**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Had my 31 week check yesterday and baby is head down already which midwife says is good as apparently I have very strong stomach muscles and they won't now let baby move round. That is not a comment I have ever expected lol I giggled a lot! But think I'm finally starting to beat this damn cold, my God is it clinging on!
I'm team yellow but thought I was having a boy from the beginning but now think a girl so I will guess a girl, 50% chance of me being right lol
I put your prediction of :pink: on the front page Aimee! It'll be great to see how right... Or wrong we all are!
Absolutely exhausted today. Monday nights I go to college and have to travel from Shrewsbury to Oswestry, it's about a 20 min journey. On the way home (left college at 8:50pm) a few miles along the A5 traffic was forced down a turning towards West Felton/Whittington etc. as they had closed the road from that point. Once around the corner there were no more diversion signs. While this usually wouldn't be a problem I only know my way home along the A5. I had no idea where I was going or How to get home from this point, phone signal was crap so phone calls between myself and OH were very jumpy. I eventually managed to find my way back to a road that I knew how to get home from and the 20 min journey took me an hour and 15 mins or so! I eventually got home at 10:10pm :( My back is really hurting from having sat in the car that long and I'm so tired. I got home and just sat on the floor and burst into tears!

Hopefully I can have a quiet night in tonight and it shouldn't be as eventful! Hope everyone else is doing ok today? xx
Bless ya Cossie, that doesnt sound like fun at the best of times but especially now...are you attending college right up to the birth or have you managed to arrange some time off? I wouldn't want to be doing that drive with the risk of no phone signal when at term....
It was no fun at all Kitten :( I'm just glad I managed to get home in the end to be honest! I was going to try and go right up until birth but in all honesty I'm not sure I'll fit behind the wheel for much longer so I have warned my tutor that I might not be in for a month or so after mid March (basically when I leave work). My tutor is really understanding so it won't be an issue to have some time off - I'll just need to make sure assignments and assessments are up to date which shouldn't be too difficult! :)
I've dreamt twice that we are having a girl and everyone says it's usually the opposite and OH has had a strong feeling we are having a boy from the start so ill go with boy.

That sounds a nightmare Cossie.

Still struggling with back pain and still off work called physio today and I've to go see them a week on Friday.
with my first i went into the hospital in my leggings and a top and ended up leaving my top on and having nothing on bottom apart from a blanket.
with 2nd i was induced and they provided a hospital gown for me and the same with my 3rd.
will probs be the same with my fourth if i have to be induced again.
i'll be wearing black bottoms and a baggy top after on the ward and will wear leggings and normal top to come home in.

Really aint feeling all good today, itching has stopped the same, but sometimes if i ignore it and then i do end up scratching i make it worse by leaving marks from where i've been scratching, i'm going to phone the docs in the morning and see if i can get in to see the midwife but doubt i'll be able the last two days ive phoned to change my appointment my docs have either told me i can't or they'll phone me back which the dont.
Been gettin the odd weird electric shock kinda pain when i'm walking in my foofoo its like lil one kicking or moving and keeps copping me really low down :/ anyone else getting this? x
And 30 weeks preggo today. Crikey, just 10/12 weeks to go?! That can't be right?! REALLY need to get sorted! Nursery is still a study. I might start to panic soon!
Rooster your not the only one we haven't started on our nursery yet either although that's next once the bathroom is done, my oh is stressing more than me on that front.
I was saying to my OH last night that we really need to start on clearing the bedroom as we only have 8-10 weeks to empty, decorate and furnish it!!! Eeeek!!

I only have 5 weeks left at work too! That's really exciting!!
We have the room emptied and decorated just waiting on the furniture to arrive in a few weeks.

Back at work today, an hour at my desk and my back/hips are as bad as ever. I really can't wait to finish up 7 weeks to go with a few days annual leave to break it up. I had kept back 12 days to carry over but think I might need to use some of them and finish up sooner.
I'm at my 32+4 appointment today. Feeling rough and very hot in the waiting room.

We are pretty much all sorted apart from a MASSIVE clear out and tidy up. We are having a doorway put in the the garage so the whole house is under sheets until Sunday. Then my oh has to try and plaster around it and then ideally we will decorate the hallway ( i think that is very unlikely as I'm not going to be doing it and oh lacks the drive with diy/ decoration!

Picked up pram and car seat yesterday as well, now I just need my sisters bouncer and we will literally have everything....I think!
Wow you're so organised prettypee!! I wish I was that organised! :lol: but that's never going to happen! I think for it's because I still don't quite believe I'm actually having a baby and OH is just plain lazy! Haha :P
We've just gotta get pushchair and bouncer. Ohs mom is buying the moses basket but she's getting it delivered to our house instead of hers in Cardiff.
Ohs sister is sorting all her Lil girls clothes out that she has that dont fit her anymore most havent been worn either. Hoping to get pushchair within the next 2 weeks fingers crossed. Just need to make my mind up either the silvercross 3d or the cosatto giggle 2 just dont know which one to pick but kinda leaning towards gettin a double but Ollie will be 2 the following month after baby is born so dunno what to do for the best.

Be glad when I have everything then can get hospital bag sorted already got the vests and babygrows and hats and blanket just gotta put the rest in
I bought the silver cross3D and I love it, can't wait to put the baby in it!
I've got a rucksack with one nights worth of things already packed and by the front door as a just in case thing and I'm going to start putting together a bag with more stuff in for if we aren't taken by surprise before due date with more baby clothes, nappies and clothes for me :)

I'm having moments where it all hits me like a ton of bricks and it all seems far too real!! But I can't wait to meet my LO!!

How is everyone today by the way? xx
You're all so organised!
We finally ordered the co-sleeper crib yesterday. I need to buy a new car seat because i cannot get the smell of smoke out of the carseat my friend borrowed. Purchasing wise thats it. But we need to get all the baby equipment down from the loft to sort and clean etc. Im mid way through sorting DDs baby clothes. Have got a bag of unisex to wash for this baby but everything else is going on Ebay! We kept everything from tiny baby -18mths! As this baby is a boy it seems daft to keep it all! Makes me said seeing all the beautiful sleepsuits she barely wore go though!
I haven't started any sort of hospital bag! I really need to & write my birth plan, prepare DD a bag & fill my birth box! Oh and do a trial run of the pool!! Argh! How am i full term in 6weeks!!

I told work im finishing early yesterday as I'm struggling! So my last day is Friday! But because of half term Mat leave will actually start at 33weeks! Am looking forward to spending time with Olivia for a few weeks! xx
Hospital bag wise I have 1 with slippers, toiletries, maternity pads and breast pads for me and another with wipes, nappies and starter kit milk for baby just need to sort our clothes out. Babies clothes we have just need to decide what we are taking and give it a wash. Then I will hit primark for cheap nightwear for me.

Lucky you Em you will enjoy that quality time together.
I think I'm pretty organised.....pram, car seat, bouncer, play mat, bedroom and longe Moses/ co sleeper set up & ready, hospital bag for baby packed, clothes washer and ironed. Baby furniture set up in spare room, my bag almost done. I've had 3 clear outs and disinfected everywhere....I'm in pure nesting mode!!

Now I just need to read up on the stages of labour, breast feeding and we have our antenatal class next week. I also finish work a week on Friday.

Hasn't quote hit me that I'm having a baby, even with him wriggling around and his stuff being everywhere xxxx

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