**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Its horrible. My BP was a Lil raised last week at midwife appointment but not too concerning. But just know that its gone up thanks to the stress that's been added lately.
Gonna get home and put my feet up for half hour to an hour and see what happens. Only noticed the swollen feet/ankels when I put my converse on and they felt tight so had to loosen them up more.
Feeling pressure now as well as im walking back from the school think shes starting to plan her escape and trying to headbutt her way out lol.
Just waiting for phone call from jobcentre so if they aint phoned by 10 ill ring them myself.

Heartburn is the worst. I suffer with it a lot wnd nothing seems to help. I drank some orange cordial the other day and it set it off. Pretty much anything I eat can set it off.
:( Doesn't sound fun at all emma - it's nice that you can ask your MIL to help out, that should really help take some pressure off. We don't want any April mummies having their babies just yet - they need to cook for a little while longer!! I hope you manage to get thing sorted emma.

How are you feeling today rooster? I'm still not great but I got my first full nights sleep in almost a week last night but I'm still coughing my guts up. I'm hoping this is the antibiotics starting to kick in now.

Hope all April mummies are doing ok this morning! :) xx
Thanks cossie I'll be fine just gotta plod along aint I.
Baby is moving fine so thats a good thing.
Mil is a god send when shes over from Cardiff. She's always offering to help or if we need help she'll do what she can if we ask. She said shes coming over the beginning of April ready for when baby comes so she can look after jay Lilly and Ollie for us when we have to go into hospital. X
I think my chest infection is easing, thanks cossie. Just suffering with nausea again. I ate next to nothing yesterday and haven't contemplated breakfast yet today. There is literally nothing I fancy eating, but I know I have to :-(
Had phone call just as I was bout to ring docs to check if they have blood results.
A trainee made a mistake and put it through as a jsa claim and now we are priority and they've sorted it all now :) and paying us what they owe us today by 4 oclock :) finally some good news. Mil is popping round in an hout or so to have Ollie and Lilly while I have a relaxing soak in the bath and freshen up said she will also pick jay up from school at 10 past 3. She is an absolute god send to us :)
Feel better now I know whats going on.
But still got headache dont help that Lilly has kerrang on the TV singing along to all the songs on the top if her lungs bless her.
Going to give docs or midwife a ring about the swelling as well in a bit x
Yay!! Really pleased it's good news for you emma!! :D Enjoy your well deserved soak in the bath! :)

Question re iron tablets - I thought they helped stop the light headed dizzy feelings? I'm at work and still feeling light headed every so often and my legs feel like they're made from lead. Could it be the antibiotics stopping the iron tablets from doing their job?
Bloods have come back normal so thats a relief. Midwife phoned me as well told her bout the swelling etc she said its nothing to worry about. Shocked me cuz of my previous pregnancy and having pre-eclampsia.
Just over 2 weeks til I have my next scan and consultant appointment so will mention it to them unless if I feel its gettin worse ill give fau a ring and see what they say.
Midwife didnt seem
Overly bothered either like she was in a rush to get off the phone x
My baby does not want me to sleep. Bed is the co first place for me at the moment with my sciatica, but I get in, get comfy and boom.....wide awake! Then I'm tossing & turning all through the night, up for the loo too which is new.

Got back into bed and said "bump is preparing me for his arrival" meaning sleepless nights and hubby shot up lol thinking I was starting in labour ha ha! xxx
I've had a mental 3 hours in work barely had the chance to sit down so back is a bit uncomfortable and baby seems to be enjoying poking their head out from my ribs every now and again which makes it hard to concentrate, it really is the strangest feeling!

Glad your results have came back clear Emma but if you still have concerns don't leave it the 2 weeks especially if you've experienced pre-eclampsia before.
Really pleased to hear your bloods are normal emma! But totally agree with CDx, make sure that if you have any concerns don't wait til your next appointment.

I can't even begin to imagine what sciatica is like, but even without it I only have to mention the word 'bed' and baby goes nuts! Almost like he's trying to let me know what to expect when he makes his arrival! So that I can sympathise with! Especially the needing the loo.. That one is new for me too. But if I do wake for what ever reason I automatically need to pee!! It's not bothered me til now though!

