**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Cossie I don't think you're overreacting at all I would be really upset if my OH wouldn't kiss or cuddle me, have you mentioned to him that it makes you feel that way? Maybe you could mention to him that it feels pretty bloody weird for you having the baby move INSIDE you but it's something you can't help, and maybe if he got used to it he'd learn to embrace it xo

I haven't really talked to him about it. I might approach the subject later, but we have been invited to his mum and dad's for tea tonight which should be fun. I usually completely wuss out when it comes to confrontation! I think it's more fear that I might get the response that he doesn't find me attractive at the moment, even though I know that I'm ridiculous for even thinking that! Thanks hun, at least I know I'm not going completely mad and not overreacting :)

As April approaches quicker than ever, can I just say thank you ladies. I really don't know what I'd have done without you through this pregnancy so far. It really is tough being pregnant with your first when you have no idea what to expect and what's normal and what isn't. I'm so grateful that I found a forum with the loveliest, kindest and most supportive ladies ever! So thank you all and I really look forward to the last couple of months we have got in our pregnancies and I really hope we continue supporting each other in the years that follow with our little ones :hugs:

(Apologies for the complete soppy tosh if it make you feel ill!! :lol:)
Ah bless, sweet words Cossie and in complete agreement re: being first and no prior knowledge of pregnancy...

Ive just been to docs and I have bronchitus...typical! All that coughing has made my throat v sore but hey at least not a chest infection and dont need antibitotics but she says usually lasts 7-10 days, 5th day now and aside from cough other symptoms r better. Now have to avoid talking and coughing, easier said than done on both counts...twilight marathon methinks...
I don't think you are over-reacting either. I still get covered in hugs and kisses by my OH and would be upset if he didn't go near me.

Yes my MW just told me. I told her that baby was breech at the scan and she said baby still was and that she could feel limbs so that meant baby was back to back also. None of us were too concerned at this early stage. Though, i'm not feeling hugely optimistic. I would have though baby would have flipped since 28 weeks, but nope.
Hopefully ill find out Wednesday if Lil miss is still breech I think she moved to transverse but bot too sure now as one min I feel movements at the sides and then at the top then at the bottom its confusing as hell lol.
Ill be glad when ive talked to her bout my fears of not making it to the hospital in time as my labours are pretty quick kinda scared of not making it and either having her in the carpark or back of taxi or in the back of an ambulance lol x
my 28 week scan showed the baby was breech, but when i saw the midwife last week at 32 weeks it was head down but she said it will still be moving about lots so not to get too excited lol

Hope your little boy has a speedy recovery, Rooster, it's tough on everyone when they're poorly.

i feel like i've been dragged through a hedge backwards at the moment, i feel huge and horrible. I would be upset too if my OH was like that around me.
Good luck, I hope you get your mind eased at least! My baby is back to back and breech. I really hope baby moves by whenever the cut off date is! I have my scan next week - still wouldn't be too much of a worry if baby hasn't moved by then. I will be worried if I get to 36 weeks and baby still hasn't moved. I've been reading that it's c-section if baby hasn't moved by a certain point. I will speak to the consultant about it next week to see what their practise is if baby is breech by the end of a pregnancy.
Cossie can't he hug you from behind? Doesnt need to touch to bump then....I'm always demanding hugs from OH but if I didn't instigate I doubt I'd get many lil
I don't know how people tell what position their baby's are in... I get a lot of movement but mw says baby is head down. I assume back to back as I feel like baby is doing wax on wax off with arms and.legs on. The inside!
i agree prettypee, back hugs are great anyways as its a chance for OH to bond with both you and baby as arms can reach bump that way...nice also if you have backache and your OH is warm blooded!
I haven't spoke to him yet. He's currently installing a washing machine with his dad. I'm hoping we'll be able to have well done cuddles when he's done. Back hugs sounds like a great suggestion! That way he can put his hands on belly and feel baby move (which he likes!! Go figure...) and yet he doesn't have to feel weird with the movements being through his belly too :)

I'm seeing my midwife on Wednesday so I think I'll ask her if she can tell and if there's a way I can tell because I think it would be really cool to be able to tell which way round my baby is :)
Hi Cossie, glad to be of service, for me back hugs became natural as between my belly and his couldn't get the same closeness anyways as pre-pregnancy and you may even be able to swing a neck rub in to the mix...

