**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Ta much! I am very grateful that baby has turned!

I know, Kitten :lol: I am lucky I don't work because I don't think i'd have been in attendance much during this pregnancy if i had!

Oh emmalouise, i'm sorry your MW is such a cow :-( I have to admit, i've had really lovely ones so far, and feeling very grateful for that.
Yay for baby turning Rooster! Need to get some tips.

I am off on leave for 2 days because our furniture was meant to arrive tomorrow, called Mamas and Papas as we had no delivery date confirmation since ordering in October or paying the remainer of the balance in Jan and it turns out they hadn't processed it properly! So now have 2 days off to do absolutely nothing, the person I dealt with was lovely she's arrange for delivery on Saturday, refunded our delivery charge and is sending us out a gift voucher as an apology. Hoping thats the only drama and nursery will be complete by Sunday.
heartburn is making itself a pain in the backside tonight, only had a cuppa and a cheese sarnie and its hit me like no-ones business! its horrible it keeps coming and going which is the worst thing about it i think its finally gone and nope a few seconds later i can feel it creeping back up.

Moses basket arrived at half 2 :) couldn't wait to get it out so i thought to cheer myself up i'll set it up all ready with her freshly washed blanket and have it ready and waiting in the living room :)
Still can't get over how unbothered midwife was on the phone earlier its like she didnt give a damn, spoke to MIL about it and she said to phone antenatal in the morning and try and bring my appointments forward and see if they can do that and get some answers that way.
still got the itching but i dont know whats causing it :/ i dont know if to mention this at my consultant appointment as i dont know if they will repeat bloods or not :/

me being me i've decided to wash and dry all babies clothes now at this time of night I just thought as i looked through what we have that it needs to be done now as i dont reckon i will make it past 37 weeks, something keeps bugging me that i wont as it feels like shes dropped and can feel her pushing down and feeling all the pressure.

fingers crossed tomorrow is a better day :)

Phone your Supervisor of midwives. Decline further care from that midwife and request one that has the time a patience to show some support to heavily pregnant women! c
Ladies remind me why i went on Mat leave early? 3 Full days at home with my darling beautiful but very hard work 2.5yo and im thinking work was the easier option!

sorry to hear you're all still suffering. Rooster your poor thing its been one thing after another hasn't it!

Kitten im with you there. Partially i can't wait to have our boy here safely. But partly I'm petrified from the memories of that first 6 blurry, agonising, exhausting but also beautiful special weeks, knowing im doing that all over but with DD to worry about to! I really dont know how she will cope having to share us! If he comes on his due date then OHs first week back at work will be an oncall one! Which means its likely he will be out from 7am until 9/10/11pm for the full 7 day week... Talk about in the deep end with 2 on my own! XD
We will muddle through I'm sure!
arghhh!! i just typed 3 paragraphs in my post and only one has shown
she was actually pretty nice and same midwife i had to see when i was pregnant with Ollie, but this time around she just doesn't seem bothered she knows what happened with the pre-eclampsia and high bp, so surely she should/would be more observant and actually take a little more time out to check etc.
she said to just take paracetamol if i still have the pain at the top of my bump i'm like yeah right thats gonna do a lot to help aint it.

Em, it is hard aint it with a lil one to run around after all day, Ollie will be 2 in May literally 2 weeks after due date of this lil one and he is a little terror but he is so cute with it i just end up letting him get away with everything lol

How odd, you'd have thought she'd keep an extra eye on you!

Yup, definitely hard work being heavily pregnant and looking after a toddler at the same time!
I know yeah Rooster, its stupid aint it, surely she should be keeping an eye on me more as previous pregnancy problems, i'll just pick it up with consultant and see what he says.
i'm fed up of it all now, hope the next 9 weeks hurry up and go fast now. Its like with this pregnancy the midwife doesn't seem to give a crap and just smiles and nods at anything i say and sends me on my way.

Good morning ladies! How are you all today? Hope you all start feeling better as seems that most of you have gone through so many things recently...
Myself I woke up with a stiff and achy back and hips yesterday which lasted all day and then might of pulled my neck muscle which is soooo sore now. And on top of that (sorry TMI) I've got piles which are worst I've ever had...And of course I've got it all in one day, not fun... The best part is that piles are caused by pregnancy hormones (which makes everything relaxed), I've read that in most cases it will go soon after the birth. So it seems I might need to deal with them for another 8 weeks at least...oh nooooooo...I really hope none of you get them because it is not fun. It hurts to sit it hurts to walk it hurts basically most of the time...Will be heading to pharmacy today to see if I can get anything to help reduce the discomfort.

Sorry for the morning rant ladies, I hope you have a much better morning today!!!
Hi graci, hope you start to feel comfortable soon. Its okay to have a rant we all need to sometomese. I feel like all
Ive done for the last couple of days is moan and whinge and rant.
Another night of being uncomfortable. Kept waking up to move soon as I got on my right side braxton hicks started up. Dont feel too good this morning even though went to bed pretty early. Headache is still there as well. So gonna phone the community midwives later on and see what they say. The swelling in my feet is making the skin feel tight. Another hour and gotta get the older two up for school x
Poor you Emmalouise, I really hope that the midwives can help you out. There must be something that can make you feel better at least for some symptoms... Let us know how you get on today!
Morning all,

I had a bad nights sleep per usual and woken up with the most painful period pains I've had all pregnancy but my belly isn't tightening so I'm going to try and ignore them for now.

