**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I've had a card this morning and that's it but that's always it every valentines day. We never really do anything but I'm not fussed :-) i quite like just staying in with a movie and a takeaway!

Got a horrid sore throat so I'm struggling to eat which is making me feel weak. Rang midwife this morning and she said it's ok to have strepsils so I'm popping out shortly to get some. Hopefully I'll be able to get some food down me this afternoon! Xx
Bless ya Cossie, cold and pregnancy do not mix! We think we've both had a 48hr bug and we both had the fever break so should be on its way out but trying to do anything whilst your nose wants to keep running is no fun at all...Bout to do our cards and try and pop out for a few errands...at the very least need some more tissues!! aargh
Sorry to hear about the colds ladies!

Had my second nct today which was good, now I'm going to cook dinner for my husband - was surprised to get nothing at all! Normally even if we say no presents I'd assume chocolate at least! Sigh, so I've got no present no gesture. He gets his favourite chocolate and a home cooked meal of steak, homemade chips and roasted veg with peppercorn sauce... Hardly seems fair!
It's a horrid time to be pregnant at the moment! We all seem to be picking up anything and everything that's going around!

I didn't get anything either. We got each other cards but we did say we wouldn't do presents. I have however paid for a takeaway tea from pizza express so I hope he's grateful for that! ;-)
I'm just sat here while OH is on the xbox online with his mates doesn't bother me in the slightest even if it is valentines day lol
I'm just on the settee with a cuppa trying not to fall to sleep just yet.
for the last half hour ive back pain on the left side and generally feeling like sh*t.
I felt like this towards the last 9/8 weeks of pregnancy with Ollie and Lilly. My cold has seemed to of sudsided a little bit now its not too bad. Heartburn is being a nightmare tonight as well.
But it is kinda my fault we had beef tacos for tea with the kids, mine and ohs were spicey so its kicked it off no amount of milk has shifted it either and i havent got any rennies or gaviscon either :(
I had it easier for the last month/2months and now i'm feeling so done in and crappy its silly.

I've got midwife on Wednesday morning, i'm hoping she will enlighten me as i've been worrying and over thinking a little too much of how quick my last two labours were i went from 4cm dilated to 10cm within 15 mins and another 15 mins later ollie was born but all in all my labours lasted an hour n half and i dont wanna be giving birth in the back of a taxi or an ambulance lol.
so i'm going to see what she says about it.

hope you've all had a good night with your Other Halfs and been spoilt rotten :)

We don't do Valentines day but hubby did get me a balloon off bubs :)

I started with a cold yesterday morning....all I've done is sneeze today!

Received a letter about a home visit today....what exactly happens on these? I didn't think you got that until baby was born xxx
Sounds like only my OH stepped up to the plate for Valentine's. I got flowers, a card and he bought the M&S meal. I ended up cooking it as he put the little fella to bed. We didn't do anything spectacular during the day but it was all nice enough.
Just a thought, do we still have the FB Group and is it being used? If so, I can add the link to it to the front page?
Hi Ladies, also still feeling rotten although managed to get 4hrs consistent solid sleep but woke up coughing and couldnt catch my breath it was soo scary...we planned on doing cards yesterday but ended up forgetting so will be today, we had mcd's for an early tea - their strawberry milkshakes are divine on sore throat, second only to the hot water with lemon & honey. After scary wake up cant sleep anymore and have very achy ribs and chest but getting better as I wake up...hubby has a massive headache so is doing the old flannel trick, what a way to spend valentines wknd and also his bday is today...not in much mood for celebrating as we both thought we were coming out of the woods yesterday with the colds but it seems like we'll have another day like it....
Im not too bad today but feel tired as anything we didnt go to bed til 1 this morning. We put gone girl on bout half10 I think it was I cant remember exactly may of been earlier.
Once finally in bed I managed to fall to sleep pretty quickly but kept waking up to go toilet or to try and get comfy. Its just a pain in the backside.
Now im sat/laying in the corner of the settee watching peppa pig with Ollie.
I should really get dressed and go shop but I just cant be bothered.

Midwife home visit they pretty much do the same as what they do at the doctors when you see them there. They might discuss a birth plan as well. I only got home visits cuz of my blood pressure that was only cuz they wanted to see if there was any difference in readings as they said im a lot more relaxed at home but it didnt make a difference my bloods pressure was still high.
Morning ladies, hope those of you that have been poorly are starting to feel a little bit better!

OH was great re valentines, I got 12 red roses, a card and some chocs, and we managed to go out for food last night, only to spoons, but it was good to leave the house! (Damn SPD has me pretty much housebound).

Saw a dad last night that had obviously taken his girls out for valentines, 2 daughters and mum, all dressed up and each with a bunch of flowers, was soo cute!

Anyone else suffering with swollen ankles and hands? Mine are seriously puffy!! Have been trying to drink more, but not always managing.

Sorry to see so many of you are feeling unwell hope you all feel better soon.

I'm struggling with heartburn and lower back pain, if I'm on my feet too long I feel like I drag my left left a bit so hoping it's not baby lying on the siatic nerve. Siatica runs in the family and I know how awful it can be. Got midwife and physio on Friday so hopefully get some answers.

There's been no mention of home visits to me. I'll need to change my address with midwife and GP if there was as I'm still registered at my mums address with them.

Lots of girls I went to school with are expecting and 2 baby girls have arrived in the past week or 2....I still doesn't feel real that soon it will be me!
*Sob* We went swimming this morning and now my son's eyelid is absolutely humungous :-( We're gong to see how it is after his nap and if it is worse then off too the walk-in centre we go :-( Parenting is ruddy stressful!
Aww bless your boy Rooster, fx it goes down while he is sleeping. Sending hugs your way x
Urgh. it's horrendous. Hopefully it'll go down soon, but I automatically go to panic mode so sitting anxiously now, just hoping when he wakes up he can actually open his eye :-(
Im exactly the same oh says I worry too much. Hope ur Lil boy is okay and the swelling goes down after his nap. Xx
Cdx I completely sympathise as I'm really suffering with sciatica, have to wait three weeks for a physio appointment :-( in the meantime I'm completely reliant on OH for everything even getting dressed :-( hope physio helps you!
Theres something in the water my Lil boy Ollie has gone and ran and tripped into the front door banging his head. Hope to god there isnt a bruise there. Its just a red mark at the min.
Feel like crap now just feel really down n out :/ hope this feeling passes soon. Keep thinking I aint gonna make it to due date either. Somethings just bugging me about it :/ x
I feel like my head is going to explode! I keep flushing up and my nose it driving me mad and my eyes are stinging :(

Can I climb aboard the "Feeling Poopy" boat? :( xxx
oh dear we are a merry bunch! hope your son is OK emma and yes Chazabell - the more the merrier or in this sicklier...still getting over mine, been watching films to take mind off it and does help but then get a coughing fit again and that's no fun, my ribs n lungs surely cant take much more? Just glad she's not also kicking ribs also she is scarily close especially when lie down....gonna try and get a decent dinner in us now as every time serve something we only eat half, the appetite goes as soon as you start lol...not like me at all...I know she's getting enough but you know what they say about feeding a cold lol...

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