**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Thanks Kitten. The swelling has finely gone, but he has been really lethargic - not playing, not moving, just sitting on our laps all day. He hit a fever at 5pm but calpol has seemed to knocked it down slightly (though still high). He's had an early bedtime as he's so so so tired. He's been a constant worry since swimming this morning which is so sad considering he started he day in an amazingly good mood. This is definitely the most stressful part of parenthood! I just want to get him through the night then off to doctors in the morning if he's still unwell.
I dont envy you and certainly dont look forward to that aspect of parenthood! But its all part of it so Im sure we'll start to get used to it eventually...
He's okay now he carried on playing after a little cry and cuddle.
He went to bed bout 7 and all seems okay luckily no bruise left which is a relief.
Rooster hopefully your little boy will be okay after a good night's sleep and he feels better in the morning x
Oh he's in a bad way. His temp is a bit high and he's waking every half hour to an hour. Trying to encourage my OH to sleep next to him or have our boy sleep next to him tonight as when he wakes he usually just wants reassurance. I've checked him for a rash and we seem to be okay, but he's flushed, coughing and has a runny nose - all because of a swimming trip. I've gone to bed now and left it up to my OH.

Amongst all this, apparently, I am like 7 months pregnant.
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Oh dear rooster. If cant get him into the docs this morning try taking him to the walk in centre or hospital. Hope he is feeling better soon xx
Ollie kept waking up last night crying and asking to go in our bed so I just moved his cot closer to the bed. I did get enough sleep but im tired as hell this morning Ollies gone back to sleep now he has been changed so gonna try get a bit more sleep with him on the settee.
Hope your boy settled and his temp has come down Rooster, it must be so hard seeing him struggle and know you cant take it away.

Hope the rest of you that were feeling poorly are feeling a bit better.

I think I am prob over reacting too soon but I haven't felt any movements this morning. Baby was very active at bed time last night as normal and since about 24 weeks they usually give a kick just before my alarm goes off at 6 but I've still had nothing. Lay down on my left side for as long as I could but nothing. Any other tips for getting them moving? And how long do I let this go on for before phoning midwife?

CDx: try having some chocolate and fizzy juice, and when you're laying down, don't do anything else, concentrate just on baby.
If that doesn't work try a hot bath (always gets my LO wriggling).
Try not too worry too much just yet. I rarely feel my baby until the evening.

My little man still isn't well so we're off to see the GP later on this morning. He's still snoozing now and very lethargic. This is so unlike him.
Let us know how your Lil man gets on at the docs rooster.
Ive had a quick snooze on the settee with Ollie on the settee and woke up feeling worse than what I did earlier.

Ive got my landlord coming round tonight in two minds if to tell to come another day but doubt he will come another day he will more than likely have a moan. Just in one of those moods where I cant be bothered with anything and feel like crap and just wanna sleep all day x
Morning ladies, hope we are all well and had a good weekend?

Think I'm going to give up with the app on my phone. Notifications still not working, getting thoroughly annoyed!

CDx if it helps, my LO is really unpredictable. He's a little squirmer but it's not at set times during the day except at night just as I'm trying to get to sleep! The only other time I can almost guarantee movements is after food. If you are concerned though call your midwife just to be on the safe side. Hope LO starts wriggling soon!

Hope your little man is feeling better soon rooster :( it's not nice, everyone seems to be ill at the moment
Normally how I get Lil miss moving is lying on my bed drink a ice cold glass of lemonade or juice and have a Lil prod around and she soon starts moving. Shes exactly like my daughter when I was pregnant with her always moving more of a night and very unpredictable during the day.
Hope lo starts moving for you soon xx
Thanks ladies a few squares of chocolate and some cold Sprite seem to have woken baby up. Was just strange as they seem to have their own routine and have a play before I need to get up for work.

Our weekend was good but OH has to go away for work tomorrow and will be away for 3 weeks, home at weekends. I'm used to it but it's been nice he's been based locally recently and I think he will miss bump as they have their own wee routine too. He's told his work as of April he wants to be no further than 2 hours from home so hopefully they are saving all the local jobs for then. I am so tired today I can't be bothered with work at all. Luckily I only have 1 5 day week between now and mat leave so got some extra day as rest.
Good to hear CDx :) Fingers crossed your OH gets to be closer to home as due date arrives!

4 weeks at work left including this one even though I've got Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off this week! Woop! Really don't want to be at work at all this week!
hope your little boy is ok, Rooster. lots of love to all the ill people and children, it's such a miserable time of year for bugs! we're all full of cold too, thank god it's half term!
Morning guys, glad your LO's seem to be making progress cant imagine wat it must feel like. CDx if my lil miss had a routine it went out of the window with my cold. She now wriggles most at nighttime but during day she never stops either..I was actually concerned of too much movement but appreciate all my coughing wont exactly help her naptime so try n get quiettime when can cease coughing for a bit n hope she sleeps then. Hoping ive just turned a corner last night as managed two stints of 4-5hrs n was deeply asleep...8hrs finally! Still feel shattered but feel like starting to fight this horrible cold...just as well cos not sure how much more my achy ribs n chest can take it...!
Thanks all. GP referred us to hospital and after examination they said he has a throat and ear infection. Spent most of the day waiting for all of his various drugs to arrive. Back home now and having a snuggle on the sofa.

Meanwhile, this morning, I saw the MW who determined that baby is completely in the wrong position. Back to back and breech. Oh well, still plenty of time to move! Got the next scan a week in Wednesday.
Aaaww, you your little boy makes a speedy recovery rooster! As for baby being in the wrong position does the midwife feel your tummy and automatically tell you if she thing they're in the wrong position? I've not been told anything so far so I'm assuming all is ok!

Has anyone else started to feel a tad unattractive? OH hasn't kissed me in months and cuddles are a rarity as he thinks it feels too weird when my belly is pressed against his belly or his side and baby moves! Am I overreacting by feeling hideous and just wanting to cry? (Just typing this I'm finding myself thinking maybe I'm completely overreacting!)
Glad they got to the bottom of what was wrong with your son hopefully the drugs kick in soon and he's back to his usual self and LO does a few flips to get into the right position.

After panicking me this morming LO is being so cheeky this afternoon was sitting at my desk on my mobile arm resting on my bump got a few strong kicks as if to say move so I did waited a few minutes did the same again and got another few kicks.

Feeling so drained this afternoon work is getting more and more challenging. I work supporting unemployed people on their journey back to work, training or education. Sometimes stuff you hear is so harrowing and I feel guilty that they will need to spill their heart out to whoever takes over from me and that it might set them back after all the work that we have put in together to help with their confidence. wish I didn't have such an "I need to help people" attitude sometimes. then you get the stereotypical people that the media portray that frustrate you.
Cossie I don't think you're overreacting at all I would be really upset if my OH wouldn't kiss or cuddle me, have you mentioned to him that it makes you feel that way? Maybe you could mention to him that it feels pretty bloody weird for you having the baby move INSIDE you but it's something you can't help, and maybe if he got used to it he'd learn to embrace it xo

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