heartburn is making itself a pain in the backside tonight, only had a cuppa and a cheese sarnie and its hit me like no-ones business! its horrible it keeps coming and going which is the worst thing about it i think its finally gone and nope a few seconds later i can feel it creeping back up.
Moses basket arrived at half 2

couldn't wait to get it out so i thought to cheer myself up i'll set it up all ready with her freshly washed blanket and have it ready and waiting in the living room
Still can't get over how unbothered midwife was on the phone earlier its like she didnt give a damn, spoke to MIL about it and she said to phone antenatal in the morning and try and bring my appointments forward and see if they can do that and get some answers that way.
still got the itching but i dont know whats causing it :/ i dont know if to mention this at my consultant appointment as i dont know if they will repeat bloods or not :/
me being me i've decided to wash and dry all babies clothes now at this time of night I just thought as i looked through what we have that it needs to be done now as i dont reckon i will make it past 37 weeks, something keeps bugging me that i wont as it feels like shes dropped and can feel her pushing down and feeling all the pressure.
fingers crossed tomorrow is a better day