**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I have an appointment with a doctor first thing on Monday. I can't lie down because it makes me wheeze/cough up phlegm even more. At the moment my chest hurts and hurts even more when I cough. It feels like this could/should be an infection. Paracetamol just isn't touching it, and it isn't getting even a tiny bit better.

We were supposed to be going to a wedding today but we've had to cancel. Fortunately my parents still agreed to have our son for the weekend so we can recover (my OH has come down with man-flu).

Fun times aye?
I'm sorry guys! It does seem that the colds are out for pregnant ladies. My sinuses have been stuffy for a week but mainly morning or evening and can still breathe so I'm counting myself lucky!

Starting to get paranoid now- 34 weeks today and have a good 3 weeks before our hallway is finished :S hope baby doesn't get here too early - the house is a dump and I have no way of properly cleaning it atm
Crikey. I can't believe you are just three weeks off being 'full term'. April really isn't far away now!
Back from midwife appointment, everything was fine today, so yesterday was a random reading. Thought it might have been, as I was fine in myself, but always better to be safe.

Had an awful night sleep last night, my SPD was really, really sore and I couldn't get comfy. Am going to go for a nap now, hopefully be able to drop off.

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Glad all is ok emmajane!

Today my beagle, who usually hates given me cuddles or attention, decided to come up, sit on my lap and is now laying accross my body with her head nestled under my arm. So unlike her. Wonder if she's sensing something...


My cockapoo who is cuddly all the times also getting in on the action


Bad time to need the loo
Hi prettypee, whenever I spend time with my belly, ie, watching stroking etc, one of our cats has taken to sitting hear me and watching with me, think she's probably wondering what I'm looking at lol...Btw for all those ppl coughing out there, one thing that made me smile through the misery was the effect a cough had on my belly button, at first it was freaky then it made me laugh as it properly pokes out by approx half an inch when coughing lol.... hope everyone gets better soon, rotten timing just as we're all trying to get ours heads into gear and relax in preparation for the big day...I don't know bout you guys but deep breathing relaxation and coughing up your guts just don't mix lol....
Glad everything went ok Emmajaine.
So cute Prettypee.

Today has been better my left hip is so much better after physio yesterday. Went to get my hair done this morning which made me feel better too. Went into town for some shopping and quickly realised the physio can't work miracles and I still need to take it a bit easier.
Hmm I'm probably just being paranoid here but...

Last night BH and cramps bad, dogs start getting clingy. Today bh & cramps on/off, lower back pain, dogs again are really clingy and went on a mental nesting spree. Clearing out my wardrobes, throwing a binbag full of clothes as well as cleaning everything from top to bottom and getting the crib in my room with matress and bedding. Then in addition (TMI ALERT) I have been having increased discharge. Until now in tri 3 I only had it when I wiped and not much of it but now it's covering my knickers to the point where I'm having to wear a liner.... I'm starting to think things might be happening!

Please tell me I'm going crazy and over thinking it!
I've had to wear liners every day from tri 2, think it's completely normal Hun, try not to worry (easier said than done I know!) xx
It's not that alone that's got me thinking it, it's the fact suddenly everything's going on at one time. The increased discharge coincides with the strengthening of cramps and bh along with bad lower back pain. Midwife appointment is tomorrow so will bring it up then. I just know that a change is happening with my body- I can tell that somethings switched but doesn't mean I'm in early labour I just sense it's coming.

I guess just time will tell.
That's fair Hun, in that case I'd say listen to your body and if you are worried give the Maternity assessment unit a call.

Prettypee, you just NEVER know, it IS a sign of progression, you only have 6 weeks to go after all! And, when I was 35 weeks with my first I went all systems go with cleaning, feeling like I was about to burst, pelvic pressure, bh, and everything else that goes with getting ready, I was still 5 days over due. I'm only 31 weeks pregnant now and I am having so much discharge and loosing my plug and getting through thick liners like no mans business.

