**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Im just on my way to pick Lilly up from school it wad awful last night. No matter which way I got it hurt. I hate wasting time if it turns out to be something silly. I know that's what they're there for to put our minds at ease etc but really don't dreading if it is pre-eclampsia.
I know what to look out for this time around with it as I had it with last pregnancy. So tempted to get my eldest outta school as well now as feeling like crap xx
Sorry if a) it's been brought up before and b) if TMI but I think I may have lost my plug this morning.... But I'm not 100% sure what it's supposed to be like :( Any chance someone might be able to enlighten me?
Cossie it can be different for many! I lost mine at 31 but it can.grow back and unfortunately rarely has an.effect on labour! It can be increased discharge over a period of time - often will be a bit streaky (bloody) or pinkish, it can also come out at once looking like your cervix taking a MASSIVE sneeze! Not so pleasant.... Doesnt always have blood in it though.

I got told not to be concerned regarding plug - only contact for waters.

Hope that helps xx
Cossie, advice may vary in different places,but if your plug has streaks of blood then to. Contact your triage/midwife for advice because this CAN be a sign of possible oncoming labour/dilation. Happened with me with my first son and turned out to be fine, but was told never to hold back on information regarding streaks of pink/brown/blood etc...if it's clear or white, then it's totally normal. It neither me small clumps that sink to the bottom of the toilet bowl or massive stringy snot...and lots of it. It's gross....
Good news from the midwife blood pressure is back to normal and samples were clear for glucose! Baby is still breech but we have 5 weeks to try encourage them to head for the exit. Feel like a weight has been lifted.

Cossie thankfully you brought this up I've been wondering the same.
I only ever lost my plug with my first and that was 2 days before I actually went into labour with him.
I think ive been loosing bits of it with this one which im not too sure about but know that ur plug can regenerate itself.
Ive phoned midwife and she said to wait for my bloods to come back which should be tomorrow as she requested a full blood count etc as well as to check my bile acids cuz of the itching she asked if I was sure the pain at the top of my bump isnt baby pushing up and I said I was positive it wasnt said if it hasnt subsided by Thursday afternoon to give her a ring back and she will phobe fau to get me seen asap.
At the moment its not too bad but know its there but been keeping busy to keep my mind off of it and to stop my mind my from wondering x
Thanks guys, you're all fab :) Judging by descriptions it was definitely my plug. I won't worry too much as there was no blood or blood streaks - I don't want him this early anyway! I have heard it comes back and some women don't even notice it going! I do wonder if I've been coughing so much the last few days that it's loosened it or something? If that's even possible!

I feel like such a noob!! I feel like I don't know anything! :wall2:
Haha to be fair my midwife advise isn't exactly reliable... The hospital did say if it was bloody to get checked out but without blood in it then not to worry. Just keep an eye on how you feel and if you feel off at any point give them.a ring as best to be safe x

My plug has started to go again, 3 weeks after last time, this time Its not been all in one go. It feels so strange body watching all day long! I am driving myself a little insane....
I'm on body watch too prettypee! I think it's down to the fact that it hit me the other day that I'm only just over 3 weeks away from being technically full term!! :O
Hi Cossie, ditto but 4 weeks for me, and her movements have certainly become more forceful causing more braxton hicks, getting them daily now and often 2 or 3 times an hour in that day. Only got a bit of what I would call mild period pain at same time and occasionally get the tingly feeling down below but other than that bodywatching hasn't come up with anything unusual...yet...

Emmalouise, I get the achy top of my bump just at rib area and when sat in a certain way it is definately her trying to gain more space, feel what I assume is her feet moving across belly and jabbing at my bust lol...Oh and today she made a run for it at my belly button lol - felt that whole area bulge out by a cm at least!

One thing that was scary was earlier was watching a TV series that had opera music in it and boy when that started she was all over the place...Im hoping it means she hates it cos I do lol....
****warning may content explicit words**** ***rant***

So just got a text from job center saying they have received a claim from us for job seekers when we applied for income support as thats what we are entitled too.
Phoned job center as to ask why we received this text and they've said its gone through as a income support claim but coming up as a job seekers claim and that they will contact me tomorrow to tell me whats going on and if they have sorted it.
Now ive got added stress ontop of everything money worries and worrying bout my bloods coming back etc so scared the stress is gonna kick off prem labour I told them this on the phone and they said to calm dowb and that my Dss and child tax and benefit will cover living costs when it wont when we have bills to pay out and what not! Fuckin job center no good for nothing arseholes! Might just phone them back at 9 tomorrow morning and see what they say we cant go without and we're cutting back enough as it is and I dont wanna ask for handouts I hate that!
Feel like crying :(
Try not to stress yourself Emma :hug:

If you don't get anywhere with them tomorrow contact citizens advice and see if they can help you. You've not done anything to be ashamed of, if you need help you need help. You deserve it. If we can do anything g or help with anything here we will.

