**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Having a weird evening!

I've felt sick twice, extrey uncomfortable with baby up near my ribs, but happily kicking around! The. My house bunny sudden freaks out, thumps & grunts away at me and runs off and now he seems really unsure of me. Wonder if he can sense something? Hubby is working until 3am so I hope not!! Ha ha xxx
Poorly two year old...no sleeping....being puked on...functioning like a zombie :shock:

My son certainly is helping me prepare for the newborn haha.
My back is hurting this morning. Ollies been up since half 5. Tired and just wanna sleep.
Been having braxton hicks on n off for the past couple of days.
Feel restless this morning like I cant even sit on the settee to get comfy not even in the corner where I normally sit where if you out all the cushions there its really comfy. The bottom of my back is aching the most and can feel it in my hips as well :(
My eldest was up a few times in the night with a bad throat and coughing so not sure if to send him into school or not. He finally fell back to sleep bout 4 this morning after waking up at 2:45 this morning coughing and spluttering. Dont really want him
Coughing his head off and spluttering everywhere in school x
Oh dear all, there is definitely something nasty in the waters at the moment. It doesn't seem like many people have managed to dodge this virus or whatever it is. Sleep deprivation is no fun and sleep is something we definitely need leading up to April! I'm finally starting to catch up on my sleep after at least two weeks of being awake throughout the night. I'm lucky in that my OH pretty much deals with my sons wake up calls at the moment and he'll probably continue to for a while.
Morning ladies, sorry to hear lots of us are still struggling, fx next month is a better one hey?

I've been finding it hard and struggling with low mood, so have decided to try and think of 3 things that are good in my life, that I'm thankful/grateful for etc. kinda a counting my blessings type thing to put myself in a more positive frame of mind.

So today I'm grateful that I have a loving oh, who is working really hard at the moment putting in full days at work and then coming and doing housework, as I can't.

I'm glad that my parents are visiting from Cornwall, as I haven't spent time with them for about 6 months.

I'm loving feeling little one wiggle and squirm inside me, reassuring me that they are safe and growing well.

What about you lovely ladies? What are you thankful/grateful/loving today?

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Good idea.

1. I have a healthy baby with no concerns attached to my pregnancy. I'd much rather I be ill than have anything wrong with my baby.

2. My gorgeous little boy. He may have his tantrums and difficult moments but he makes me proud everyday.

3. My family. They've been extremely supportive during this pregnancy and would've really struggled without them.
Lovely idea! My 3 things would be:

My OH has been amazing throughout this whole pregnancy and taken good care of me. It's made me love him even more and I can't wait to see him as a dad.

After a few small hiccups all my test results are normal and I am measuring where I should be, baby is healthy and my pregnancy has been relatively straightforward. A few people I know have been sent for extra growth and wellbeing scans that I had felt jealous of but thinking now I'm lucky I don't have that added stress or concern and baby is doing just fine.

Everyday I'm grateful that I got the chance to tell my uncle about this baby, it was the last time I saw him truly happy and im thankful for that night where cancer didn't seem to matter anymore he was just so excited for us. Any time I'm upset or feel gutted that he was denied the chance to meet the baby I think of his expression and can't help but smile too.

I like this idea...

1. Our baby girl is growing well and constantly reassuring me with her wriggles

2. Ive been lucky to only have a couple of pregnancy symptoms to date

3. Im off work with a very supportive OH who is ensuring I take it easy n relax
What a fab idea!

1. I'm very thankful and grateful for my OH. He has been amazing. Considering I thought he was heading for the moon when I first told him I was pregnant, he has really come through and is talking to bump all the time and always asks how baby is doing. I think he is really looking forward to being a dad :)

2. I am also very thankful for my mum and dad. Mum can be a real pain at times but she's so excited about the baby and is helping us out with everything. She's bought loads of stuff for us and she's helping us get his room ready by helping clear it and then her and dad are decorating it for us.

3. Despite how crappy I've felt through this pregnancy I'm loving feeling him move, I'm thankful that he's healthy and I've had no serious complications (touch wood) and I'm grateful that I haven't felt as bad as I could have. I know there are women out there who have had it 10x worse through their pregnancies and I really feel for those ladies, but boy am I grateful it's not me that's felt THAT bad!

How is everyone today? Cough is still there niggling away but I have a bit more energy and am feeling loads better compared to the beginning of the week! :D Hooray!! xx
Good to hear Cossie, had a bit of heartburn last night but was my own fault...just had to have that apple crumble I made for dessert at 9pm...big mistake but nothing that Gaviscon cant fix thank goodness....

She slept a lot yesterday so last night and today v active - have managed to record some ace belly movement footage...properly trying to escape lol...more hiccups this morning - they are so cute when you feel them and a nice break from the lurching rolls and wriggles usually feel now.