But, you're doing the right things, keeping an eye in symptoms and nesting :) you really dint know what. Your body is going to do. You might pop early, on time or late....sometimes our body plays tricks in us.
Keep feeling like Lil miss is trying to escape lol can feel her pushing down and now and again and it feels dead weird its like an electric shock kinda feeling takes ya by surprise dont think it helped that I was on my feet pretty much all afternoon yesterday going town coming back doin tea then doin a bit if baking for after dinner today. So shes probs just movin down into a more comfortable position.
Seriously though it feels like shes head butting my cervix lol its such a weird feeling I can't remember my other 3 doing this lol.
Feeling like im in a better mood but doubt it will last as the itching is starting to bug me again ive been able to ignore it but its the god damn feet thats making it harder to ignore More than anything.
Now also got heartburn :(

I keep getting heartburns fow the last few weeks now. Sometimes during the eday but mainly at night as soon as I lay down.
Hi Emma, I get this occasionally esp if been on my feet for a while. At the moment she is very active moving side to side and some of her nudges can be quite intense esp[ if lie on my side, feel like she's trying to push a hole in it lol. She hasn't yet discovered my ribs but its only a matter of time now...by week 36 they should be engaging their heads in the pelvis area so guessing right now your LO is testing it out for space lol...I get the head butting too but not just the cervix, sometimes think she's head butting my back end too v weird sensation!

Hope the itching gets better, you mayb need some time off your feet to let it calm down but easier said than done I know...
Its such a weird feeling. Midwife said that she'll be moving in and out my pelvis as she has more room because ive had 3 babies already. Ive had bloods done as well for the itching to test my liver function and bile acids to rule out OC. Which im hoping its not.
The itching I can ignore most of the time but sometimes it gets too much and end up scratching like mad last night was the worst its been as it was unbearable. Midwife told me to go straight to the fau to get checked ovet if it gets worse but dont wanna waste time if its not anything serious xx
Oooo ladies don't we all sound frustrated?

Prettypee....your pooches are adorable! Pone of my house bunnies who hates cuddles has started letting me pick her up and she'll sit for a little cuddle, and my boy bunny keeps jumping up around my knees like he's needy. So cute, I wonder if they can sense something too?

Emmalouise when do you get your blood work results?

My sciatica has returned.....luckily only on 1 side at the moment and not radiating into my buttocks, but can feel it in my groin. Tummy has started to ache. Was at a family party last night and sat up right to ease my back and when I stood up my belly just ached and twinges.....don't know if it's BH or just aches. Different to what I've had before but I know he's breech so I've no way of going into labour any time soon! Keep feeling his head hitting my ribs then a little flutter down below like he's showing off he's breech!!

Our antenatal course was really good yesterday. OH complained his chair was uncomfortable then fell asleep with the relaxation part lol. But he was asking questions about petted ins affecting baby, as he doesn't want to see baby in a spaced out state. We saw the birthing rooms, the pool room was amazing with candles and fairy lights. Very homely and relaxing and it backed up what I already knew....I want a wate birth!

Asked about how long we have to stay in, was told o can have a 6 hour discharge if I really wanted to but they'd like us to stay in for 1 night to regain some energy.....so I've accepted I'll be in for 1 night and this also gives hubby chance to get a good sleep before baby comes home.

The breastfeeding info was fantastic and I'm booked onto a breastfeeding group in March too. On maternity leave now and it's all starting to feel very very real :)

Midwife was not very useful today- I explained the issues I'm having especially the back pain which has really come with vengeance and the discharge which today has a pink tinge. The mw says " and? " so I said well should I be concerned? What can I do to avoid it as the cramps are uncomfortable? Could it be an infection? Could my body be preparing for labour?

She said well it could be anything. If it's labour coming then theres nothing I can do. There's nothing she can suggest for pain. Just paracetamol and let my body get on with things. She "doesn't have a crystal ball" sigh it really knocks my faith in NHS midwives
Urm, sounds like a right miserable cow... Is she your usual midwife?

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