How many people sit on their arse and get their own way? Take a leaf from their book....relax and it will get fixed!!

I've had zero heartburn today even after a rich pasta for lunch (wanted tuna pasta but had no tuna :( ) so I think all the wiggling baby did last night was him possibly turning and loving lower intoy pelvis and it's eased pressure only stomach.....maybe??

I think I lost some plug at 31 weeks, pinky brown discharge that lasted a morning and nothing since xxx
Emma you and your OH have paid into the system you are only taking back what you deserve.
Job Centre processes are so frustrating, hopefully they get it sorted soon for you. Easier said than done but try not to stress.
I'm feeling miserable. The upbeat start to the day did not last. The antibiotics have kicked in and loosening my chest so the coughing has got more intense and more loose. My eye infection calmed down significantly, but my toddler took it over pretty swiftly :-(

I've felt nauseous all day. All I've eaten is a quarter of toast and half a chocolate finger. I feel like I have air bubbles or something lingering in my windpipe/lungs, making me really uncomfortable - not sure if Rennies is the answer, but this has been my major problem all day.

To top it off I am filled with stress because of being so consistently under the weather, and if it isn't me, it's my son - which is worse. My parents and husband have lost all empathy now because they're bored of hearing how I feel, so I know to keep my trap shut now and suffer alone. All I want is a cuddle. I really really have had enough and don't relish feeling so horrible all the time.

Sorry for the moan ladies :-(
thanks chazabell and cdx.
OH has said to give them a ring tomorrow morning if they havent gotten back to us by 10 so will be defo giving them a ring.
Bless him though he has tried to calm me down and stop the stress by cooking tea and putting the kids to bed and doing the washing up and bringing me a cuppa with some biscuits its helped but still feel the stress niggling away a little.
I'm just hoping that the stress isnt going to cause my bp to be mega high etc but knowing my luck it'll stick with me now til the end of the pregnancy :( feel crap still itchy hands, headache pain at the top of my bump as well :(
really hoping for a couple of good days where i dont get any of the itchiness, headache and pain. fingers crossed march will be a better month for us all.

Rooster bless ya chick, hopefully in a few days you'll start to feel better and the coughing will have eased for you :) x
Best to try and not stress too much emma as others have said. Easier said than done though I know. I really hope they sort it for you hun

I'm the same rooster. Although I haven't felt any better at all just worse still. I'm hoping that it's because they haven't kicked in but will kick in tomorrow. I'll be really upset if I take the full course as still feel crap! I'm really lucky with my OH. He's been looking after me loads. He says he doesn't mind too much as he knows I've got to make sure our baby is healthy - he is so sweet at times I just want to cry!!! Lol x
I've had a good day pregnancy wise....still no heartburn! Went out for a pre baby date night, American burger bar. Amazing burger, fries washed down with a milk shake and a sundae :) gorgeous!!!!

Tumble dryer AND microwave have arrived so we are all prepared for baby and mountain of washing and heating things from freezer for tea. 6 years we've lived together and not needed either. Think they'll be ornaments for a while!!

Emma let OH take the stress from you. You focus on you, baby and keeping that blood pressure low. Get all the help you can from citizens advice and explain your situation with back up if medical from your GP if needed that you don't need their mess ups! They do cause unnecessary stress! My BIL is having a mare with them at the moment!! xxx
Didnt sleep too well last night but still gotta get on with things. Moses basket is being delivered today mil only ordered it yesterday as well so that's one thing to be excited/happy about.
Gonna phone docs to see if they have my blood results back yet.
Wish I could just sleep for all day and not do anything but we all know that's impossible with school run twice in the morning and once in the afternoon plus having to clean up etc
I might just get mil to pick Lilly up from nursery today so can get through sorting babys clothes out and washing ans drying them all.
Now to top it off my feey/ankels etc have swollen :( everything is just going on in one go or in a couple of days x
Along with the headaches? I'd give your GP or midwife a call see if you can get an appointment and try take it easy Emma.

I can't seem to eat or drink without heartburn appearing...If the old wives tale is true this baby is going to have some amount of hair.

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