**** April 2015 Mummies ****

You sound so organised em! I wish I were that organised!!! :)

Is anyone else starting to feel petrified now as DDay is fast approaching? I found myself just sat here at work and then this sudden realisation that I'm actually going to have to get this baby out on way or another!!! I'm feeling very scared right now! x
Hey all. I hope everyone is okay? Last time I checked in we were all having rubbish times for various reasons. I hope things have perked up slightly for everyone?

My son got hit with man-flu this week but seems to be on the mend and coped well at preschool this morning. In two weeks time he'll be going two mornings a week and I look forward to 6 hours of child-free time so I can get some rest during the last few weeks of this pregnancy.

I'm still feeling a bit detached with this pregnancy and only get chance to think of baby when my son is tucked away in bed during the evening. I really really want to nest but my OH needs his study for as long as possible. I think end of March will be his limit though and will have to work elsewhere in the house until the garden office gets sorted.

I'm not scared by labour because I have been through it before. I'm excited, but more anxious about my son - I really hope he settles into being a big brother.
Yeah the past few days I've had a few oh f**k this is really happening moments Cossie. I've loved the experience of pregnancy feeling LO move but don't think it registered fully they have to come out and our whole world is going to change. I've never changed a nappy or watched a baby overnight I'm hoping that everything just falls into place like people say it does. I'm more worried about me OH seems to totally have it together and have faith in us but he's just naturally confident where as I worry about everything.

We are babysitting on Valentine's but use that term loosely my little cousins are 12 and 10 so absolute no effort required watching them, we are taking them to an indoor trampoline place which looks amazing and I am gutted I need to sit at the side watching them and OH have fun. At 25 and 26 we are both still massive kids at heart so it's strange to think we are having our own.

Rooster - the second baby comes and you won't feel detached anymore :)

Anyone startedtheir birth plans?

I am wondering what people are going for... Straight away skin to skin (gunk smell and all) or baby quick clean then skin to skin.

I don't like gunk.....:s
Rooster - the second baby comes and you won't feel detached anymore :)

Anyone started their birth plans?

I am wondering what people are going for... Straight away skin to skin (gunk smell and all) or baby quick clean then skin to skin.

I don't like gunk.....:s

I've started mine ready for my home visit Wednesday. I'm not really putting much. If at all poss I'd love a water birth but if not that's fine. The only things I'm going to be adamant about on there are:

1) NO EPIDURAL unless absolutely necessary. I'm petrified of needles as it is and the thought of a very large needle in my back scares the bejesus out of me!
2) Tim (my OH) is my birth partner and if it goes on so long that he's exhausted then I'll send him home and tag my mum in. My nan seems adamant that she'll be able to pop in and say hi while I'm in labour but I 100% DO NOT WANT HER IN THAT ROOM!!!! I love my nan but she's too much. I can only take her in small doses. I'm dreading being at home on my own during maternity because she'll find an excuse to be there every day!

Other than those 2 things I haven't really said or thought of anything that I want as a definitive decision really. I'm with you prettypee though, I'd quite like baby clean first if I'm totally honest! I don't mind either way but if asked preference then I'll take him clean please! :lol: xx
PrettyPee: I had straight away skin to skin, but the midwives sort of do rubbing with a towel on the way up, and to be honest, I was sooooooo happy I didn't care xx
Prettypee I had skin to skin as soon as he was born, gunk and all, I didn't care, you are just so relieved and shocked you won't even notice. But they were quick to take him from me to weigh him etc and I had him under my blanket for a while before going into theatre...bliss.

No birth plan for me, I didn't with my first won't again, I'll do whatever is best at the time. I can't stand having plans and them being changed so I save myself the upset that way.
Midwife started discussing birth plans with me at my last meeting and mines is genuinely going in with an open mind and taking it as it comes. I don't want to have all these plans and then feel let down or disappointed if it has to change.

