking up and it wasn't even because I needed the toilet. Headache is still there as well think im either going to have to drop midwife a text or make an appointment to see doctor to see if what he says. I know that ill end up being sent to the hospital if I tell midwife and I dont really wanna waste their time if its nothing and its just a normal crappy headache x
Oh ladies I really hope you have a break from all the headaches, colds, etc...The April is nearing and I really hope we all can have a nice few weeks before babies arrive.:)
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Better safe than sorry Emma and I'm sure they wouldn't see it as you wasting their time.
I've woke up feeling better today but not holding my breath it will last long when I get into my office where nobody seems to know how to control their germs!
Just wish I could sleep better. Seems like headache is getting worse slowly.
Looks like I'll more than likely be phoning doctors or midwife see what they say etc.
My kids havr world book day at school and they're excited to go to school dressed up.
So seeing them excited and that is taking my mind off of it.
Morning Ladies,

hope you all managed to get a decent nights sleep and that you all and your LO's are ok this morning.

Can't believe how quick time is going at the moment, 34 weeks today, which means 3 weeks til term, 6 weeks til full term, and a max of 8 weeks before LO is here! Its weird, in one way I am sooooo ready for this pregnancy to be over (am fed up of SPD pain and being house bound bar medical appointments), but part of me still doesn't quite believe there is going to be a baby! Such a strange feeling...

Hi Emmajaine, Im 34 + 1 and know exactly how you feel. Hard to imagine that in 3,6 or 8weeks there will be a baby around but I am as prepared as can be - even purchased some moby sling wraps yesterday on the advice of our doula and cant wait to use them...who knows may even get into making some of my own as its a simple cut and sew job and loads cheaper than buying new for £20!...depends if I find some nice patterned material I like...I may also cheat and take it to a seamstress as I cant hand sew for toffee and dont have a sewing machine...would give me one last project before her arrival tho...keep me busy...

Anyone else notice their braxton hicks increasing in frequency? I counted 12 yesterday whereas usually 3 or 4 and only in evening whereas was getting them all day long and sometimes 3 in an hour...no pain with them and Im drinking plenty...Ive read its quite normal so not worried but curious to see if anyone else had same issues...
Morning all, hope everyone is ok.

I didn't sleep at all well last night. I've just posted a thread in tri 3 explaining why, I won't repeat myself on this thread but any advice and opinions would be gratefully received.

35 weeks today - exactley 5 weeks left for me and I can't wait to give my little boy a cuddle and kiss :)
Kitten, mine have increased too. They've started becoming a tad painful as well. They're not frequent enough or regular enough to cause concern especially as baby's movements haven't changed :)
I feel the same Emmajane. Fed up with pain on the one hand and not at all prepared for what is actually going to happen in a maximum of 7weeks for me. Although that still feels like a lifetime away at the moment. My pelvic pain is bad but I have what I think must be rib pain and it is ridiculously painful and brings me to tears at times. Only relief will be delivery apparently. Baby is measuring big and I am very small so beginning to worry about delivery, especially with pelvis pain.
I'm 33+1 and time is starting to fly by! I have hated this pregnancy but having had a baby already, I know I should be enjoying the peace whilst I can!
Cant even get through to docs to get an appointment and midwife wont pick up her bloody phone :(
Im not sure if this headache is even a symptom of anything pregnancy related. Its right at the front it feels dull at times and when its not dull its painful. Can tell my hands/feet have swollen cuz my rings don't fit and ive had to loosen my converse so they fit better and dont feel tight.
Plus it seems to be affecting my right eye as well like its aching :/ strange.

Just this min walked into the kitchen to put the washer on only to realise that I forgot the powder and fabric conditioner in the shopping. Been in such a tiz and forgetting stuff wonder if baby brain is actually true and not a myth or something just made up lol x
Well helloooooo SAUSAGE LEGS!

I thought I'd managed to get away with the water retention as my engagement ring is still quite roomy but today my legs appear to take the appearance of an overstuffed sausage :-(

I've been on a crazy nesting one since yesterday and was on my feet rushing around tidying and organising from 9-7 yesterday and for 3 hours so far today which may explain why!

I feel like everything is starting to come together! New bed is coming tomorrow so the spare can go in the spare/baby room which I'll be using as my 'labour' room! (Home birth!)

New tv will be delivered next week so my dad can finally finish off the built in wardrobes and new blinds for all of upstairs are on their way! Hurray!
:( I feel rough!!

Heartburn & indegestion after everything!! Headache, stinging eyes and totally shattered!!! I could sleep for a week! xxx
i still feel the same doctors are useless had call back and he said that i need to keep an eye on it all and keep trying to phone midwife.
midwife was useless couldnt even get through to her she wouldnt pick up her stinking phones.
walking to pick Jay up from school this afternoon and noticed a little visual disturbances but it stopped after a couple of minutes was like little dots :/

was lying in bed earlier (bout half 6/7) and had a few really strong braxton hicks fell asleep for abit and one woke me up and was so painful :(


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