**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Good morning ladies....March is definitely here... The time is flying!!! Hope you all feeling better today.
Last night weird thing happened to me. I woke up with a very intense pain in my lower tummy (it felt like contraction pain much more intense than period pain) and the bump was hard as well. I tried to roll on other side but couldn't, as soon as I managed to slowly turn on my back my tummy felt painful and tight so had to roll back. Then I went on my fours and finally turned to the other side. My thought is maybe it was a trapped wind as I did pass a little when I changed sides. Now my question is can you get such a bad pain from the wind? What do you think ladies? It was one off thing though and I never felt anything like that before!!!
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Yea you can get really bad pain from trapped wind. My oh was really bad with it last night and took him half hour to start to feel better. But he has always suffered with a bad stomach/trapped wind/indigestion.

Really uncomfortable now of a night in bed. Gotten to the point where I end up waking up to switch which way im laying to try and get comfy x
I'm hoping my boy has turned and is no longer breech. I was getting movement down below towards my pelvis/ pubic bone with twinges so I'm hoping that's him getting comfortable. I was still getting wriggles to my left side and possibly kicked in the ribs. Fingers crossed!!

Really struggling to get a good nights sleep. Heartburn & indegestion wake me up. Gaviscon actually worked for me last night along with a pint of milk.

Ah excited for the coming month for us all xxx
I think there's going to be baby's born this month! Exciting!! I'm full term in less than 2 weeks! Scary thought!

Had 4 toilet breaks last night - in the evening from 5-11 I went to the toilet 5 times- she's using my bladder as a bongo drum!!

Graci - it could have been a contraction, i get them often but they vary in strength and are not regular - I'm told it's normal! It could be wind etc but I tend to find you will be able to determine a little later if it is wind or not as it comes out eventually!!
Our baby has a nursery with all their furniture....things just got very real!
My boobs have started leaking and I think I'm losing some if my plug but not entirely sure. Still feeling lots of pressure at the top of bump and every so often it goes solid so guessing this is braxton hicks? it's not regular or painful at all.

Heartburn is the most frustrating thing in the world for me right now, getting 3am wake up calls with it and even get it after brushing my teeth when I have an empty stomach!

Hopefully he has turned for you Chazabell, our LO is breech too and I get hopeful that they have turned and soon after I feel their head nestled back in my ribs again. We still have 8 weeks to persuade them to do some flips.
It is good to know Prettypee that it can be normal...I haven't had anything like that in my last pregnancy :) If I was closer to my due date I would of definitely thought that it was a contraction ( as I had it i thought it feels like actual contraction (as far as i remember from last time))...But for some reason I didn't even panic I just had a feeling that it is one off thing...and so far it is... We shall see what happens next with the time.
Just enjoyed a roast pork dinner bern ages since ive been able to eat a full meal.
Headache is slightly dull now but it comes in bouts where its terrible and I try to sleep it off as much as I can but it doesnt really help.
Gotta stand and iron jays and Lillys uniforms later on ready for
Tomorrow not looking forward to it lol hate ironing :(

How are you girlies this afternoon? X
Hi ladies, hope we are all well?

Wow, can't believe some of you are getting contractions already even if they're not regular!! I defo agree prettypee, we are going to see some April babies born in march!!!

I've still got this ruddy cough but at least it's eased enough I can get a full nights sleep now. My back is killing me today. My mum came round yesterday and we literally emptied the tip that is baby's room!! My mum was like a crazy lady!! We emptied 2 chests of drawers a computer desk and the demolished the single bed, computer desk and one of the chest of drawers, the other was OHs from his mum and dads so they're having that back. The room is completely empty now except for baby stuff! Eeek!! X
I'm struggling today with hip/pelvis pain, making me feel dead low. Just gotten up from a nap and has honestly taken me 20minutes to get from lying down in bed to downstairs sitting on the sofa, with many tears on the way! SPD sucks!

Anyway.... Yay for march! Our babies will be here super soon! Can't wait!