As for movements, despite there being increasingly less room for him to move in, he doesn't seem to care! I regularly see my belly moving out by a good couple of cm at least whiles he's having a shift about! Feels so bizarre!
Whoop, got my 32 week scan this afternoon! Can't wait to see little baby again. I really hope baby has flipped!
Good luck Rooster! Hopefully they have been doin some acrobatics to get in the right position.
Good luck rooster hope baby has moved for you :) I really dont know if to phone antenatal and ask them if they can bring my appointment forward or not as its put down as 34 week scan and consultant review for that day :/
Was having a cuddle with my Lil boy and he fell asleep on me not a good time especially when I need the loo lol
Good luck Rooster!! I really admire how you have had so many scans and not been tempted to find out whether you're having a boy or girl!!

If it's worrying you that much emma I'd definitely call. It's not worth the stress you'll be in over the next couple of weeks when you could get checked in the next couple of days. Cute picture hun!! :)
Hes a little terror but wouldn't have him any other way :)
Ill give them a ring either tomorrow or Friday see if they can do anything about swapping the day.
Im so tired I could just fall to sleep now but nope I need to go shop for some gas and milk and maybe something nice try and cheer myself up x
Thank ladies. The scan went well, the baby has flipped and is growing nicely along the 50th centile. Thank goodness baby isn't causing any concerns! Mummy is a tiny bit poorly, I got keytones and some protein in my wee which shows I am slightly dehydrated due to the recent vomiting and diarrhea :-( The doctor did feel sorry for me as I spurned off my list of problems this last week - cold, chest infection, eye infection, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. I said I was lucky and a stay at home mum but both doctor and midwife laughed saying I've got it harder than those who work precisely because of that! Toddlers are a lot of work especially when me and OH are poorly. To be honest, it was the most recognition I'd had all week and felt like crying with relief!

Aside from that though, I'm very very grateful that baby is doing so well. I've been told not to worry about eating either and just concentrate on fluids, I was reassured baby will be fine, so that was lovely to hear too.
Im soo pleased for you Rooster as you have had a hard time of it. Was just saying to OH think can count on two hands how many weeks you've NOT been unwell. Baby has flipped - woohoo! success! Now the challenge of keeping them there! Lots of walking, sitting up straight and spending time on hands and knees - until they have no space to turn full circle which isn't far off...

keep wondering whether our little girl has engaged as felt a lot of movement in pelvis area the other day and feels very heavy in that area so who knows...Bought some miracle flame candles the other day and they arrived - they are ace because it gives the illusion of candlelight without the fire hazard (which with cats in the house and choosing to have a waterbirth is something to think about)...have ordered some more to have dotted around the room...think we're pretty much as prepared as we can be....fx

Can't believe only 4wks til term and 7wks til full term...anyone else getting that sitting on the fence feeling - the one where on the one hand you're excited or just ready for baby to be here but on the other hand scared that your pregnant state will soon be no more with all its joys like first movements etc? (I realise for some they've already jumped over the fence are are keen to run to the finishing line due to unfortunate and relentless symptoms but I think I'll be a tiny bit sad not to have the constant reassurance of a moving baby inside of me (wouldnt have imagined myself saying that a few months ago!). Despite all of that went for a walk today and the weight of baby and the pressure on my bladder and cervix really brings it home the magnitude of what is soon to happen...

sorry ladies, Im blabbing on too much...
Rooster that's amazing news!!!!

I'm not convinced baby has turned. Think he's attempted but spins around instead. I measured my bumpy self today and got sane measurement as midwife last week which was 2cm under. But he's kicking and wiggling around so I'm not fretting too much, I'm 5'11" so he has plenty of room in there. At midwife again on Tuesday xxx
heartburn is making itself a pain in the backside tonight, only had a cuppa and a cheese sarnie and its hit me like no-ones business! its horrible it keeps coming and going which is the worst thing about it i think its finally gone and nope a few seconds later i can feel it creeping back up.

Moses basket arrived at half 2 :) couldn't wait to get it out so i thought to cheer myself up i'll set it up all ready with her freshly washed blanket and have it ready and waiting in the living room :)
Still can't get over how unbothered midwife was on the phone earlier its like she didnt give a damn, spoke to MIL about it and she said to phone antenatal in the morning and try and bring my appointments forward and see if they can do that and get some answers that way.
still got the itching but i dont know whats causing it :/ i dont know if to mention this at my consultant appointment as i dont know if they will repeat bloods or not :/

me being me i've decided to wash and dry all babies clothes now at this time of night I just thought as i looked through what we have that it needs to be done now as i dont reckon i will make it past 37 weeks, something keeps bugging me that i wont as it feels like shes dropped and can feel her pushing down and feeling all the pressure.

fingers crossed tomorrow is a better day :)


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