**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Gah, damn spd. Sounds ruddy awful :( Hope your day picks up lepus x
We seem to all be getting worse! Hopefully as we move into March the excitement takes over and we all improve.

Last night OH built up our pram it's all starting to feel real! Loved having a shot and glad it was easy to fold and switch between the different parts of the travel system.

Everyone around me seems to be having little girls that's 3 born in the last 4 weeks, my cousin in Australia is booked in for a c-sec in 2 weeks and shes having a little girl and a girl I was at school with who is due 6 days before me is having a girl. Not sure if that's a sign we will be having a girl or if we will have a little blue bundle.

Happy shopping Emma Louise! I can't wait for a day off and some retail therapy on Friday.

I dont mind shopping its Primark I cant stand waiting to pay the queues are horrendous. Im just waiting in the job centre now just know they aint gonna be on time either that or I get a snotty so n so.

Hopefully they wont keep me long as ive got Ollie with me as he wouldn't stop with his dad today and kept clinging to my legs lol x
Oooo ladies :hug:

Roll on March....!!

Does anyone else feel tiny? I was in work yesterday and a heavily pregnant lady thru my till chatting away about nurseries etc. curiously asked "when are you due?" She replied "15th" I though March looking at size of bump.......nope!!! 15th April. I replied "I'm due 4th" and she was like "what? Where is it?" :eh: hoping my measurements grow today with midwife!!

Anyone else nesting? Hubby went to work last night and I thought great....30 mins before Broadchurch let's organise kitchen drawers :laugh: kitchen cupboards & car today xxxx
Not a fan of the Job Centre! Sometimes they forget it can easily be them at the other side of the table. Hopefully you get someone nice and understanding and they process everything quickly for you.
Haha I felt big but in the last two weeks I think I've stalled. The nct ladies definitely caught me up in the last week.

I had a breakdown below over something so stupid. I have the day off and I planned to get house in order, i had a specific plan which started with doing the clothes washing including babies. So at 9 I get a call from OH who is on his way home as he felt sick. So I thought I'd best get in the shower so I could start the plan. I cleaned the bathroom and oh gets home and says your putting a wash on right? I replied yes but leave it until I'm finished as there's other bits I want to put in there. So after I finish bathroom I gather my baby bits and a couple other bits and oh has put tonnes of coloured bits in there. Not a problem as I am washing coloured. So I start putting the baby stuff in and he said "I already put the washing liquid and softener in to help you" big smile on his face... I said was it the non bio stuff suitable for baby skin like I need for my wash? Nope! That was it is broke down in tears. My whole plan and day was ruined. Felt so low I couldn't do anything but cry. Now I'm sitting on sofa doing nothing, unable to watch what I want on TV as OH doesn't want to watch it.

What a cruddy day off :(
I'm glad I'm not the only one wanting to wash all my baby bits MIL seemed to think I was mad as it's all new stuff so why would I need to wash it and seems to question everything we want to do.
Just like when her nephew gave us a moses basket to keep downstairs and I said I would want to get it all washed to which she seemed insulted saying they probably already washed it and it's coming from a smoke free, pet free home. Yes but it's also sitting in a spare room for months and we have a dog, no matter what we do her hairs appear everywhere.
I also want to have a day to flush out the washing machine first before I start. Hoping to get it all done next Thursday while waiting for the furniture to arrive.
I'll admit I'm not washing EVERYTHING. But it's because we have so much. Anything brand new that we have bought we aren't washing (at least not yet) but everything we have been given we are as you have no idea what washing powder has been used on them previously! And like you CDx we have a cat whose fur gets in places you didn't realise fur could get and I feel like no matter how much I clean there will be fur there 5 mins later anyway!

The problem with being ill is that you really don't feel like cleaning or tidying, meaning the house isn't exactly at it's best and the midwife is coming round tomorrow morning so we need to make sure things are at least presentable! I just really don't feel like I have the energy and OH is ill too so feels the same! Hopefully we can work together and get it clean at least even if it's not tidy!
On my way home now popped in Primark and they hardly had any newborn or 0-3 months so just left it ill wait to go Birmingham one weekend when mil is back over from Cardiff.
Was actually alright in the job centre the bloke I saw said ill hear something by the weekend.
Now ive got a stinker of a headache and just wanna go home :( x
wow everyones been busy despite the general horrible feeling of colds, chest infections, sciatica - what a bunch we are lol...well I managed another good nights sleep albeit disjointed still but cough has calmed down...for now...on a no talking rule to as that agitates it - OH is loving the peace lol...he's recovered from his so last night he made tea and got dishes washed etc so its nice to walk into clean kitchen knowing it was someone elses work lol...

also determined to have pancakes regardless of how I feel as has been tradition although gradually its gone from home made with parents to readymade for us (as only two of us theres no need and it almost tastes the same...)
We've got pancakes tonight after tea but doubt my eldest has changed his mind since last year he hated them but he still likes to give them a try lol.
Gettin loads of horrible pressure today from walking everywhere. Finally booked my whooping cough needle which is next week :( hate needles so much as well :( xx
Hubby is at work tonight so I'm making myself some pancakes. Will even it up with a big helping if fruit afterwards!

Midwife is running stupidly late. Appt was 10 mins ago and still 3 ladies infront of me xxx
Personally I think it's important to wash everything new or old for baby. The new stuff has tonnes of chemicals on from the factory's and have been touched by lots of hands between there and my house, so could be effected by smokers hands, people who don't wash their hands after the toilet, people with skin issues, perfumes etc. I just couldn't do that to a newborn delicate skin.

I have dogs too so completely get the whole hair going EVERYWHERE issue. The dogs haven't been anywhere near the nursary but today I noticed stray hairs on the floor!
ditto, sent OH out on errands and hoping he can find some pancake mix as also craving it despite having chesty cough...nothing beats pancakes!
I really want pancakes but OH says he's not really in the mood for them. But we do need to go to the shops this evening to pick up a few bits so I might just put in the eggs, milk and flour and hope he doesn't notice til it's too late!!! :P
yeah go for it Cossie, make out you are surprised later to discover you have the ingredients and as part of your cravings or nesting you absolutely have to make pancakes now....
All my newborn & 0-3, blankets etc have been washed. Inc bibs so they absorb.

Measuring under at 30/31cm and baby is still breech.

Relieved to know I can be home in as little as 6 hours after giving birth. I for some reason have an issue with being kept in and visitors...SIL not impressed I don't want her to visit in hospital but quite frankly dont give a flying crap!!! xxx
What are we having on our pancakes girls? I normally have just a sprinkle of sugar (I mix cinnamon into the mix like my Nanna does) mmmmmmm xx
Haha kitten! I might just do that! :D

Wow! 6 hours chazabell?! I will be over the moon if I can spend that little time in hospital!

I like just sugar but sometimes if I'm in the mood I do like a little bit of lemon too :)

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