**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Bless you all I know how it feels but luckily just have bad cough now esp morning n night n if go outside...

Cossie/CDx ive felt hiccups twice now n both times v low where head is. Rythmic gentle kicks is best description n yes for 2-5mins. Also tjink she's testing my pelvis for space as have felt a lot of rolls/nudges near pubic bone not felt before. ..who knows she cud b trying to engage...
Not good to hear so many are still suffering. Hope we improve soon and the time starts to fly in again. Emmajane just check with work that your maternity will be starting when you want it to. With me if I am off sick in the four week period before it was due to start they will bring forward maternity date instead of leaving you on the sick. Not that there's much you can do about it if you're not fit for work but unfortunately means you'd have to go back a month earlier next Year. I can bearly walk at moment but going to have to somehow struggle back to work so I'm not sent off early:( just don't want same thing happening to you without you realising. Goodluck

Thanks hun, I did check policy and with my work it is if you are off sick 4 weeks before baby is due they will start maternity, so at 36 weeks, but I'd planned to start my maternity at 36 weeks anyway so it makes no difference to me.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling to walk, is it SPD? That's what I'm off with. If it is have you looked into seeing a chiropractor? Mine has honestly made the world of difference to me, although I can't work I can move around (all be it slowly and for very short periods of time), without it I'm pretty sure I'd be bed bound by now!

Ive tried gettin him in the docs but gotta phone again at half 2 to get an emergency appointment.
He doesn't seem too bad now just his eyes look really sore and has a pretty bad cough.
Whooping cough needle wasn't too bad just feel like I have a dead arm now. Said it wont take affect for bout 2 weeks :/
Just gotta find energy to clean up the mess that Ollie has made lol x
Thanks ladies. I'm hoping antibiotics kick in really quickly. Hope your cough/flu/horribleness clears quickly too rooster!
Hope the antibiotics kick in soon ladies :hug:

I'm no good at this relaxing malarkey! Made shortbread, organised pan cupboard, organised side board, hoovered sofas and house....now time for a big bubble bath xxx
Awww! Make the most of it chazabell!!

Eeek! Rooster don't scare me like that!!! :lol: This time next month, the May mummies will be saying that about us lot!! Needless to say I'm starting to get scared now!!!
That's good Emmajane. My work policy is something similar but there's a worrying line in there about whichever date is soonest so worried that they could back date my maternity to when I went off sick which would be 9weeks before due date- not good. Think I'm going to have to somehow drag myself back for a while and use leave aswell. It's the driving that will be the worst I think- it takes me about 80mins each way and the thought of having to do that and then sit at a desk all day in agony is awful. I find it hard enough at home where I can lie down for 5mins if I need to. I'm really surprised how tough it can be. Definitely not cut out for this.

I'm starting to worry about the labour and birth now that its coming closer. Think my head was in the clouds until this week. Dreading it and just hoping everything goes ok and baby is safe. All very scary! We got a tour of hospital and wasn't exactly impressed. I was expecting it to be a lot more modern and more importantly cleaner. Not exactly reassuring. Anyone else not impressed with their hospital?
I avoided thinking about it and was pretty worried/nervous but after going over it in nct I have really calmed/ relaxed. It bought it home how our body's are made to adapt and they are designed to have babies. It's nature and our bodies know what to do, we just have to trust in ourselves and be as calm as possible, letting nature take its course :)

I'm feeling good today, one of the nct ladies owns a salon and has booked us in for free cut and colours pre baby - I SOOO need it and will make me feel much better - I'm looking forward to feeling freshened up :)
could just fall to sleep now, feeling like utter crap dont know if its cuz of the needle i had this morning or just in general or pregnancy related.
but i honestly feel like rubbish, been having some really bad pressure all day, and just feeling crap and down.
when i was having the needle this morning i mentioned the nurse about the pain in my butt cheeks and if its related to sciatica and she said that it is, that its more than likely going to get worse as baby gets bigger but nothing i can take for it either :(
this is the worst it has been.
today has been the worst by far for pain and feeling down hope tomorrow will be a better day on a plus side OH and me have changed our minds bout which pushchair we want and going for the maxi-cosi streety instead so should be ordering that soon :)
Oh I have been spoilt today - a chest infection and eye infection in one day. I'm a lucky, lucky girl! :-( Suffering with non-stop eye discharge and a chesty cough. Whoop...
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Rooster you lucky lucky lady!! :hug: hope all us cleared up soon!!

I'm struggling with indegestion AND heartburn! 2 hours after food it creeps up, I feel sick and have excruciating heartburn which gaviscon doesn't help, milk does but them I'm worried if I'm sock I'll be bringing up curdled milk :sick: so sip cold water! Everything sets it off. Cutting our chocolate, don't eat crisps, no fast foods. Scrambled egg this afternoon, chicken & rice this evening!!

i had wicked heartburn this afternoon after drinking orange cordial of all things.
took ages for it to calm down and finally go.
i've tried pretty much everything and nothing seems to help.
everything is hurting/causing pain now, my knees have started to cause me pain which i have no idea what has caused it.
i cant get comfy even on the settee propped with pillows etc so gonna try get to bed and see if can finally get comfy there instead.
I am so tired but just know i wont be able to sleep til later on tonight.
hoping that tomorrow will be a better day with no pain or anything.

hope march will be a better month for us all

Third trimester def isnt agreeing with us April mummies is it? in a strange way it's a relief to know I'm not the only one complaining and this is 'normal'.

Any of you ladies lucky enough to be wearing a pelvic support band that makes you feel like you constantly need to pee but you don't?
Morning ladies, had yet another sleepless night last night due to coughing. I'm really hoping the antibiotics kick in today so I can get some sleep tonight! I can't quite believe how much we all are suffering!! I hope everyone recovers from their viruses/heartburn/indigestion/nausea quickly!

No pelvic support for me CDx, just a baby who thinks it's funny to put pressure on my bladder so I go to the loo and then when I try and pee I get just a trickle but that pain you get when you're really desperate remains there!! Grrrr! He already takes after his father! :lol:
Kept waking up in pain mainly at the top of my bump and headache again.
Just want these next 9 weeks to hurry up now hope it goes quick. Gotta get ready to pick Lilly up from nursery in a bit as well.

Ordered moses basket this morning as well so should be delivered tomorrow or Thursday.
Im in two minds if to get in contact with midwife or not about headache lasting days at a time and now the pain at the top of my bump. Xx
I would emmalouise, they can be signs of pre-eclampsia, so better to get it checked x
Thank funk. Feeling much better today. Antibiotics are doing their thing at last! Just feeling shattered now. Need lots of catch up rest and then hopefully I'll be feeling okay again.
That gives me so much hope rooster! So glad to hear you're finally feeling better :)
Cossie I'm the opposite. Bursting for loo, go and it's like the flood gates have been opened. Only to need to go an hour or so later after only drinking a little!

So far no heartburn! Hooked on yoghurt honey & blueberries so if that gives me heartburn there is no hope!!

Baby is very active, think he string to turn, felt his feet last night and followed them around my tummy xxx

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