**** April 2015 Mummies ****

:( Can't believe so many of us are still feeling so poorly! It must be an April curse or something!!

Oooooo good luck emmajaine! :D I'd love to have another scan but I get the feeling the only scan I'll get is if I pay for one and they're just so expensive!
Haha talking of zero tolerance...I'm actually a short tempered person in my normal state of mind...I can bite my tongue, but I eventually snap....but I am awful at the moment. An older lady told me off for allowing my son to scream in her ear...ok, he was being loud as he had just finished swimming lessons and trying to sing Humpty Dumpty and the end of it is screaming as you enter the pool...so I out my fingers to my lips and told him he should be quiet...so he screamed again, I have no tolerance of screaming in public with my children, but the lady was quicker than me at telling him not to do it....so I snapped at her...I was so annoyed, but wish now, I had held my tongue. Just tired and a little fed up at the moment, so I wasn't in the mood...

QUESTION LADIES....what sleep wear are you packing into your labour bag? Last time I had maternity trousers and top but they got ruined from my hospital stay...this time round I'm possibly having a c section and wondered where you ladies are getting yours from or recommendations?
Hi guys anyone else notice their braxton hicks increasing in frequency? was fortnightly then weekly then this week its now daily sometimes 2 or 3 times. theyre still the same type of pain/ache just more regular.
No pics from the scan today as baby was very low down! So much so that they couldn't actually measure head circumference! We told the sonographer that we didn't know the sex of the baby so she got us to look away at points in the scan, BUT then kept referring to baby as she! So reckon we are having a baby girl. OH is not happy that she spoiled the surprise!

According to measurements baby is about 4lbs, so looking like 8-9lb at birth. I've been told I have slight polyhydramnios (excess fluid) so will be having another scan at 34 and 38 weeks to monitor fluid levels.

Kelly - I'm taking in some loose black pj bottoms and a nursing vest top for sleepwear (figuring black will be best for hiding any accidents!). Not bought them yet, am pinning my hopes on asda having some!

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:-( I'm sorry the sonographer has potentially ruined the surprise, that's such a shame. You'd have thought they'd have learnt how to keep their mouths sut!
I wouldn't read too much into it EmmaJaine, i've found some refer to baby as he and some as she and we don't know what we're having either. hopefully that's all anyway, otherwise i'd be really annoyed.

I'm just going to take my normal pj bottoms and a nursing top for after the birth, no idea about what to wear during labour itself, i'll probably get a cheap night shirt as it will no doubt get ruined! i think last time i just wore a long length black vest top as i was in and out of the pool. If you do have a c section i'm not sure if pj bottoms might rub on the wound?
I've packed two nightgowns and one of my OH old t-shirts. I'm planning on buying some cheap Primark jammies for afterwards.

Any Team Yellow people want me to put gender predictions on the front page? I've added my Team Blue prediction.
I wouldn't read too much into it EmmaJaine, i've found some refer to baby as he and some as she and we don't know what we're having either. hopefully that's all anyway, otherwise i'd be really annoyed./QUOTE]

I thought that at first, but after the 5th time she noticed what she was saying and really obviously added "or he" which just kinda drew attention to all the other times she said she - if you know what I mean.

I'm not saying for sure it's a girl, but will be expecting them to say girl when baby is born. We still aren't telling anyone in real life, they can still have the surprise.

I thought you had to wear a nighty in labour? Can you wear pants? Isn't it hassle having to get them on/ off?

I can see that they are probably nice afterwards though....

I have a primark maternity nightgown and a nicer nursing one from mothercare with matching dressing gown ( both primarily black to hide potential leakage...
Firstly...how can your friend think it's acceptable to allow a newborn carrier be around smoke? Where was the baby? I'd be very annoyed too!!

Second....who actually moans to mothers about their children's behaviour? Kids are kids, and we have all been toddlers and made noise, I'd have snapped too.

I've got 5 more shifts in work. I finish next Friday. Quite glad I've brought it forward. I've taken it very easy in work with just working the tills and running cash office. And a manager has moaned behind my back thSt I could be doing more. I'm sorry but I'm not running around the shop floor clearing stock or card board. I'm not allowed to pull pallets due to my risk assessment and I'm not risking anything!! Have a feeling someone is planning a "surprise" baby shower. I hate surprises and would just like to know if I'm having 1 or not and when lol.

