**** April 2015 Mummies ****

My 3 things....

1- having a healthy baby wrigung around inside my tummy and he's given me hardly any issues.

2- supportive husband who's working hard at 2 jobs to ensure we have a good future for our boy.

3- the most amazingly supportive friends who have filled my weekend with coffee & shopping trips.

I've been out for lunch & shopping today with my friends, treated myself to some Body Shop makeup....following cruelty free. And some amazing green tea infused with berries....but if a pamper night I think whilst hubby is working until 3am.

Bump seems to have grown today too which is great....hopefully he'll measure fine at our next appt.

I have however developed heart palpitations/ flutters again....they come on as I'm just sat on sofa....very bizarre xxx
feeling a little better now i've had long relaxing soak in the bath.
Be glad though when the headaches start to wean off, i thought i was starting to get rid of it earlier but nope was still there soon as i got up to do a drink of water it got worse. Tryin not to let it bother me with getting on with things etc
still got the swollen hands and feet, did phone the antenatal department at the hospital they can't change my appointment to bring to foward said they are fully booked.
should be popping to primark and that tomorrow to get a few last min bits for hospital bag and then should be all done :)

hope all you lovely ladies are feeling better tonight :) xx
Tmi alert

Must say I feel paranoid right now. Ive been lounging on the sofa, got up and realise my pajama bottoms are damp/wet, through my knickers. I felt with my hand and notice I feel very wet, not sticky. It doesn't smell of urine, it doesn't smell at all but there was no "gush"... But I'm thinking maybe It was just watery discharge? I don't feel like I'm "dripping".

Anyway stuck a party liner in to see what happens just in case although as I went upstairs to get one i suddenly needed toilet.... What can only be described as an "evacuation" occurred after days of constipation.

Anyway now don't feel as wet so thinking my body is playing tricks!
prettypee, sometimes our waters can leak, and sometimes they can gush. This is what i'm dreading as i've never had my waters break/leak on their own before they've always been popped while been in the hospital.

try and relax chick you'll be fine
I figure if see what happens over night- if I'm still wet then I'll check with midwife if not I'll put it on the list of random one offs I've experienced so far!
How'd you get on over night Prettypee?

I can't believe it is March tomorrow! We could actually start having some April babies coming soon! (So glad I'm a late April mummy :lol:)
You'll be fine once you have put ur mind at rest chick its always the way aint it panicking if ur waters are leaking they told me if you lie down for an hour and get up youll feel them trickle out when you get up.
Fingers crossed baby will stay put longer for you :)
Checked bank online and we havent received the housing benefit we were told was going to be in today! Angry and annoyed is an understatement. We can't even pay rent today which needs to be paid. We were told that the mistake the job center had made wouldnt of affected the housing benefit being paid so now it looks like it has. We're going to struggle like mad now! Its gonna be worse than what we thought it would be. I cant even phone them cu its the weekend and I don't think the offices are open today! Its just one thing after another stress after stress swear if
I stress anymore this baby aint gonna be in til full term the stress will more than likely set off early labour if thats possible.
Sorry to hear they are messing you round Emma Louise, fx it gets sorted quickly, and that bubs stays put!

How are all you other lovely ladies this morning? Xx
Emmalouise - fx you get things sorted and you can start to relax...

Emmajane, fine today thanks, finally went swimming yesterday after two week hiatus due to bronchitis and she loved it, was wriggling everywhere...I struggle to see how she is sleeping 90% of the time as she is always moving no matter what I do and sometimes its awkward as she likes to punch and kick when on the loo too which is no fun let me tell you...braxton hicks are daily now and can sense them when standing as well as sitting and lying down now. Often they are brought on by her frequent movements lol. No other major symptoms atm so all good...

(TMI alert) I dont know whether any of you ladies are doing perineal massage or not but I have been using the epi-no for the past two weeks (loads easier to do than with your own thumbs) and making progress - getting to 7cm now from 3.5 so not too bad...aim is 9/10 by week 40!

