**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Finally!!!!! They've sorted the housing benefit out! And they've sent the payment out and now we can afford to pay rent Wednesday! And now my landlords not gonna have a bitch fit at me. A huge stress relief now but still stressed bout other things but not so much can relax a little now :)

Aww cdx congrats to ur cousin two of my friends are due this month. My one friend was originally due April but they're inducing her on the 20th March due to complications in previous pregnancies.

Got my eldest off of school with a chesty cough so will be a day on the settee for him watching guardians of the galaxy and some other marvel/dc comic stuff :)

Hi Emmalouise, great news! Ah a TV day with superheros - for us it'll be my little pony and barbie in the years to come....

at least now you can really relax and focus on yourself and baby...maybe whilst your son is watching tv you can have a relaxing bath with some chillout music on??
Hiya all glad to hear you are all doing better and getting rid of all those bugs.
I now have four more weeks at work finishing when I'm 38 weeks but secretly hoping baby arrives early lol I'm 34 weeks now and so ready for baby to arrive other than the decorating!
Are many of u doing antenatal classes? I'm doing nct ones and finding them really useful, it's definitely getting my OH more prepared which is good lol but now he's panicking more just wondering if everyone else is finding this? Ps it's our first :-)
Im gonna see what I can do if I can manage to get a relaxing bath while he is watching the films/TV it would be a miracle lol. Jays like his dad when he is ill he moans and whines a lot lol.
It's normally my daughter who has frozen on or any other Disney film when she comes from nursery but she'll more than likely go upstairs later to watch Netflix in my room.

Ive just emailed my landlord telling him rent will be in Wednesday just waiting for a reply from him now x
Morning ladies, hope we are all well?

Baby had hiccups this morning - I absolutely love it when he has hiccups, it's so cute!! :)

Not sure it's really hit me that next month i will have a baby!! And after Friday next week I won't be at work!! Although we have a busy week or so after this one. Monday next week is our growth scan, then Friday I have a midwife appointment as well as it being my last day at work and then we have our antenatal class on the Saturday! Busy Busy Busy!! :D xx
2 weeks today til our growth scan.
Just cleaned up and now having a cuppa jays just fell asleep so gonna have 5 mins to myself watching crappy morning TV til he wakes up and put a film on for him.
Makes a change from having frozen on from Lilly watching it constantly lol.

Was talking about names with oh but cant settle on a name that goes with babys potential middle name which is grace any ideas ladies? Xx
We only ever could agree on one girls name before we found put we are having a boy which was Poppy. I personally think that really goes with Grace but I guess names really are down to personal preference!

We have sooooo many names for our boy we just can't decide. People keep telling us that when he is here and we see him we will just know his name - not quite sure how true this is though!!!
We struggled pickin Ollies name lol we went through loads but I was dead set on max but then we found the name Ollie and looked at him when he was 2 weeks old and thought yup this is defo Ollie! And its stuck it really suits him lol.

I really do likr poppy but dnt think oh is too keen on it. I like Elsie as well and that goes nicely with grace but not too sure it goes with our last name which is price.
Be nice to keep it a flower name to go with Lilly :)
Lillys was fairly easy to pick cuz shes named after ohs nan :) x

I did like paisley and Arielle but not too sure on them now x
I had 2 names I was dead set on for our lil girl but now it's getting closer I have gone off them totally!!! Am not sure if it's because I over thought about it or what but we are back to the drawing board in our house for names and although my due date is 19th April I am getting induced 22nd March :-/ so I need to get a move on with my name picking :-/ xx
We have both our names picked but only our mums know strangely having an April baby and both names we have picked begin with A.

Poppy Grace is really cute! Names we liked for a girl but haven't used are Amelia, Olivia, Ava and Ellie. My fave girl name is probably more to do with the cutest wee girl I know who is called Saraya which I am sure is Hebrew for princess and she is just the most adorable little princess.
We didnt take long to pick jays name it was pretty quick lol his name just stuck.
Id defo have poppy if I could get oh to agree lol.

Be glad when I can sleep properly again. Got woken up from baby kickin or headbutting my bladder so had to get up to go toilet then couldn't get comfy for ages x
Yucky. Woken up with morning grot in my mouth from when you sleep with your mouth open. I can't get rid of the ruddy taste and it's making me feel like a big bag of vomit. Urgh.

We have our names sorted - whoop! Just need to know which one we're using now :lol: 7-9 weeks to go!
Hi guyd also got name sorted but have 2 backups in case. Also getting woken up by baby kicking when turn over n just now on left side think I felt her nudging my ribs- yikes!

6wks tomoz although cud be 6-8 in reality. ..
We have our list but it keeps getting added to and then we need to decide on what he's called!!

It's getting really close now ladies! For me in a maximum of 8 weeks I'll have a son!! I'll be someone's mummy!! ARRRGGGGHHHH!! Not going to lie, as each day passes I'm crapping myself more ad more!!! xx
we are pretty set on Millie Jayne :-) my little boy is Max so they go well together I think!
I feel so sicky atm, and heart burn is kicking in, feel like I did much further along last time :( went shopping sunday and was so uncomfy after about 10 mins walking :( xxx
I'm having such weird movements today up at my ribs. I'm hoping baby is turning but it's like proper punches to my ribs that take my breath away and then like waves, its happening every 10 minutes or so and my bump is solid. Anyone experienced this? I'm paranoid baby might be a bit distressed.
Hi cdx I get rolls near ribs if I dont sit straight. .probably her way of saying giveme room. ..but no kicks yet. Our girl is also very active n sometimes movements can last 20mins. Think they like taking their frustration at lack of space out on us lol...I dont know how much movement wud constitute a distressed baby but wud keep an eye on it if I were you but not worry. I always have a zoned out cheshire grin on my face when she is active - or so OH tells me
The movements have relaxed a bit but still lots of pressure at the top of my bump and the odd kick down at the bottom. Will keep an eye on what they are up to.
Aw that's so cute I love my OHs face when he feels LO moves he's still so amazed the other night baby kicked his hand so hard his hand moved off my bump and his face was a picture. I wish they could feel what it's really like for us.

Ah thats nice ...now she rolls more than kicks my OH hasn't felt her much as mostly internal...
I've barely had time to consider movement at the moment! I know baby is alive in there so not concerned.

My son has been a gorgeous little bundle today. My mum looked after him from 3pm as I had pick up my new vacuum cleaner and then had to use it. Was nice having a spare hour or so to play with my new vacuum cleaner! Our floors are clean! Yay!

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