**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Pour midwife yesterday said they don't need to know if you have a show or anything as it can appear anytime and is no sign of imminent labour.

Just wear a liner and monitor things, report any fresh blood loss. Take paracetamol for back ache, and rest, try a hot bath and hot water bottle. Try not to over think things as you'll drive yourself crazy!

My midwife was useless when I spoke about my sciatica/ possible SPD all she did was......smile. Because that was really helpful!! Yesterday's midwife delivering our course gave me a support belt and showed me positions to sit in to ease back ache. Including sitting on dining room chair backwards with some pillows to mean your arms in and watch tv like that or get hubby to give you a back massage xxx
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Hopefully get blood results back by Friday or the following Monday.
Im so shattered. Just put the dinner on n now its cooking I really dont want it lol.
Kids are back to school tomorrow after having a week off for half term so will be sorting and ironing uniforms tonight ready for tomorrow morning.
Another downer is tomorrow I have my whooping cough needle tomorrow morning :( xx
My baby is really bashing around my belly today, so cute!

We've put the crib together and things are finally starting to feel as though there s a baby coming! It'll be amazing when we can start on the babies room, but that won't be for another month yet, grumble.
This is the 3rd midwife I've had, the first moved, the second got seriously ill and this was i fear the bottom of the barrel. She's approx 30? Comes in all smiles but is useless and completely unsympathetic - she smiles in a really condescending way as well. I don't like her...

On the plus side I finally feel like I could bring a baby home.... Although it'll probably be 2 weeks until.the hallway is finished! But the other rooms are neat and tidy and not allowed to get messy or there will be trouble!
Grrr I just put up the travel cot in the lounge and all was going well... Then I have to set the bassinet up... The instructions day 2 female & 2 male tubes, connect them together to make two long tubes. Only i have 4 of the same tubes that do not connect together! Now I have to get OH to contact company and try to get the right tubes sent to us- what a nightmare :(

Up since 4am in the toilet with a bad stomach and feeling sick for the 2nd time this week :( what a way to celebrate my 21st birthday!
Hope you feel better soon lizziimay and happy birthday.
My Lil boy has woken up with conjunctivitis in both eyes he had it last Wednesday but seemed to be clearing up over the weekend but looks like its worse he is starting to complain about it and moan. Keeps pointing to his eyes saying hurt and tries to wipe his eyes with his blanket or some baby wipes.
Looks like a trip to the doctors with him see if I can get him in to actually see a doctor.
Woke up with backache again and gotta get the kids up for school me and Ollie have been awake since half 6 so will ve getting the two eldest up in a bit.
In such a crappy mood as well not looking forward to the whooping cough needle this morning at half 9 x
This is the 3rd midwife I've had, the first moved, the second got seriously ill and this was i fear the bottom of the barrel. She's approx 30? Comes in all smiles but is useless and completely unsympathetic - she smiles in a really condescending way as well. I don't like her...

On the plus side I finally feel like I could bring a baby home.... Although it'll probably be 2 weeks until.the hallway is finished! But the other rooms are neat and tidy and not allowed to get messy or there will be trouble!
Give the supervisor of midwives a call and ask for a midwife who knows what they're doing :-)
First day of Mat leave today! TBH i get to run around after DD instead so i may be more worn out after a week at home than a week at work! Anyone else finished?
Can't believe its only 6wks & 6days until Due date! DD came in 4 weeks... Finally ordered the replacement car seat after getting ours back disgusting!
So nothing else to actually buy! Just sorting to do! Xx
Happy 21st Lizzimay! Hopefully your day improves.

Lucky you having started mat leave Em, I can't wait for mines.

Our furniture arrives this week Prettypee so no doubt I will end up with the same dilemma next weekend. Always a drama with flat pack furniture. Hopefully the parts don't take too long to arrive.

we had a busy weekend and I'm exhausted today. Still struggling with my back but hopefully this support band helps a bit. Midwife tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous about my blood pressure and sugar levels hoping they have sorted themselves out.

I think baby had hiccups through the night when I had bad heartburn, is it similar to the first kicks you felt?
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on much. I'm really struggling with my cough at the moment. I've not slept for the last 3 nights and the coughing has got so bad that I'm pulling muscles across the top and down the sides of my tummy :( I've called the GP surgery this morning and they're getting a GP to call me back. Hopefully I can get something for it because I can't cope for much longer.