I want my OH and my mum with me but when it comes time to push my mum is going to step outside and leave us to it until OH goes to say baby is here and she can come in to meet her first grandchild. I know someone who works on the maternity ward and she said she doesn't see any issues with that but ill need to remember to double check with midwife.
No birth plan here either. 'Get the baby out' is probably the extent of it! I think post-birth i'd like my OH to cut the cord and to tell me the babies gender, i'd like skin to skin again, I did it last time and was cleaning him as he lay on me. I'd also like to go home ASAP (as soon as healthily possible anyway), and I will stress the need for some breastfeeding help - I don't want the assumption that I know what I am doing because this is second baby - I don't, first child was formula fed from Day 3.

I didn't really notice the needle go in for my epi, but it's a personal choice. Ruddy loved mine though :lol: If this labour goes well then hopefully I can go without, but not going to be a hero about it, if I need it, I need it (which is the philosophy of my birth plan - do whatever is needed to get baby and momma out of it healthily).
I've got a few things that need to go on a birth plan - namely no gas and air (due to Pernicious anaemia), and avoid stirrups and exams conducted on my back (as much as possible) (due to SPD). Those are the only things that I'm going to be really strict about, other than that I'm fairly easy going about it all, main thing is that baby comes and is healthy.

Would definitely like skin to skin ASAP after birth, not bothered by baby being cleaned before hand.

I'm not sure if I'm doing a plan because I'll adjust as I go. I want a water birth but of it gets too much I'll have pain relief but don't want epidural. I want hubby to cut cord, but I want 30sec-1 min delayed cord clamping. I want skin to skin and I want to go home as soon as possible. I don't like the idea of having to stay in xxx
We have quite a specific birth plan, i went in last time without and ended up with a cascade of unecessary interventions, resulting in a c section and awful experience overall.
So its less of an I want and more of an 'I dont consent to x,y &z.'
the things i want are fairly standard, skin to skin, delayed cord clamping etc etc
I'm sure OH is losing the plot! He said to me on the way home from our friends this evening that I need to remember that he said he is really thoughtful but the thing that is going to make him thoughtful hasn't happened yet! Weird man! :lol: :-) his weirdness is one of the many reasons why I love him though :-)
It maybe means he's not got you anything for Valentine's Day :rofl: xx
No birth plan here either. We didnt have one for my others so not going to have one this time around.
Tired as anything this morning just couldnt settle properly woke up a few times with a pain at the top left side of my bump have no idea what it was :/
this cough is doing my head in thought that I had escaped the horrible colds etc but noooo it hits me now :( I refuse to go out anywhere til it passes lol. Although I need to go shop for some milk for the kids breakfast.
Hopefully can fit a nap in somewhere today maybe when oh is watching football with his dad ill sneak off upstairs and have a lie in bed :) x
Rough night for me too. The child woke twice and i struggled to settle down because I've been weezing and struggling with acid reflux. Boooo.

Anyone got any plans for Valentine's Day? None for us. Just doing the M&S meal deal once the kiddo is asleep.
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We dont really do valentines tbh oh always says he dont need a single day of the year to show me that he loves me :) but he did last year get me something 9 times outta ten we'll order Chinese and have a film night but with the way I feel I'll more than likely be asleep by 9/10 lol xx
Hi guys still poorly today, the chesty cough has improved slightly but now have the snuffles n pressure in the head and so now they are triggering each other. Managed to sleep longer although woke every hour or so coughing/drinking loads of water then instantly regretting it with heartburn, sat up in bed to get rid of heartburn and cough comes back - sigh...we both managed two naps yesterday but again struggled with heartburn trying the old vix in a bowl thing but whilst its good for my nose it sets my cough off...booo...have to do it without towel over my head....

Valentines day and we're both poorly - it sucks lol...weve bought cards but homecooked tonight as had curry last night hoping to fight these colds.. OH bday tomorrow and his parents are visiting, they arent young and hoping to be over the worst of these colds by tomorrow otherwise will have to cancel and havent seen them properly since Xmas...sigh...timing as always sucks...On the plus side had good midwife appt yesterday, with all my tossing and turning and coughing she is now in ROA position (right side head down) but kept moving all over the place last night so who knows by now...

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