Oooooo good luck emmajaine!

I wouldn't read too much into it EmmaJaine, i've found some refer to baby as he and some as she and we don't know what we're having either. hopefully that's all anyway, otherwise i'd be really annoyed./QUOTE]
I thought that at first, but after the 5th time she noticed what she was saying and really obviously added "or he" which just kinda drew attention to all the other times she said she - if you know what I mean.
I'm not saying for sure it's a girl, but will be expecting them to say girl when baby is born. We still aren't telling anyone in real life, they can still have the surprise.
I thought you had to wear a nighty in labour? Can you wear pants? Isn't it hassle having to get them on/ off?
I can see that they are probably nice afterwards though....
I have a primark maternity nightgown and a nicer nursing one from mothercare with matching dressing gown ( both primarily black to hide potential leakage...