On a completely different subject - I am going to try my hand at brownies today!
Thanks girls ill be on the phone to them first thing Monday morning. Headaches are slowly starting to get worse.
Feel so sick its horrible x
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well.

Sorry to hear about all your problems emma. I'm in the middle of claiming for maternity allowance and I hope it goes through okay because me and the OH need to extra money!

So close to April now! However, I think that this baby will be late and will come in May.

Men are so lucky that they don't give birth because there is no way that they would cope with it! My OH has toothache and I haven't heard the end of his complaining even when I got him some solphadine!
Its horrible when they mess it all up cuz then financially it just buggers all bills and that up as well.

Aww I know how bad toothache is. I had it last year and the year before and both times I said I would rather give birth again then to go through the pain of toothache lol.
Co-codamol or ibuprofen and codiene will work wonders and help with the pain :)

Hi LizziiMayy, March tomorrow - yikes! Where has the time gone?! Never really suffered much with toothache so can't empathise but when my OH was ill with flu and had bad headaches etc, I know what you mean with regards to never ending complaining lol - I can't help but turn around and say 'try being pregnant...' in a nice way of course lol but they have no idea and tbh we can't blame them for that, must be hard being the one that can't understand fully what we are going through...I know my OH is dreading D-day as he doesn't like the idea of being powerless to help with the pain aspect of it....I simply reply and say being there and ensuring my basic needs are met is more than enough, Ill deal with the rest between me, my midwife and my doula (all of whom have had kids so understand)
Prettypee....how are you?

Tomorrow we can all say....our baby is due next month!! How exciting!!

I e had a busy few days and I'm feeling it now. It's like I've instinctively booked a months worth of socialising into 1 weekend. And my bunny is still freaked out do I guess I must smell different to him now.

I keep getting hot flushes/ waves and heart palpitations. Baby has been super active too. Not sure if he's managed to turn yet tho. Had a cramp last night and thought "OMG" ha ha!!

Hey, sorry for delay. I think my waters are ok. I'm not getting a constant trickle and if I lay down for an hour and get up i don't feel a leak. I do seem to be wetter than usual though and it's not wee. So I'm not worried about that yet.

I'm having contractions this afternoon but really irregular. It's a shooting pain that seems to wave accross the bottom of my belly for about 40/50 seconds along with rock hard tummy. I've had a bath and it seems to have calmed down. I think my body is preparing for things although I'm hoping I still have a couple more weeks to prepare!
So glad baby is staying put longer for you prettypee.
Ive been having contractions/braxton hicks since bout half 8 on n off I knew straight away what they were and they felt stronger than the other braxton hicks ive been having.

Stress levels have lowered but not much still find myself stressing but not as bad.
Kids made me laugh earlier they came downstairs saying that they're saving their pocket money to buy baby some nappies and wipes said that if the baby is anything like Ollie was we'll need loads of nappies and wipes lol.

Been talking about names tonight and we have a possible middle name but no first name. Any of you girls thought of a name yet for ur bundles of joy? X
wow cant believe you guys may be having early signs - makes the rest of us realise it isn't far off now lol. My braxton hicks have increased in regularity but not every few mins or anything, don't have the shooting pains altho occasionally get the period like pains but goes if move. Have noticed my belly is rock hard more often and can tell when standing up now which couldnt before...No other signs atm, hope babies stay a little longer for you both but at the same time must be exciting to know body is preparing...Im a week or so ahead of you and not there yet lol....

March in 40mins - almost able to say 'we're having our babies next month'...scared OH when said that lol...
8 weeks left today!!
Lost more plug last night when I woke up to go toilet.
In two minds this morning if to phone midwife or another midwife to tell them bout the headache again thats lasted well over 2 weeks now.

Cant believe we are all due next month! How quick have the last 2 months gone? Just rminded myself that I need to order the new swinging crib mattress some point today! X
I can't believe we're all due next month! That's really quite, alarming!! We don't even have a nursery yet!

Might be worth giving MW a call for some reassurance?

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