I woke up thinking I need wheatabix and so decided I'd have breakfast before leaving - unwrapped them put them in my bowl, open the fridge and..
No milk!! My OH did the weekly shop last night but forgot the milk! I was so angry :( not impressed at all. Now I'm at work hungry without anyway to satisfy my craving. OH has ruined my day.

To top it off - my manager who sits next to me felt it was acceptable to come in today absolutely dripping of the flu. Coughing and sneezing without covering her nose/ mouth. I really am offended. I'm 35 weeks - did she not think about how that would effect me at all?
Some people have no manners or common sense Prettypee!

I had an awful night sleep too, heartburn was so bad I thought I was going to be sick it's not been like that since Christmas. So glad I'm off work today and can just laze about this morning.

Getting lots of big movements this morning so fingers crossed baby is wriggling their way round. I don't see my midwife again until 36 weeks which I thought was a bit long?
Morning ladies,

Hope everyone is as well as they can be :)

Sounds like it's going to be one of those days prettypee! I've been getting period type cramps all pregnancy but over the last week or so they've been really painful. Midwife wasn't concerned when I mentioned them to her as they are random and will last anywhere between 10 seconds and an hour. Apparently it's just my body making it's final adjustments before d-day!

If it helps, everyone in my office is like that. They don't seem to care if they make the whole office ill. So when someone does come in, gives me their bug and I have time off to recover, everyone gets annoyed that you've had time off ill!! It's worse now being pregnant because I really am picking up everything going :( There's a woman in at the minute who is not only coughing and spluttering (which I've already got/had so not a huge issue) but she keeps needing to go to the loo to throw up!! GO HOME WOMAN AND STOP MAKING EVERYONE ILL!!! Sorry, went on a bit of a rant there!

On the plus side for me, I'm finally managing a full nights sleep without being woken by this bloody cough!!! How is your cough now rooster? I hope everyone else has managed to avoid catching it!!! xx
Hope ur all starting to feel better.

Prettypee things like that set me up in a bad mood all day too. I also can't stand it when I'll people should b at home rather than spreading their bugs!

Cossie I'm getting period like cramps too on and off over past few days I have to wander round and change position. Seeing midwife on Monday but I thought they were just a normal part of pregnancy. Baby keeps going really low too usually when I'm walking down to the shops where it then takes me ages to waddle home lol

Not too long to go now, 6 weeks and two days till due day, although I hope little one is early! Time really is rushing by!
Hi guys getting into batch cooking/baking mood today, can't completely clean everywhere as hubby finishing some sanding and painting in hallway so that nesting will be later but today Im thinking scones, fairy cakes, maybe a sponge and maybe a dessert for tonight...lets see how I get on...Im then going to cook a load of chicken dishes for the freezer when Tesco delivery arrives later....got plenty of mince made up already....let's see what i achieve by tonight as may get too sleepy standing up all the time lol...
Still havent gotten round to phoning the community midwives. Ive only just managed to sit down after taking kids to school then going town to do food shop.
Headache is still there and sciatica has decided to rear its ugly head :(
Swear this is the worst pregnancy ive ever had! I really should start to relax more and not stress but I really cant help it. Its just one of those things where stress and not being able to relax is gettin on my nerves. Im normally really laid back and take each thing as it comes but not now.

On a positive note Ollie has started to show interest in using the toilet and asking to go x
I had a better nights sleep after a mug of ovaltine. But woke up to horrendous heartburn. I feel like I could actually breathe fire!!

Discovered at dentist im a chronic tooth grinder which explains my tooth issues! Not impressed that it's taken my new NHS dentist (using my exemption) to discover this after paying privately for 10 years!!! So big plan of action in place once baby is here!

I've had no period type pains at all, just sciatica and baby poking and wiggling around. I have had to dig out my Anusol cream :shock:

Hi Ladies ok so completely knackered but sense of achievement...baked rocky mountain cakes, fairy cakes (inc half choc chip, choc chip & ginger cookies and an apple crumble for tonight...after a short break I then went on to make a batch load of chicken and divided into three meals for the two of us in tubs ready for freezing...phew...my back and feet ache and baby was wiggling a lot as if to say time for a break lol but now can get on with actual tea...good way to pass the time while hubby painting the hallway...

Sorry to hear you're suffering Chazabell - breathing fire sounds horrendous , heartburn is no fun...Ive been lucky so long as have small meals and often and dont eat after 8pm Im ok...still have remnants of my cough from my bronchitis but only occasionally so not too bad...

Aimee, only had occasional period like pains whereby warm hands soothes it...but like you think she is working her way into pelvis as keep feeling rolls v low down and pressure when walking... not quite at waddling stage but sure its not far off lol..
Hey all. Generally feeling muchos better today. My appetite is slowly starting to return. I didn't manage breakfast or lunch but managed a bit of tea, so feeling a sense of achievement!

My cough is still lingering but isn't as bad as it was, thank goodness!

No period type pains here. I never had ANY labour signs during my 42 week pregnancy last time, so not expecting anything this time!

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