**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I have a feeling ive already asked this so ignore me if I have :p got my appointment at the vbac clinic on monday and wondering if anyone knows what I should expect xxx
Mee! We don't have VBAC clinic here but i had an appointment with the supervisor of midwives because I'm having a homebirth.
If you're ok with following there vbac 'rules', constant fetal monitoring, canula in etc then they'll be super supportive of you having a vbac.
They only dislike me because i disagree with their rules having done my own research lol! x
I feel like all I am doing is moaning at the moment. I have a back to work interview with my boss after having 2 days off which I am dreading! I'm ready for it though when I found out I was pregnant I asked to change job roles to become more office based - they have moved me to the furthest away office from my home significantly increasing my travel time. After having to attend physio for back issues in November I asked when annual leave was renewed in January could I use 1 day per week as I knew things would get tougher as I got bigger - this was refused unless I applied to reduce my working hours officially going down to 4 days (colleagues from a different team did not work any of the 7 Mondays leading up to Christmas). I'm just so fed up with this place and feel like everything is getting scrutinised. We are public funded and money is tight so redundancies are getting mentioned so everyone is a bit stressed. At my last midwife appointment my blood pressure was high and obviously all of this isn't helping. Seriously considering asking can I bring my mat leave forward to get away from here.

I have a feeling ive already asked this so ignore me if I have :p got my appointment at the vbac clinic on monday and wondering if anyone knows what I should expect xxx
Mee! We don't have VBAC clinic here but i had an appointment with the supervisor of midwives because I'm having a homebirth.
If you're ok with following there vbac 'rules', constant fetal monitoring, canula in etc then they'll be super supportive of you having a vbac.
They only dislike me because i disagree with their rules having done my own research lol! x

I specifically dont want the constant monitoring etc, i dont see how you can labour properly strapped to a bed! ive got a long list of questions and things I want so hoping I get a positive outcome! although baby is breech atm so could all go out of the window if she doesnt move I guess :( Xxx
CDx that sounds awful :( Surely they can't refuse how and when you use your annual leave unless of course it does clash with other being off at the same time?
I have a feeling ive already asked this so ignore me if I have :p got my appointment at the vbac clinic on monday and wondering if anyone knows what I should expect xxx
Mee! We don't have VBAC clinic here but i had an appointment with the supervisor of midwives because I'm having a homebirth.
If you're ok with following there vbac 'rules', constant fetal monitoring, canula in etc then they'll be super supportive of you having a vbac.
They only dislike me because i disagree with their rules having done my own research lol! x

I specifically dont want the constant monitoring etc, i dont see how you can labour properly strapped to a bed! ive got a long list of questions and things I want so hoping I get a positive outcome! although baby is breech atm so could all go out of the window if she doesnt move I guess :( Xxx
Ah you may face more of a battle then!
I Told them if i laboured in hospital id be refusing cfm, no canula, minimal VEs and i wouldn't be sticking to their stupid 1cm an hr time limit! They kept whinging and eventually i decided i didn't want to be arguing with them in labour. Hense home birth plans!
Make sure you inform them of how you will be birthing your baby, don't ask! & if they try and say no quote the good ol nice guidelines at them! :-)
As for breech don't worry you've got ages! Get on the spinning babies site :-)
Hugs to you all! These April babies sure are giving us a few troubles! Hopefully that means we all get dreamily easy new borns! :lol:

I had my whooping cough vaccine today, hoping I get away without the dead arm.

Are any of you ladies thinking about Raspberry leaf tea? When are you going to start it?

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Oh emma I hope that is the case!! I somehow doubt it but never say never!! :lol:

Ouch for whooping cough vaccine! I'd probs say if you haven't got a dead arm now then you're unlikely to. I go a dead arm pretty much from the second the needle went in my arm!

As for raspberry leaf tea, I'm not sure. I've heard it really helps and I've also heard that it does nothing! I might try it around 37 weeks... What about you? xx
Hehe, I know I'm probably wishing for the impossible, but it could happen! lol

My arm has started to sting a bit, not dead tho, fx my body is so used to injections that its not taking any notice (I have them every 10-12 weeks for pernicious anaemia).

I think I'm going to do it, going to do some research but I think I remember reading that it should be started at something like 32 weeks with 1 cup a day, and then gradually increased.