Yes ask your midwife, when mine was palpating (such a strange word, prodding more like) my belly she could feel and she grabbed my hand and did the same so could feel the difference, its not always obvious but with patience you can work it out. Have you checked out spinning babies website? It talks about belly mapping which also takes patience but can be good fun, start off with the two types of kicks/punches you feel - hands are different to feet in their strength, then work out where on your belly the HB is usually found and if you're lucky you may even be able to work out where the most firmness is felt and this will likely be the spine. its not a typical prod like we do for getting baby's attention though you have to use a few fingers and press pretty far in like an inch or so to feel. Ask your midwife to show you as to begin with I was worried was encroaching on her small space too much lol. due to my cold and now my bronchitis have been paying less attention to my own posture and so she is back to right side lie (most likely encouraged as I sleep most on my right side) but head still down.
Cossie I understand how you feel. I feel frumpy even tho I know and you can most definitely tell its not fat its a baby belly. Hubby seems self absorbed at the moment. Hasn't been near me for any "alone" time, when I suggest it he's like "what? Why?" Havent had a smooch in ages and snuggling in bed is hard work because of bump.....and that's the odd occasion he comes to bed at the same time. I'm often in bed much before him because um shattered!!

When I've brought all this up with him he calls me hormonal and we had a big row this weekend where I was really stubborn and slammed around.....and it achieved nothing but me blubbering!! And now I'm full of a cold so I feel gross anyway!! Ha ha!!

I think he secretly scared of what's ahead and we haven't had an antenatal class yet and he hasn't made any midwife appointments due to work so he hasn't been as involved in that side. I start maternity leave this weekend and we have our antenatal course so hopefully I'll start seeing something else in him. I guess men just adjust much slower as they aren't growiing the baby like we are.

I have my midwife appt tomorrow and I've a feeling I'm still breech as I feel kicks down below and a big bulge up near my ribs. He changes position all the time. I'm young to ask how you feel for their position so I can chase him around my tummy xxxx
sciatica has kicked in tonight :( really can't get comfy anyway i try to sit or lie down :(
I've had it on and off for a year or so.
Landlord came round wasnt even here for long bout 5/10 mins if that and he buggered off which i'm greatful of.
I've gotta be out the house tomorrow at 9 as i've got to pop to the job center :( I hate that place. all just to sign a statment for income support of which we had no choice but to claim because the job oh had lined up a few weeks ago fell through and they didnt take him on.

just a quick question though anyone know how long roughly it takes for first payment to go through as we have to pay rent in 2 weeks time x
Oh deary me everyone. Think I've got a chest infection :-( I was meant to see a doctor yesterday but with my son going downhill, he obviously took priority. But, not feeling great myself. My chesty cough has gotten worse, I'm weezy, achy and full of phlegm. Really struggling to sleep. So, doctors for me in the morning. I don't even know what I can be given if it is a chest infection?

Us April Mummies really aren't doing well are we?! :lol:
Docs can give you antibiotics and paracetamol to take for a chest infection. They gave it me before when I was pregnant with Lilly and took just over a week to feel better.
Ollies been up since 6 but put him in my bed to watch milkshake.
Still gotta get myself dressed and ready to be out the house for 9 and I just can't be bothered to get up off of the settee x
Ah brill. I've barely slept all night because if this so will be great to get it sorted.

I can't be bothered to move either :lol:
RESULT!! I got cuddles without initiating last night! He was exhausted and said he felt really down and could do with a hug so we went a nd cuddled in bed for a bit. I told him I really missed the cuddles and he said he hadn't realised we hadn't had as many cuddles as we used to, but that it was weird for him anyway. I said how it's even weirder for me with movements being all the time and inside me. I think he understands how I'm feeling so fingers crossed! He's stating home tomorrow morning for the midwife too, I've encouraged him to ask anything that's on his mind as at least she'll be able to give professional answers if he does have any concerns etc. And I hope he can learn how to work out where baby is lying, might help him feel more involved!

Voice has officially gone this morning :-( my throat is really hurting. I think we can take antibiotics rooster. Hope your dr can help you. We really aren't having the best time ladies are we?!
Luckily I havent gotta clean up this mornin oh done it all last night before we went to bed :) but gotta pull sheets off of the beds to be washed and wash Lil miss clothes etc im popping into Primark today to see what bargains I can find :) and also gotta get pancake stuff from tesco as well. Lilly woke up sayin its pancake day and she wants to help make them. Bless her shes a Lil darlin but has the attitude of a teenager half the time.
Baby has decided its funny to jab her feet (I think) into my bladder and cervix keep getting this stabbing/electric shock kinda feeling.
Best get my butt into gear and get dressed.

Hope you all start to feel better soon x
argh, was up half the night with my son who has a horrible cold and couldn't sleep and my spd has flared up so badly i'm in agony, i can't move. my husband had to help me out of bed and get dressed and i can't lift my feet up, just kind of shuffle them :( it's going to be a long day with a 3 year old to look after when i can't flipping move :(

hope you get sorted at the dr's Rooster, how is your son today?

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