**** April 2015 Mummies ****

we popped walsall today to get a few bits.
finally settled on the silvercross 3d sugared almond :) my friends cousin is selling it practically brand new hardly used :) can't wait to get it now :) should be tomorrow fingers crossed.
on the way home sciatica kicked in and i looked like an idiot the way i was limping.
quietish night tonight oh has the villa/albion game on so will be peacfull for abit hopefully.
Also in a better mood don't feel stressed as much and finally starting to relax more.

Husband is taking the piss as I'm having to waddle wide legged this evening, i can't stand up straight either, feel like baby has suddenly dropped and my bump feels like it's lower than yesterday for sure- can you see difference? Not sure how it translates to picture from real life!

You do look like you've dropped Prettypee. Emma take it easy with your sciatica!!

I've had my midwife appt today. Still measuring 2cm under but baby has turned and is head down ready to go!! I'm wondering if the pain/ pressure I felt on Sunday evening was him dropping lower? Had the same this evening too.

Sorted through all our stuff and we have everything g but nursing bras and nipple cream! He has so many pairs of little shoes too that people have bought!!

We have his name set in stone too so all we need now is baby :)

Excited!!!! xxx
Yay yay! So glad baby had turned for you Chazabell, that's fantastic news. I measured 2cm under throughout for my first pregnancy, my baby was a little small when born but he certainly shot up after birth!
My youngest was 6lb 11oz and he soon shot up in weight when he was born :)
Defo feeling the swelling in my hands and feet today.

I dont get it thought with my sciatica it affects all my butt (feels like really bad cramp) and the bottom of my back and my right leg. Seems that its worse if im out walking but need to get stuff sorted etc gotta go out again today once Lillys back from nursery but her nan is gonna have her and Ollie and me and oh will be gettin Taxi to the town and back to do food shop as it would be easier for us.

Oh has changed his mind bout the pushchair said its a light colour and would end up gettin dirty pretty easy. He said also that he would rather get one brand new so if anything goes wrong with it we can take it back.

Think we are having poppy grace for babies name :) I said to him last night that we already have a flower name being Lilly so why dont we keep it like that and have poppy. And he said he liked the idea and will think bout it.
heartburn has kicked in with full force, feel like im breathing fire, at work all day and my gaviscon is sat at home in the cupboard :( woke up feeling like ive been on a massive night out, so rough , head banging and felt sick :-( hope it passes asap! xxx
I'd say you've dropped a little prettypee, bump certainly looks lower in the second picture!

Woo chazabell!! Fingers crossed he stays there!! :D

I'm measuring big, have done since 30 weeks, hopefully it's just growth spurt he went through!

Glad you've potentially settled on a name emma, I do wish OH would take naming him seriously enough to name him now!

Oh no rebecca :( is there a chemist near by that you could pop and get a small bottle of gaviscon from? Hope it eases as the day goes on

Has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to one of those migraine cool patches before? I had one on from 8pm-10pm last night, felt fine, headache went etc... but I've woken up this morning with a red rash across my forehead, it's slightly irritable (especially in warmer rooms). Not sure whether to call the GP or just to wait it out?
there is a chemist close Im going to run too at lunch if doesnt improve by then, have got a glass of milk so hope that helps!! xxx
Have you used them before rooster?
Sometime our skin is more sensitive to other things during pregnancy so might be that the stuff used to help the patch stick to ur head has irritated the skin. Try some sudacrem if you have any to relieve any itchiness and redness if not improved by say dinner time have a pop to local chemist and see what they say sometimes they are more helpful than the doctors themselves lol.
Really havent got the get up and go to clean up this morning lol. Ive gotta hoover up and I really Cant be bothered and gotta wash up and put the washing machine on and put washing away.
Ollie thinks its funny this morning to tip his breakfast all over the floor and mush it in. Oh the joys of having a toddler who thinks smushing wheetabix into the carpet laughing.

Thanks for the tip. It isn't irritating me as such, just the big blob of red on my forehead is slightly annoying! Bit nervous that if I put anything on it that it'll get worse!
Baby moving lower down is killing me with sciatica. I can hardly lift my left leg at times for fear of a shooting pain across my tummy. And had either Braxton hicks last night or just a periody feel tummy ache. Slept well but I've woken up shattered!

Health visitor at 2pm today....I don't want to even get dressed!!

Milk is the next next thing for heartburn if you have no gaviscon. Gaviscon has only just started working for me but I follow it down with milk!!

Our name is Daniel Charles Albert. Named after his cousin who passed away then both grandad names but no double barrelling. Can't wait for him to arrive now. We are all set xxx
Maybe just leave it rooster, see if it starts to fade over the next hour and if not then maybe sudacreme or bepanthen should help. DO you normally have an allergic reaction to plasters? Or blue food colouring? Sounds weird but my friend has an allergy to blue food colouring and when she used a migraine patch the blue dye they must use in the strip actually caused a worse migraine and a hell of a rash!!!

I'm really looking forward to all of this that I've got to come!! Might be time to ditch the carpet in the dining room to save it from smushed soggy cereal!! :lol:
I've used migraine patches a load of times before, this is the first time i've ever had a reaction. It's completely bizarre :-s

Lovely name Chazabell :-)
Lol Ollie thinks its funny but when down on the floor scrubbing at it to get it all out is a nightmare cant be the least bit annoyed at him though cuz he crouches down by me and tries to help and smirks the Lil bugga.
Best go get the kitchen cleaned etc before I have to set out to get Lilly from nursery. X
Aaaww, gorgeous name chazabell! :)

Maybe it is just a sensitive skin during pregnancy thing then rooster, very bizarre though if you've used them before!

Bless him :) as annoying as children can be at times, it's very difficult to stay mad at them when they are so cute! My friends little boy is exactley the same! When he knows he's annoyed you, he'll come up to you, put his hands together by his chin and grin like the cheshire cat!!! :lol:
If leave it cream free for a while rooster and then sudacrem if it doesn't ease. Face is more sensitive during pregnancy and something sticky with heat has probably just irritated it.

I'm allergic to cobalt blue colouring too....never come across it yet tho. Had a patch test that confirmed it before IVF!! Ha ha!!

Can feel baby either turning or rolling I cant put my finger on what exactly it is shes doing lol.

He has to be the cheekiest one out of the three of them. He knows when he does wrong he'll sometimes come over wrap his arms around my neck and kiss my cheek lol.

Ive had terrible skin this pregnancy. Breaking out in spots is the worst this time around finally get rid of them then another pops up :( xx
My skin has been awful too! I was told my skin hair and nails would be the healthiest they've ever been and will ever be! But it's actually quite the opposite!
I'm all broken out too this week and the cold that all of you seemed to suffer with has caught up with me, hoping it doesn't come to much.

I feel a bit agitated today and I have no idea why. Feel a bit shaky and like my heart is racing. Can't wait to get home and chill out.


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