I've bought a button up night dress from Primark which I'm wearing with maternity leggings after baby is born. In labour I plan on an old vest with support, or hopefully bikini top as I want a water birth.

Still struggling with tooth ache but finally found a dentist with no waiting list....recommended by my dentist friend so I hope to be fixed up soon!

Hubby has started his new job tonight (we run our own small business and both have jobs as financial back up and security) he's on twilight 3 times a week until baby then 2 nights. I'm bored already and sat in bed watching the iPad ha ha! xxxx
Aw no Emmajaine that's such a shame. You would think they would just adapt a nickname they use for all scans just to avoid things like that.

I've had the same dilemma with what to pack Kelly. I'm thinking cheap primark nightdress and pj's then maybe a long top and leggings for if I feel like getting dressed for visitors.

New low for me tonight went for a radox muscle relax bath to try to ease my back pain and OH had to practically lift me out the bath! Def giving physio a call to see if they will see me again because bump really isn't that big I should be struggling.
Add me to the list of sick mummies to be. Dosed with a bad cold since last week and finally started to feel better yesterday only for my hip and back pain to get worse. Been off work since last week and can't bear the thought of going back again:( Top of bump also feels like its burning sometimes which is painful. Kinda feels like bra is rubbing it but it isn't even touching it. Anyone else get this?
oh that's rubbish then EmmaJaine, you'd think they'd be more careful!

As for Team Yellow guesses, I'm going to say I think we're having a girl. I was 100% convinced my son was a girl so clearly my instincts are not great, but this one has been very different, so you never know ;)
I thought you had to wear a nighty in labour? Can you wear pants? Isn't it hassle having to get them on/ off?

I can see that they are probably nice afterwards though....

I have a primark maternity nightgown and a nicer nursing one from mothercare with matching dressing gown ( both primarily black to hide potential leakage...

I was totally naked with my first. Just got too hot & uncomfy to be bothered with clothes! I think naked bottom half is probably easiest when in labour, so if you want your essentials covered when you're wandering around a nightie is necessary.

My first labour was so fast I didn't do any wandering and literally just used the sheets on the bed to cover my modesty. :lol:

This time I'll just be wearing comfy clothes to the hospital and for afterward I've treated myself to nice new jammies and MASSIVE knickers xxx
I have big knickers for afterwards... But haven't really got any bottoms to wear.... I was just going to stick with a nighty until day when I'll slip on my joggers...... Perhaps I'll find an old pair of bottoms just in case!
Prettypee I went into labour wearing PJ's in the morning and never got out of them haha...when you get there they ask you if you want to change into loose fitting clothes, I just took my trousers and pants off, they have to check your dilation that many times, you really don't want to be taking them on and off during contractions, I struggled getting them off haha. But you can have a blanket etc...I just kicked them off I was too hot. All I would advice is absolutely massive thick sanitary towels, and lots, especially if you tear. (For afterwards)

Ok, I think I'll stick to what you ladies are doing and do the primark special...plus advice I stole from another thread of two times your normal sized pants. I think I'll wear a nightdress as like Lepus said, not good having trousers sitting on the scarring.

So many of you are poorly :( I'm ok, just constipated and getting major pangs in the back...plus boo is really bothering me. But generally good.

And kitten2014 I can't say I have even noticed any braxton hicks, at all. I only started noticing what they were when I was about 36 weeks with my first...so I'll expect it this time also.
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Oh and emmajaine, with my first throughout the scan they said she...and also changed it to he a few times, but generally 'she'...I had a boy!

You just never know, my midwife calls my bump a she and we know it's a boy, she said that a baby is called a she...
I just sneezed and peed a little. Soooo mortified! Just on with those pelvic floor excersies now. I can not be dealing with pee every time I sneeze!
Thanks Kelly was just curious. Im tracking them now to see how regular they r...
Emmajaine, don't read to much into it! Last time we were team yellow and at 20wks the sonograper kept saying he.... we had a girl! Its just nicer than saying it i think x

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