**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Take iron tablets with your main meal as they can make you feel horrible on a light stomach.

I feel like I've got moaning out of my system this week now. Feels flat but no longer feel need to upload about it so guess that's a move in right direction lol.

The niggles are still there but I'm getting a bit calmer.... Watch this space as I doubt it will last long!
Hi cossie re: cough try 2tsp honey 2tsp lemon juice in hot mug water worked a treat. Hard as it is try n train yourself to breath thru nose give throat a break. We also used a warm mist humidifier although boiling kettle continuously with flannel over then breathing in from flannel helped too...aside from that loads of water...

Not low on iron so cant help there I'm afraid

You're not bringing us down but clearly our immune system takes a hit this month as very strange how everyone ill at same time...
Ive got my ohs sister comin at 2 so a house full of 5 kids under 6 for a few hours :) I dont mind belongs they all play together but doubt Ollie will play much he'll be more interested in baby Eva lol.
I've completely forgot to phone docs as the woman who took my blood told me to make an appointment for 2 weeks time to see midwife to get my blood results back. Oh had to remind me to phone them. Ive gotta go shop to get some milk n teabags no doubt ill end up forgetting one or the other and end up buying some other crap we dont need lol.

Think my mom has given up she hasnt spoke to me all morning I normally get a message asking how things are.

Cossie I feel pretty much the same. I got a cold a couple of weeks ago and spent days in bed. It's turned into a cough now and I still can't clear that. I was feeling really tired too but was putting it down to extra travelling to work etc but turns out doctor was supposed to contact me about my iron levels. I finally started on iron tablets a few days ago- no side effects yet. Fx it stays that way.

Does anyone have any ideas on what's good for spd and back pain? I'm waiting on physio referral but its really painful and stops me from sleeping or doing anything. No idea how I'm going to get through another 7 weeks to edd:(
Just out the midwife and feeling a bit deflated tbh. The pressure at my ribs is babies head so they have 6 weeks to turn towards the exit, midwife did say at 31 weeks there is still plenty of time.
blood pressure is still considered high and there are some sugars in my urine so she wants to see me again on Tuesday to see how things are.
We were meant to have a busy weekend but I think I'll leave OH to it and try stay home and relax to see if it helps my blood pressure.

Hopefully physio this afternoon is more positive!
Doesn't sound like any of us are doing very well at all. I still have this head cold - like you cossie, clear chest and temp is reasonably okay (37.5c). But the cough hurts my chest and makes my throat worse. To top it off I am suffering with nausea and sickness again. I'm not sure if this is MS returning or part of this nasty cold that've got? Nothing has stayed in today and feeling very sorry for myself :-(

I am also on iron tablets - come to think of it, they might be making me sick too, as I can't handle food in the morning so just washing it down with orange juice?

Try not to worry Cdx, my baby is breech at 31 weeks too - there is loads of time for baby to turn. I've heard bouncing on birthing balls help get them into the right position?
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I was on iron pre pregnancy due to anemia - unless I'd take them with main meal I'd always feel sick - the same way pregnacare would make me sick at the start of pregnancy.

I guess normally we absorb iron via food as we fill our tummies so a concentrate dose can effect you. Not everyone will feel sick though! Some people don't notice!
Thanks for your support guys. I've been drinking honey and lemon so hopefully that'll start to take effect soon. Like you rooster the coughing makes my throat worse otherwise I think I would have managed to have gotten rid of that by now.

Thanks for the advice with iron tablets. Hopefully they help me start to make a recovery from whatever virus I've got!!
I can't stand lemon and honey - yuck! So just on the paracetamol... except I haven't been able to take any this morning because of the sickness.

In other news, my son's 'big boy bed' has finally arrived - bless him, he seems really excited!
Headache has gotten worse over time haven't took anything for it as I did the other day and that didnt help at all so no point now. My youngest just surprised me we were in the kitchen putting the washing in the dryer he picked up 3 pairs of socks and counted them. He must of learnt them from his sister soon as he done it we made a fuss and he keeps doin it now.

Im so tired but know if I fall to sleep ill more than likely struggle to sleep tonight :(
Baby is having a Lil party of her own and wriggling away :) x
Just gotten back from my chiropractor appointment and she is a bit worried. I've gained in bump size noticeably (her words) and as I have been diagnosed with slight polyhydramnios and my hands and feet are swollen she wanted to take my blood pressure. Which then came back high, so she contacted my midwife and I now have an appointment tomorrow at 11. Really hoping it's nothing serious, the swelling is the only real symptom! However I am going to make sure my hospital bag is packed, just in case!