We still haven't cleared the bedroom let alone ordered furniture! Every time we say "we'll start this weekend" we end up ill!

Started taking my iron tablets, hopefully low iron will explain why this virus has gone on for nearly 2 weeks :(

CDx, my LO had hiccups the other night. The only way I knew that they were hiccups was that it was like very gentle kicks in the same place keeping to a rhythm for about 5 mins :) it was lovely to feel!

How is everyone else today by the way? xx
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on much. I'm really struggling with my cough at the moment. I've not slept for the last 3 nights and the coughing has got so bad that I'm pulling muscles across the top and down the sides of my tummy :( I've called the GP surgery this morning and they're getting a GP to call me back. Hopefully I can get something for it because I can't cope for much longer.

We still haven't cleared the bedroom let alone ordered furniture! Every time we say "we'll start this weekend" we end up ill!

Started taking my iron tablets, hopefully low iron will explain why this virus has gone on for nearly 2 weeks :(

CDx, my LO had hiccups the other night. The only way I knew that they were hiccups was that it was like very gentle kicks in the same place keeping to a rhythm for about 5 mins :) it was lovely to feel!

How is everyone else today by the way? xx

I have been exactly the same with this cough Cossie. I saw a GP this morning and finally got some antibiotics. Last week I was told my chest was clear, I saw a different doctor today who told me that I had suffered for long enough now - and confirmed my chest was not clear!. I've not had one decent sleep for over a week now and the sleep deprivation and hormones are making me stir crazy!

I hope you get antibiotics too :-)
Happy 21st Birthday Lizzimay!

I went to bed super eay last night and woke up 3 hours later with TMI sick in my throat :( indegestion then heartburn, was awake for ages afterwards! Had no sickness through my pregnancy and id like to avoid it!

Prettypee your not having much luck with your furniture deliveries, hope you get it sorted!

1st actual day of Maternity leave. Nothing planned. Was going to walk to meet hubby at work and get a few bits of shopping but sciatica is making me housebound so I think.....bake some shortbread and have a hot bath?

What do you guys intend to on mat leave? xxx
That's great news rooster! Hopefully you can start to feel better! I had exactly the same on Friday last week being told that I sounded perfectly healthy! I beg to differ! :lol:

However, while I've been typing this I've had a phone call from my GP who said I didn't sound right down the phone and as I've suffered for way too long already, am losing sleep and am bringing up lots of phlegm then she's going to print a prescription for some antibiotics without me having to go and sit in a waiting room to be told the same thing! *breaths sigh of relief* Hopefully I can get a good nights kip now!
Happy birthday lizziimayy! Hope you have a lovely 21st! :D

Chazabell I hope you don't get sick :( there's so much going around at the moment and us April mummies seem to be taking the hit!! As for maternity leave, my last day at work is 13th March and I can't wait!!! :Dxx
That's exactly what it was like Cossie, right at my ribs where baby's head is. Fingers crossed your GP gives you some antibiotics and you get some relief and a decent sleep soon.

Homemade shortbread and a long bath sounds like bliss Chazabell, enjoy.
Happy birthday Lizziimayy, hope you feel better and are able to do something nice to celebrate.

Emmalouise, hope you have managed to get your little one to the docs, I know that the pharmacists have some treatments for conjunctivitis that you don't need a prescription for, not sure if they are ok for kiddies tho.

Em, I've finished work but on sick at the moment, but my note runs up until my maternity leave starts, so won't be back at school for over a year!! Wow, that's scary! lol

Hope things go ok with midwife CDx, fx your levels are all good

Hugs Cossie, not good to be coughing that much, but I'm glad the GP has sorted you a prescription, fx that they kick in quickly for you

Chazabell sounds like a lovely first day of maternity leave, enjoy!

Happy birthday Lizziimayy - I hope you have a great day :-)

Yay for antibiotics Cossie, I think we both deserve to feel better now! This cough/phlegm/cold has completely slayed me this past week!
Not good to hear so many are still suffering. Hope we improve soon and the time starts to fly in again. Emmajane just check with work that your maternity will be starting when you want it to. With me if I am off sick in the four week period before it was due to start they will bring forward maternity date instead of leaving you on the sick. Not that there's much you can do about it if you're not fit for work but unfortunately means you'd have to go back a month earlier next Year. I can bearly walk at moment but going to have to somehow struggle back to work so I'm not sent off early:( just don't want same thing happening to you without you realising. Goodluck

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