**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Just waiting now to see midwife shes running stupidly late as usual. Got Ollie with me he is being unusually quiet so I expect him to start moaning and whinging when I go into the room to see midwife lol. And it ay half hot in here why do they make these places hot and stuffy :(
The dream felt more like a nightmare! It was horrible going to the scan and seeing pointy ears and a tail on the screen!
We had pancakes for tea last njght and breakfast this morning!! Nom nom!! :-)

Midwife has just left and apart from not being able to get any blood from me at all it was a successful visit. Baby is head down and not back to back so massive thumbs up there :-) she explained that head and bump feel very similar, the difference is that if you push down on a lump and it just moves to one side or back away from your belly it's a bump but if it's like it's on a spring then it's a head! Really interesting for those who wanted to know how to tell baby's position :-) and his head was just above public bone (midwife gave ihis head a wiggle which was the most bizarre feeling ever!) Heartbeat is strong and just the most perfect sound ever :-)

Hope your appointment went well emmalouise?

Oh no rooster! I love cats but that would really freak me out :-/

Hope everyone is starting to feel better today. I still have a sore throat that doesn't seem to be getting better. On the plus side midwife did say lozenges were absolutely fine to suck on to ease any pain in my throat :-) yay!
I hope everyone is feelingbetter! I've been busy doing uni work and trying to get my dissertation finished. Ive come down with a cold and I woke up this morning with food poisoning from the food at uni! So I'm feeling rather poorly today. Luckily I pulled the pregnancy card at uni and I've managed to get a one week extension on my dissertation which makes me feel less stressed!
Went alright gotta have blood test for liver function and iron levels checked.
Baby has turned the right way now :) got scan on the 16th and wont see midwife til im 36 weeks.
Measured bump and is measuring 31 weeks and now slightly off the 90th centile. Now slightly worried about having a big baby as my others were average weights x
Hey guys. How is everyone. I'm now 30+2 and feeling a little pressure down below. Normally when I've been to shops or out for a walk. Anyone else get this. Apart from that am feeling generally fine. Not sleeping aswell as I normally do tho.

Hi Lisa! Yeah I get that pressure feeling too, almost makes me feel like I need the loo! Haha :-)
my bump has been about 2 weeks bigger the whole way through, but my private scan a few weeks ago showed weight etc to be smack bang mid range for my dates which i was surprised about, so doesn't necessarily mean baby is big.
Still getting a lot of pressure at the top right of my bump and you can see something pushing outwards just not sure what it is! Got a pain in the same area at the back as well. It's so uncomfortable! Add that with lower back pain and dragging my left leg a bit I feel like I am falling apart. Knew I had it too good for the first 2 trimesters.

I've only had my bump size measured at the past 2 midwife appointments and she hasn't said much about it tbh. Looking at my notes I was 23cm at 23 weeks and 27cm at 28 week appointment so guessing that's where I should be?

I need to remember and write questions down of what I want to know.

Has anyone or is anyone doing anything for work colleagues for when you leave for Mat leave? I've just made some homemade toblerone fudge and shortbread to take in with a card to say thank for being supportive.

Cdx your measurements sound fine. Your allowed to be 2cm either side if what the expect but you have your own chart too. I'm just below my chart at the moment but I'm 5'11" so he's plenty if room in my abdo to hide out!

I wouldn't worry too much about the measurements they don't mean all that much to be honest. At 30+5 I measured 29cm.
i think its the fact that when i was having my first 3 i was measuring right on time, and i still think that they have gotten my dates wrong as every scan i've had baby has measured a week ahead so i'm not sure where they got that i'm a week behind i dont know :/

i forgot to talk about how quick labours are and what would happen or if they would induce on due date or anything. apparently my bp is fine but i'm not too sure its 143/78 i think it was i'll double check in a bit. they told me where lil miss is lying shes in the exact right place and she told me if i feel ontop of my bump and it feels too wide to be the head then its her bum lol

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I had Braxton hicks tonight thsy was so tight my tummy felt like it was going to burst! I wonder whether it was a.mini growth spurt.... But honestly my belly got rock hard and tight I thought I'd pop!

Belly now rolling all over the place haha it still freaks me out...
Can us preggo's use vaporub? This cough is irking me now!

I've never had BH, but. that sounds pretty freaky!
Hating braxton hicks at the mo! Rooster you're not missing out at all it's most unpleasant haha
Yep vapour rub is fine in pregnancy, have been using it at night to help with stuffy nose that I can't seem to get rid of.

My belly is rippling loads this evening, OH finds it fascinating and was resting his head on my belly watching, and got booted in the head! Was soo funny!

Rooster: Vaporub is one of the few pleasures we're allowed! Not if you're asthmatic though. Xx
Aww yay! Those answers make me so happy! Cheers all, I'm going to put a bit on my chest now.
Yes to Vicks...godsend if you have a cold!

Bubs has been a little quiet this evening so late night for me until I get him wiggling around xxx

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