How is everyone else feeling? Xx
Fingers crossed everything is ok Emmajaine and they are just being extra cautious.

Just back from physio and had part of my pelvis popped back into place...After the midwife this morning today hasn't been a good day I just feel exhausted. Hopefully next week will be the start of more positive news.

I bet we all can't wait to see the back of February x
Roll on March indeed, doesnt sound enjoyable CDx having part of your pelvis popped back into place...hope all is OK Emma, at least you dont have long to wait...

Had 32wk scan today 4D - it was amazing - saw a lot more detail than at 25wks, she likes to suck her arms lol, confirmed still head down but sidelying, thing is she has a lot of space still so even if move her to her back to my tummy by going on all fours, 2mins after sit back down she's gone to the side. Plus the fact I sleep on my right side a lot means she will probably gravitate towards it...Not an issue at this point so long as she stays head down.

What was concerning was her tummy and legs measurements mean she's only put half a pound on in 3 wks (now weighing approx 4lbs 3oz) but 3 wks ago she was measuring a couple of wks ahead so we're hoping she's just levelling out although daresay this cold hasnt helped as my weight gain has been less so stands to reason it has for her too...On that note time to get tea on the go...
Been getting some right dodgy pain like cramp kinda feeling in my butt cheeks :/ I think it may be sciatica related im not sure ive had sciatica on n off for a few years but never really had it this badly in my butt cheeks if it is lol. It affects the way I walk and get up as well oh laughs when it happens as well the mean sod.
Just settled my craving of ice cold Pepsi with ice and lemon :)

Feeling tired as now but gonna stay up n watch eastenders and see what else is on after that xx
Let us know how you get on EmmaJane, at least she was quick thinking! Emmaloyise you aren't having a good time, hope your headache subsides soon! Cossie the oy thing I can suggest is honey me lemon and steaming.

I finished for Mat leave today and sciatica has kicked back in ha ha typical now I'm off to rest!

We have our antenatal course tomorrow. Hoping it helps hubby connect and get his head in gear. 6 weeks until due date but realistically it can be anything from now until then if he decides (whenever he turns, he's still breech and I think he's showing off) xxx
Eugh. I've been awake every hour tonight coughing up dark yellow/brown phlegm. I've never had such deeply shaded phlegm before and not sure if I should be worried? My throat still aches when I cough too, so not sure if it's just a virus or an infection. My chest was clear on Tuesday when I complained about my cough but since I've developed sore throat and a lot of nasty coloured phlegm and some nausea. When I blow my nose it's also thick yellow, but not as dark as when I cough. Is it a 111 job or wait until Monday?
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Aww bless ya rooster its horrible aint. My oh had this he went docs and they said it was a viral infection went back again a week later as it didnt get any better turns out it was tonsillitis and gave him antibiotics.
If you're worried at all and think its not normal try the nhs 111 or go to the walk in centre.
Kept waking up with backache and just couldn't get comfy at all oh kept moaning and telling me to keep still lol.
Still hurting now on n off but baby doesnt feel like shes back to back as that was what was causing the back pain with my first 2.
Just haven't got the energy today tbh. We're supposed to be taking the kids to see their grandad but doubt we will now as oh didnt get much sleep or me and we're both knackered xx
Oh dear everyone really is suffering! I will be joining the illness club soon i imagine as DD is not well at all! We spent last night in a&e as they were worried about meningitis with some of her symtpoms. Thankfully they've decided its just a viral bug! So lots of calpol and cuddles this weekend for us!

For those struggling with iron tablets... I kept throwing them up when pregnant with DD and they gave me a liquid instead seemed less harsh because i could keep it down.
Am getting my blood re checkef at 34wks but thankfully *touch wood* taking 2 spatone sachets a day seems to have kept it up!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! xx
I have been poorly too, hence not being active on here, so sorry to hear about your problems ladies, just hope we can all get sorted out soon and no too early arrivals :)
Hiya all hope u all start to feel better I've still got a snotty nose but feel so much better so it doesn't last too long x
chazabell it brought it all home to my other half after our first nct class lol he came home and said "ok this is really happening isn't it". Bless him.
hope u all start to get comfortable I think I have my seating position sorted but sleeping position depends on how baby is laying and whether my ribs r fun to kick! Not too long now though it's coming round fast!

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