Hope you are all having a good day xx
Aww ive just seen the little birds by our names! I've not been on for a while.
Hope everyone is well.
I'm due in 4 weeks & 3 days, not had any Brixton hicks or any signs of labour.
Been getting pelvic pain and leg cramp at night so not sleeping great. Also back pain and needing a wee loads!
Having a bit of a dizzy today where I'm light headed and laying down most of the time, also my feet swelled really bad on Thursday!
Can't wait to meet little miss, nursery is done and we have pretty much everything now.
Good luck to all you mummies, can't believe some of you are showing signs!
P.s when do you all finish work?
I finish a week on Tuesday I'll be 36+6 x
Gosh Michelle. You're only one month away! Thankfully it sounds like you are all sorted! I could do with time slowing down a bit to be honest. Starting to feel a little sad about our unit of three being changed :-(
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Aww rooster I felt like that before I had Lilly but it soon changes when they are born. I thought jay wouldn't cope with a baby coming into the family but I was soon proven wrong he wanted to help with everything.
Its all a bit daunting aint it.
Im gettin nervous now from going from a family of 5 to a family of 6!
I know we'll cope just fine etc its just the thought of having another baby that will be here within 8 weeks (hopefully) and I feel like I havent prepared properly even though I know what im doing and ive got whats needed (part from the pushchair gonna get that in a few weeks hopefully)

Lil miss has been kicking me a hell of a lot tonight and it feels like shes pushing down a lot and putting more and more pressure down below. It felt like something was dripping earlier as well checked and it was watery but put a liner on just incase dont think its my waters think it was just watery discharge.

How are we all feeling tonight? Xx
I'm good, dying for some snacks so me and the OH are taking a trip to Tesco!

Baby is definitely getting bigger, movements are getting uncomfortable sometimes.
Hey rooster! Hope the morning (all day) sickness has gone.. I feel queasy again some days but I'm so used to it now. This is my first baby so I'm new to the mummy club!x
Feelin pants tonight :( chest feels tight but when im layin on my side it doesnt feel too bad. Swear this pregnancy is defo my worst and last lol.
Im trying to stay off of Google to look it up to see what the cest tightness could be but I would only freak myself out lol also heartburn is being a major pain tonight :( can't seem to get rid of it nothing is helping x

Think im going to have a cuppa and watch the rest of the celeb darts for comic relief then go to bed x
Hey rooster! Hope the morning (all day) sickness has gone.. I feel queasy again some days but I'm so used to it now. This is my first baby so I'm new to the mummy club!x

At least you are so close to the end now! Pregnancy isn't for everyone and Tri 3 seems to have been a real struggle for most of the April mummies. My sickness has eased, thanks. Though was down last week with chest infection/eye infection/vomiting and diarrhea and my son was ill the week before. Thankfully we're all pulling through now so just settling down and wanting to enjoy the final 7 weeks or so.

Anyone going to the Baby & Toddler Show at the weekend?
Bleeding!!!! Argh.....last few weeks have been none stop worrying. It was only a very small amount of pi/red streaks on my tissue paper and they reassured me that they tend not to worry about it. I wasn't overly concerned when I saw it...but now, my mind won't switch off and i keep thinking I can feel trickling in my lady bits....I'm going mad.
Kelly try not to worry too much. Just use a liner and keep your eye on it when you go to loo.

I've had a crazy day! Laid in until almost 12 watching TV and drinking tea then my friend came and took me for coffee only to return to a Surprise Baby Shower!! My family from 90 miles away, my wedding photographer taking shots. Lots of cake, tea, games and cutesy clothes. Our boy has everything and has do much excitement awaiting for him!!

I've suffered this evening with what I thought was BH but they oy kicked in when I stood up and tried to walk. My mum is convinced it's my pelvis (her pelvic bone seperated when she had my sister) it's eased now but it bloody well hurt!!! That's after a night of 30 micro sleeps as heartburn kept me awake!

We are fully set for babies arrival now tho. We already had everything as we bought so much ourselves but so many sweet outfits for him in bugger sizes...so excited!! xxx
That sounds lovely Chazabel.

My cousin in Australia has had her little girl this morning, she's absolutely gorgeous wish I could get a cuddle! It's scary to think it's me next though. Physically we are all prepared but emotionally doubts have started to creep in if I'll be able to do this, everyone says it comes naturally but in work last week I was chatting with some colleagues and they were saying they can't believe me and another girl are pregnant because we are the least maternal people in the place and our lifestyles don't really suit a baby. I always thought that myself but didn't think others would see it.


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