**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Hi Emma, bless ya, know how you feel as OH and I have both come down with something and last night despite best intentions with an early night managed approximately 1-2hrs sleep as had Cataar (not sure if thats how you spell it) and that was causing heartburn in my usual sleeping positions. The only one that prevented heartburn was sat up but cant sleep that way so was coughing, swallowing, suffering from heartburn, shivers, multiple toilet visits and kept waking myself up with the Cataar...Gave up at 5am and now watching cartoons, had a hot bath, some toast and drinking loads of water and has two paracetamol but wondering whether to rearrange our midwife appt as she comes to our house and has a LO herself but also selfishly would like to confirm she's alright (although movements although more regular due to my restlessness haven't changed in their style so pretty sure she's OK)...I need to also try and get a nap at some point but not sure whether can until this phlegm (sorry tmi) clears up as get heartburn...cant win... : (
Thanks for the heads up guys will stick to water and milk and if necessary paracetamol...to be fair took is a bit when was 14weeks as had a cold and doesnt seem to have caused any harm but only tiny amounts....
If the cough gets really annoying kitten pop to boots and ask for their blackcurrant glycerin cough medicine. It worked wonders and is possibly the only thing cold/flu related that my midwife and the lovely people at boots said was ok to have other than honey and lemon!

Tapatalk still not sending through notifications! Really annoying!! Stupid app...

Other than all the viruses still apparently making the rounds, how is everyone this morning? Xx
I wish I could fit a nap in today but doubt I will. Now got a horrible cough thought I avoided the horrible cold/cough/sore throat but nope im last to get it and knowing my luck it'll be the worst. I remember in my last pregnancy I had it off and on from 30 weeks and soon as Ollie was born it cleared up and didnt have it again :-/ which is weird.
Ollie has actually let me have a lie in past 5 this morning but didnt do much good cuz I just couldn't sleep. Kept waking up feeling uncomfortable :( x
I'm feeling ok- just tired and big today. Get the feeling she's getting uncomfortable in there and fast running out of space.

Can't wait to get to 3:30 today.
Thanks for the heads up cossie, just about to try the honey lemon hot water mix - hate hot drinks and dont much like lemon either but will give it a shot. other than sore throat feeling a bit better now been up a while...it will hit me later how little sleep Ive had lol...other than sore throat feeling good, hey its Friday nearly weekend - valentines day and my OH's bday so all good....
I had strep and flu at the beginning of my pregnancy and could only have paracetamols, then I got a blasted ear infection and strep throat never cleared so had to have some antibiotics. I had paracetamols on and off for almost 2 weeks...it was horrible, but told never to take cold and flu tablets or medicated soothers. I found fishermans friends helped to clear my nose really well, even though I find the yucky!!

I'm loosing my PLUG!!! Only small amounts, not worried, but with my first I only started to loose it the day Before went into labour, and in masses in comparison to this, I know it's relatively normal for some women to start loosing their plug as it keeps producing more....but still shocked me when doing my constant bowl check :) anyone else starting to loose their plug??
Me- a couple weeks ago now! But I was startled as mine was a lot all at once but midwife said it doesn't actually directly effect when labour will start as many women will go on for weeks after! Hoping I can last until March at least. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow so the nearer the better xx
Can't wait for the day to end and it's only just begun!! :lol:

If I'm honest kelly, I wouldn't have a clue if I had started losing mine! I have no idea what I'm looking for or anything.

I did have a bit of a panicky moment the other night when i went to the loo and wipes and there was soooo much bright red blood! I double and treble checked to make sure it wasn't coming from baby or cervix or anything like that and soon came to the conclusion that my fissure is back :(
I was going to say the same Cossie would have no idea if I was loosing mines either, starting to feel a bit clueless! Hopefully the antenatal classes will help but I was shocked you only get 2.

I got a cramp in my leg at 5.30 this morning the pain was ridiculous I screamed and think OH thought I was in labour.
Ooh exciting Kelly its still progress even if it is weeks off, I am also an avid checker lol : ) Nothing so far...All Ive had is an increase in the frequency of braxton hicks, otherwise nothing to indicate which is probably just as well as would like her to keep cooking til term at least....

Oh Cossie not nice, I had something similar in early pregnancy and it really scared me to see blood on the toilet roll as was only 10 weeks pregnant at the time...luckily not had any since - FX it gets better for you....
I was going to say the same Cossie would have no idea if I was loosing mines either, starting to feel a bit clueless! Hopefully the antenatal classes will help but I was shocked you only get 2.

I got a cramp in my leg at 5.30 this morning the pain was ridiculous I screamed and think OH thought I was in labour.

I'm hoping the same! When I booked ours I was given the choice of 3 Wednesday evenings or one Saturday all day! We went for the one day as OH has meeting with work on Wednesdays that require him to work late. I'm hoping they'll tell us all about losing plug, waters breaking etc because I have no idea!! :wall2:

I'm also suffering with cramps! I scream every time and OH practically leaps out of bed! He's really good though when he realises it's just cramp!

Thanks kitten, I'm hoping that'll be the last! Although I've heard that if you've suffered with fissures or piles in the past they return after the birth as there's a lot of pressure/stress on the area :( boooo!
Another one with no idea about loosing plug etc. We are doing 4 evening antenatal classes starting on 3rd march. Maybe I'm sad, but am actually kinda looking forward to them... lol

I really looking forward to mine too emmajaine! Mine's on 14th March and it'll be the day after my last day at work and I know after the antenatal class I'll have 3 weeks left!! :D xx
Hi Guys we've had our first antenatal class and it is informative although being the kind of person I am and of course an avid PF and Google'er found didn't learn anything new but who knows may learn more at next weeks...
Just returned from the doctors with conformation that I do have pregnancy induced sciatica and there is very little they can do :-( begin referred to physio but he will b restricted in the fact I'm pregnant lol so looks like I'm gonna be in pain until baby arrives and then could take some time to go away afterwards..... Wonderful!
Feeling a bit sorry for myself to be honest as I can't even shower or get dressed without help from my oh. Still 8 weeks to go and praying baby is early.
I start antenatal classes next week and really looking forward to it :-)
Hi Guys, well it was a meet and greet first of all which involved drawing our baby to be (embarassing or what??), we then got into teams of girls and guys to decide on topics we want to cover/find out more about, and spent time either in this group or couples in two teams discussing various things such as: How to relax in pregnancy, essential vs non essential baby items, what our baby is doing inside movement/activity-wise, the average length of labour (which surprised everyone in the room as clearly they thought it was shorter!), challenging vs exciting things of pregnancy, she then spent a while discussing maternal positioning in final weeks to gain optimum foetal positioning and we all guessed which way our baby was lying currently. To be fair that was it for the first session. Lots of team activities which are great if you have some common ground...

Oh no Aimee sounds horrible, FX your baby is early or ontime and not late...
I have 3 hours child free.... This afternoon before 3pm i am determined i will....
Put the washing away,
Pack birthing box/ just incase hospital bags,
Pack Olivia a grab for a few days back up bag
Finish sorting and selling Olivia's old cloths,
Wash the baby clothes,
Type birth plan(s),
Make the 5 phone calls to various people/company's ive needed to call all week!

I may even squeeze in a 5 minute sit down before my last afternoon at work!! We will be ready for this babys arrival! Eventually! xx

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