**** April 2015 Mummies ****

let me know how you get on Cossie.

Maple syrup and ice cream everytime...OH couldnt get any readymix, so we have bought pancakes but almost the same...better than not having any
Nutella on our pancakes here! Nom! Have got our 2nd growth scan tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing our boy again! Bump is measuring off the scale (same as last time) but baby was measuring perfectly on the 25th centile at the last scan! So FX he will still be following it nicely!
I made a complaint about my community midwife to the supervisor of midwives last week so now have a new midwife! I'm yet to meet her but FX she will be more supportive than the current one!
Finally feeling more prepared! We had a test run of our pool! Cannot wait to use it in labour! & the birth boxes/bags(just incase) are all packed! DD arrived at 38weeks so id like to be ready for then! Scarily thats only less than weeks away!

Enjoy pancakes all! Anyone giving anything up for lent? xx
Bacon and maple syrup here, love the sweet and savoury thing together! Not that I'm having them tonight :-(

Hi Em, nutella - sorry not my flavour of choice..., emmajane - bacon and syrup? Unusual but guess can imagine it after all have bacon with french toast and maple syrup and similar thing....

Em, thats annoying about changing midwifes this late on but hopefully you get a nice one, isnt the birth pool ace! I cud sit/lie in ours for ages...also have bags packed ready, always want to be prepared, good job I am cos this bronchitis has knocked me for six, couldn't do any cleaning/packing even if I tried...not giving anything up this year as ill so guess thats a form of giving up in a way...
Kids weren't keen on the pancakes even though we out chocolate spread on them so ended up doin chocolate chip cookies for them instead lol.
But they ended up arguing over who had the biggest one lol
In the end oh had it to end the argument.
Just gonna get them ready for bed and bugger off in the bath and relax for half hour or so :)

Chocolate sauce and ice cream for me. Nom nom.

Everything is much brighter over here. My son has really cheered up now and has been smiling and playing this afternoon - it's lovely to see. Chuffed to pieces.

I'm off to my folks to celebrate with pancakes.
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Aww glad ur Lil boy is feeling better rooster :)
Got midwife tomorrow morning at 10:40 hopefully she'll measure bump and let me know exactly which way baby us lying. Hope shes moved to head down and not transverse.
Oh has asked for pancakes later on when we're watching a film x
already had a couple pancakes (nom) but more for later, haven't the appetite I used to have pre-pregnancy lol...bought to have spag bol though and that is always good....

throat feeling bit better mainly cos resisting coughing and breathing through nose and avoiding talking too much but still cough every hour or so. have one of those vicks humidifiers which is working a treat too...got the blackcurrant linctus from boots but makes throat worse not better, not as good as buttercup or covonia but cant have those atm so sticking to hot water/lemon & honey for now...
That's good to here, Rooster.

We had nutella, lemon and sugar, bananas and whizzy cream and ice cream with our pancakes...yum!
Cheers all. I reckon I've got my sons lurgy now though :lol: I can't believe how ill we all are. So yup, awake at silly o'clock with cough, sore throat and fuzzy ear.
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Theres a lot of bugs and that making the rounds my eldest son Jay was complaining of bellyache all last night and his sister Lilly kept saying it was cuz he ate too many of the cookies that we had made yesterday lol.

Another morning where ive not not gotta clean up as oh had done it last night all ive really gotta do is wash up from breakfast :) could get used to this lol.

hi ladies, there is light at the end of the tunnel, woke up from a solid 7hrs sleep feeling refreshed, first time in a week and no major cough, decided to get up as think its a sign im on the mend plus has racing mind thinking of all the things wanna get done today so thats a positive sign, plus Im 32 wks today and the sun is shining! Hopefully ive broken its back overnight...
Glad ur feeling better kitten. Got midwife this morning. Im actually ready early for once and sat with a cuppa watching crappy morning TV. Jay,Lilly and Ollie are playing with lego in the back room so a nice peaceful morning :) now just waiting for oh to get up. Bless him his sleeping pattern is messed up and he doesnt sleep very well and half the time he cant manage to fall to sleep til after 2/3/4 in the morning and he still gets up between half 9 and 10.
Feeling not so crap this morning but had a heck of a weird dream last night that my waters went in the middle of the kids school playground and ended up giving birth in the teachers staff room :/

Gotta do food shop after midwife appointment so not looking forward to it either. Might just do it online and get it delivered for tomorrow x
HI Emma, bless ya cant imagine having one child around the house yet let alone four...I would definitely get food shopping delivered and boy that's an interesting dream, my weirdest one lately has been to do with belly button going outie, I dreamed it went 2inches out and then fell off and a new one grew in its place...weird eh?
Lol oh god what a dream. I come from a big family Loadsa cousins, aunties and uncles and two sisters so used to all the manic of a big family lol. I think this will be my last pregnancy though. Two of each so its even now :) x
You think those dreams are weird? Well, a couple of nights a couple I dreamt I was pregnant with a CAT?! What the bobbins is that all about?!
bless ya I'm sure they're worth every minute, cant wait to meet our lil one but will also be very overwhelming and scary at first I bet...
wow Rooster, I have also had that dream! We have two cats who until her conception were our only 'babies' so not hard to imagine why I dreamt it, it is strange the next day though trying to translate these weird dreams!
so maybe not a very exciting dream for you then eh? bless ya, pregnancy makes us dream weird and wonderful things...best one I had was dreaming IO went for a scan but instead of seeing the usual black and white cross section of her, saw a colour image of her in her crib with plenty of space lol...

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