Mines didn't go dead it just was a bit stingy for a while then went a bit hard and itchy for a day or 2 afterwards. Worst bit for me was sitting in the waiting room for my appointment and freaking about a needle.

I'm really not sure about the raspberry leaf tea, I asked the midwife and she was quite vague about it too.
i drank loads of raspberry leaf tea towards the end and I was still 8 days late, i tried everything!

Today not going so well, we're a bit skint having bought and currently renovating a new house, still got every room to decorate and everything is covered in an inch of dust, and we find out there's a 50:50 chance my husband will be made redundant next month. I'm a SAHM and obviously not in a position to really help if it happens, stress levels through the roof at the moment.
I drank the tea last time round from about 35 weeks I think it was, didnt help though haha, was induced for blood pressure and he was still over a week late, god knows how late he would of been without, and didnt progress past 4cm :(, I have a box or 2 left thats still in date so Im going to use again though in a couple of weeks just to feel like Im doing something :) I took EPO capsules too last time, cant remember when to start them, I must research as I have loads left! xxx
I drank the tea last time round from about 35 weeks I think it was, didnt help though haha, was induced for blood pressure and he was still over a week late, god knows how late he would of been without, and didnt progress past 4cm :(, I have a box or 2 left thats still in date so Im going to use again though in a couple of weeks just to feel like Im doing something :) I took EPO capsules too last time, cant remember when to start them, I must research as I have loads left! xxx
How did you get on? x
i drank loads of raspberry leaf tea towards the end and I was still 8 days late, i tried everything!

Today not going so well, we're a bit skint having bought and currently renovating a new house, still got every room to decorate and everything is covered in an inch of dust, and we find out there's a 50:50 chance my husband will be made redundant next month. I'm a SAHM and obviously not in a position to really help if it happens, stress levels through the roof at the moment.
I'm sorry about OH- what timing :Si know how expensive renovations can be as well but I'm sure even if the worst happens, things will work out of xx
Hugs to you all! These April babies sure are giving us a few troubles! Hopefully that means we all get dreamily easy new borns! :lol:

I had my whooping cough vaccine today, hoping I get away without the dead arm.

Are any of you ladies thinking about Raspberry leaf tea? When are you going to start it?


I drank it from 32 weeks (if I remember) and tablet form....also drank gallons of pineapple juice and ate a pineapple a day (wish I was kidding....it was a craving!) I did nipple stimulation, sexy time....you name it, I did it, I was still 10 days overdue.

But you never know, if I didn't I might of gone 2 weeks
HI Guys my OH and I have both developed dry tickly chesty coughs overnight which is no fun! Im sure she's not enjoying it either! Don't want to overdo it on the covonia but it needs it - that and galloons of water!
You should really check you're allowed Covonia. I've been ill with the flu for almost a fortnight now, and my doctor told me not to take anything other than paracetamol. I've had to use just honey to soothe my cough. Xx
I was told covonia is a nono by my midwife, she said all cold medicines are on the not allowed list and if I'm desperate for relief I could use vic, drink hot water with lemon/honey take paracetamol...
Thanks for the heads up guys will stick to water and milk and if necessary paracetamol...to be fair took is a bit when was 14weeks as had a cold and doesnt seem to have caused any harm but only tiny amounts....
i drank loads of raspberry leaf tea towards the end and I was still 8 days late, i tried everything!

Today not going so well, we're a bit skint having bought and currently renovating a new house, still got every room to decorate and everything is covered in an inch of dust, and we find out there's a 50:50 chance my husband will be made redundant next month. I'm a SAHM and obviously not in a position to really help if it happens, stress levels through the roof at the moment.
I'm sorry about OH- what timing :Si know how expensive renovations can be as well but I'm sure even if the worst happens, things will work out of xx

Thanks, Prettypee :hugs:
How many times can a viral infection go round? Seriously Lillys had it since Monday thought she was getting better by Wednesday then she comes out in a horrble viral rash all over her back and belly docs said just to let it run its course and itll go within a few days and now my eldest has caught it :( hopefully me n Ollie n oh wont catch it and will skip us. Already feel ill and crappy this morning got a cold and sore throat along with headache that's lasted for bout 3 days x

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