**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Haha I'm looking forward to maternity leave as I literally plan to spring clean the whole house. It's a bit difficult at the moment. My dining room is back to a storeroom and most rooms are sealed of to stop dust so I can't get in nursary or spare room!!

I was really lucky at my baby shower and got tonnes of lamaze toys, some cute dresses, hampers, vouchers and the playmat I had my heart set on (70 quid in John Lewis!)right now it's all piled on dining table with the buggaboo bits all in boxes. I so want to get the pram out but oh wont let me as we knock through to garage on sat which will be horrifically messy. I know he is right but I'm not happy about it lol

Midwife apt went ok- new one again but she was miserable and very unsympathetic. Ugh didn't like her. But on the plus size she's no longer breech and has turned :D head down and measuring just right. I get the feeling she didn't like the midwife either as she kept kicking / punching her away!
Hi guys also hasnt really hit home despite being prepared n yes, feeling her roll around, wriggle n kick all the time. Em - make the pool a priority, its ace for relaxation n really helps u visualise everything. Ive sorted out some relaxibg youtube vids of flowers n scenery to watch n relaxibg music n whrn in pool almost fall asleep. Bought a swimskirt to butcher (take pants out of) n a bikini halter top so need to trial then now in pool. We started nct classes Last night n were surprised at how little the others in group knoe or have prepared. Plus doesnt help that no kne else interested in homebirth so not much in common. OH wants us to stop going as not benefitting n tbh agree with him altho want to give it another wk to be sure as paid gor it. Dilemma
Prettypee that would be my worst nightmare! I hate decorating when I have to stillive there lol!! We are currently renovating a house we've just bought and searching for a new car and I keep cleaning daily "just incase" ha ha!!

Not sure if I'm having a baby shower....friends have mentioned it but not told me anything xxx
Starting to think that Lil miss has moved from being breech to lying across now as feeling movement on both left and right sides so im not too sure.
Really starting to think I won't make it to full term just a feeling I keep getting. Must get my butt into gear and start picking stuff up to plop into hospital bag while im out up the town.
Ive pretty much got babys stuff ready just need to get milk and nappies and some water wipes and scratch mitts then shes got all her stuff. Ordered a new bag for hospital as well so hopefully it will be here by weekend.
Might just order my pj's offline as well tonight and that will be another thing crossed off the list.
Im not too sure if we r having a babyshower either oh said once baby is born will more than likely have a Lil get together when shes a few days old.

Starting to get a Lil annoyed with people asking if we have picked a name and when we say we've thought of a few but not made our minds up we get told that we're cutting it short as it is and that she needs a name straight away.

What a load of nonsense EmmaLouise. You have 4 weeks to register baby, and can ask for an extension of you still haven't chosen a name! Do what's right for you and your other half and sod everyone else xxx
Goodness me ladies....you're so so organised.

Don't need to decorate rooms as he will be with me in his crib and my son will move into a bigger room in about a few moths time so then this one can have his old room then.

No hospital bag packed for me or baby...

Still no newborn clothes...
I know yeah we get upto 6 weeks here to register baby. Honestly ive just spoke to ohs mom and I said im starting to like the name lexie-jayne as thats one of the names we had short listed for our first if he was a girl and our daughter until we decided on Lilly instead and she just said oh well we can't have lexie-jayne and a alexa thats the name ohs sister has chose if she has a girl of which she is due in may and she doesn't know what shes having. Its annoyed the hell outta me it really has. Im like its just an option we aint said we are defo having it.
It annoys me even more cuz oh sister gets treated like a kid herself she hates doing stuff for herself and she got all jealous when she found out we are due before her and she said Its not fair that we found out what we're having and that she couldn't cuz of how her baby had legs crossed but when she had scan they told her more than likely a boy as baby slightly opened its legs towards the end. shes said she doesn't want a girl cuz she hates dresses and girly clothes.

We more than likely wont go for lexie-jayne and will probs pick a totally different one our daughter keeps asking us to call baby frankie lol xx
Is anyone suffering with sciatica? This week has been awful and so so painful, has anyone any tips? It's affecting my left leg from bum to toes and sometimes it can't bare any weight :-(
Only 8 weeks and a few days to go and counting....
Oh. I'm feeling completely drained today. My boy has man flu and has completely worn me out. I think we'll be in for a long night too.
Aimee I've had Sciatica from
30 weeks but eased up massively as soon as I wore a bump band to work. Walking any distance still gets me but I feel much better in getting around without worrying my back will go! xx
I feel really daft but I'm not really sure what sciatica is... so I'm going to assume that I've managed to escape that one. I'm suffering with my knees and cramping in my calf muscles though.

I had a play with tapatalk app last night and I'm hoping I've sorted notifications out as I wasn't getting any!! I just assumed people were really inactive on here!!

Hope everyone is well today? Xx
Oh hope your knees and calves aren't too bad! Sciatica is where the sciatic nerve which is the main nerve that runs down ur spine then splits down each leg becomes a bit squashed. Oh the pain, it took me 20minutes at 1.30am just to get out of bed with oh help :-( need his help to get dressed and in and out of the shower, I feel crap and definitely counting down the weeks now .
I use the app and it is generally terrible! But I never have time to get your a computer outside of work so app or nothing...

I'm ok today - I'm really struggling for sleep though, up all night and always too hot for the cover right now. It's not just for toilet breaks either it's just not getting comfortable and feeling restless.

Under 4 weeks of work to go for me.... Counting down to march 10th now
I had a terrible night as well last night. If it wasnt Ollie waking up coughing that woke me up it was cuz I couldnt get comfy and I just generally felt like crap.
Bump feels generally sore even with the slightest touch sometimes hurts now and again when baby moves as well.
Got the dreaded food shop straight after school run this morning and also have Lilly off of nursery as shes come down with a viral rash and infection so shes spending the day with her dad on the settee watching Disney films.
Hope I start to feel better soon feel like coming down with a cold as well. Just to top things all off the itching wasnt too bad yesterday and this morning soon as I got up it was a nightmare xx
I have a feeling ive already asked this so ignore me if I have :p got my appointment at the vbac clinic on monday and wondering if anyone knows what I should expect xxx
i didn't have a c section but the few people i know who have, have had no problem having a normal vaginal birth afterwards. hope your appt goes well xx
Ouch aimee that sounds really painful :( really hope it eases for you. Has anyone said whether it'll get better as the pregnancy goes on or after pregnancy?

Oh no, seems today isn't a good day already for most then! I feel absolutely exhausted despite actually having a good nights sleep for the first time in months which makes it even more annoying just how tired I am!

Really hope everyone's days pick up! xx
Haha it still makes me feel better to know I'm not alone in my struggles! Even if we are all feeling miserable!

I think my complaints will significantly reduce come maternity leave. Mainly as I dont have to deal with long hard days anymore in addition to the aches and pains....

Hope sciatica gives you ladies a break- it's not fun. But people keep saying that it's all worth it in the end. If only they wouldn't keep saying to get the sleep in now while you can - I'm trying!!

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