Cossie I don't think you're overreacting at all I would be really upset if my OH wouldn't kiss or cuddle me, have you mentioned to him that it makes you feel that way? Maybe you could mention to him that it feels pretty bloody weird for you having the baby move INSIDE you but it's something you can't help, and maybe if he got used to it he'd learn to embrace it xo
I haven't really talked to him about it. I might approach the subject later, but we have been invited to his mum and dad's for tea tonight which should be fun. I usually completely wuss out when it comes to confrontation! I think it's more fear that I might get the response that he doesn't find me attractive at the moment, even though I know that I'm ridiculous for even thinking that! Thanks hun, at least I know I'm not going completely mad and not overreacting

As April approaches quicker than ever, can I just say thank you ladies. I really don't know what I'd have done without you through this pregnancy so far. It really is tough being pregnant with your first when you have no idea what to expect and what's normal and what isn't. I'm so grateful that I found a forum with the loveliest, kindest and most supportive ladies ever! So thank you all and I really look forward to the last couple of months we have got in our pregnancies and I really hope we continue supporting each other in the years that follow with our little ones

(Apologies for the complete soppy tosh if it make you feel ill!!