Off swimming later (havent been in over a week due to illness) and then a pregnancy massage - both of which she loves so should be good...

May get the birthing pool filled again tomoz as so relaxing in it...
Productive morning spent in the kitchen whilst childfree!
2 curries, 2 lots of bolongese, 1 lasagne, 1 beef stew, 1 chicken & mushroom pie & 1 steak and onion pie all cooked and put in the freezer ready for when squish no2 arrives! Now to tackle the mountain of washing and housework! Maternity leave...rest and relaxation? Ha! ;-)
I need to phone tax credits to say I'm on mat leave so that'll be an hours sit down ;-) xx
Been town again this morning just to buy washing powder and fabric conditioner. Hasnt helped my sciatica at all :( Was sat on the floor with Ollie with his lego playing with him and went to get up and hurt a hell of a lot and had to try push myself up using the settee as a support.
Lost some plug this morning as well.
Still tired and headache so glad its the weekend tomorrow :)

Great idea the 3 things im greatful for -
1. My oh for helping me and supporting me through everything. He truly is my rock. Don't know what I would do without him.

2. My 3 amazing kids. Jay Lilly and Ollie. They are the constant reminder that I have done something worth while
In life and they are my greatest achievement :)

3. This pregnany has been tough these last few weeks with stress etc but so greatful shes okay and that she gives me great movements when I start to feel down :)

So, I have just come away from my midwife appointment to be measuring big yet again. Growth scan booked for 9th March and I can't stress enough how much I'm praying he's not actually big and that I'm all water or something! If he is big then it means I can't give birth in Shrewsbury and will have to go to Telford, which while I don't have an issue with this I was also told today that if labour seems to be dragging out they'll send OH home and call him when it progresses. If this is the case then being in Shrewsbury would be a 5 min car journey to and from the hospital for OH but if I'm in Telford it's a minimum 25 min drive each way :( What if things develop ridiculously quickly??? The last time I worried this much was when my grandad was really poorly before he passed away 4 years ago...
Hugs nicki, I have a growth scan that day too.

I have been worrying about them sending oh away while I'm in hospital as he doesn't drive so would be stuck either on public transport (which would take a minimum of an hour to get from home to the hospital) or spending a fortune on taxis! Soo stressful! I'm just hoping that this progress at a good pace and he can stay!

Hugs nicki, I have a growth scan that day too.

I have been worrying about them sending oh away while I'm in hospital as he doesn't drive so would be stuck either on public transport (which would take a minimum of an hour to get from home to the hospital) or spending a fortune on taxis! Soo stressful! I'm just hoping that this progress at a good pace and he can stay!


I think the only good thing about having a growth scan is that we get to see our LOs again!! :D hope your scan goes well, still seems ages away though!

I hope for both of us that (if I have to go to Telford) they will think sensibly and maybe provide them a bed in the hospital or something, I just really don't want to be left alone having to deal with it all :(
Cossie fingers crossed baby isnt big and you're all water.
Ive been told since I was pregnant with Lilly id never be able to go to the midwifery led unit cuz of blood pressure problems Walsall manor hospital is a 15 min drive away but they've told me that it depends on circumstances if oh can stay over night if things dont progress as quick as they'd like and it turns out to be a long labour.
Phoned antenatal to try and bring appointment forward and they cant said they're fully booked up so gotta wait til the 16th March for scan and to see consultant.
So much pressure again today think Ollie will end up stopping with his dad and sister while I pick jay up from school later on as he has a cold again and dont really wanna take him out in the cold.
Fingers crossed all goes well with your scans.

Cant complain too much but I'm feeling a bit fed up and really frumpy today I've woke up with a spotty face and the sniffles as well. Going out for my sister-in-laws dinner and hoping some make up works wonders. Bump is feeling big and heavy too so hoping my clothes still fit.

Only 8 weeks to go!
Cossie - we're kinda in the same boat. Telford is good 25 mins from us too, so hoping not to be put in that situation. However, if it is any consolation, all the doctors and midwives i've met at Telford have been lovely so far, so I'd hope that they'll do a good job at looking after us and take a view when it comes to partners :-)
Cossie - we're kinda in the same boat. Telford is good 25 mins from us too, so hoping not to be put in that situation. However, if it is any consolation, all the doctors and midwives i've met at Telford have been lovely so far, so I'd hope that they'll do a good job at looking after us and take a view when it comes to partners :-)

Thanks rooster, that gives me a little bit of hope as I've not been to Telford hospital to meet anyone yet. I suppose that might change after 9th March!!
3 things I'm grateful for..

My OH. He puts up with me and looks after me well - even if he does forget to buy milk.

The weekend - a welcome break from work

Struggling for a third right now.... As I sit waiting in a service garage waiting for my 1 month old car to have an engine fault fixed. Dropped it off at 8pm, came back at 3 after work and still waiting!

At least I finally got my wheatabix this morning...

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