**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Having a right winge today but just feeling a bit fed up.

My back, boobs, ribs and pelvis all ache. My bump is feeling rock solid and really heavy tonight which is adding to my discomfort. I'm Feeling a bit swollen and like my skin is stretched down there is this normal? I have the worst heartburn and I just want to cry.

Since being told my blood pressure was raised I feel more stressed put and having a "I really don't think I can do this to the end" moment. OH is doing his best and asking what he can do to help but I don't know what will make me better right now..He. even said if he could take over with carrying bump he would in a second.

Hoping with a good sleep it will all be better in the morning
Hi Cdx bless you, i've had a few days of that, it's hard when everything aches and different activities ease certain areas but make others worse. Variety is key and movement I think. My bump also feels very heavy and ached loads when went for a walk earlier but was determined to get a brisk walk in as it helps my back in the long run but yeah the weight is taking its toll for sure...

Try not to stress about the blood pressure as ironically stressing will make it worse but I know that doesnt make it any easier, just try listening to relaxing music, have a warm soothing bath (soothes a lot of aches) and do lots of deep breathing as it has numerous benefits to you and baby and will help you destress. Ask your OH for a back massage or foot massage - something to take your mind of things it works wonders believe me...
Ugh....it's ALL I'm thinking about is my previous labour haha. But...I'm being advised to have a c section as I had a 3rd degree tear and my healing of the (ahem) sphincter isn't satisfactory :( I know I will go down this route as it's the professional advice and I really don't want future complications and being told this baby will be larger than my first (9lb13) but I am petrified of an epidural/needle and the healing process...I'll have my mum around me to help so there are positives.

I actually started to pack yesterday...and gave up.

ouch, yes, sounds like a good option i think, you don't want to risk more damage. I had an episiotomy with my son and that was bad enough! I don't like the idea of a c section either for the same reasons as you, mainly coping with another child running around and trying to rest, i'm glad you've got your mum around to help.

i thought about packing today, i got my bag out and that was about as far as i got lol
Got to say, It entirely depends on how your child reacts. I had real trouble weaning and despite our best intentions our child had to have the package stuff as it was that or he eat nothing - we always gave him what we ate, spent mornings batch cooking meals and pureeing them just to be greeted with shorts, cries and hits. Weaning is stressful and certainly lovely to have all these ideas which are great, but the baby had other plans. I found it so so so hard to deal with.

This happened to us, he clearly didn't get the memo :roll: he's still a pain to feed even now!
My son is still a nightmare - I've literally tried everything with him. He doesn't have the ready meals anymore unless we are out and about as honestly, we can't deal with the stress. He only has what we eat at home and usually ends up having not much dinner because he is so stubborn. The only meal he properly eats is spaghetti bolognese. I could cry. I really, really, wish I had a good eater and I hope this child is a lot more co-operative!!
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Ollie (my youngest boy) had bit of both jar food and our food and he loved it, but he can be pretty fussy with what he eats but thats just the way he is but he will try anything once.
He loved the baby rice and porridge and tbh once he turned one he had the same porridge as what his brother and sister have and both me and his dad.
I've been pretty lucky with my 3 so far they aren't really that fussy but if they don't like it they will tell you.

Itching is starting to annoy the utter crap outta me i can be fine for a bit and then bam it'll hit me especially inbetween my fingers and toes itching has started to bother my arms and legs a little just hoping its not OC and its just im allergic to the washing powder or soap i'm using :/ Going to be phoning doctors in the morning to see if i can rearrange my appointment to see the midwife from the 16th to this Wednesday.
was a long morning as well was up at 4 with Ollie as he isn't too well again he was coughing so much it made him sick didnt get back to sleep til after 5 and then he woke up at half 8.
Always something going on.
Had a pretty decent day after ollie had woken up feeling better cleaned the house top to bottom and watched the football with OH and his dad but having to get to go to the toilet every 10 mins was a nightmare. Had dinner and bathed kids and now relaxing on the settee watching broadchurch on catch up trying not to fall to sleep :)

Oh gosh rooster....don't fret, he will get better, my son is the same with his meals, sometimes he is great and eats it all, and other nights he DEMANDS yogurt and eats nothing...including no yogurt. But I do have to laugh...what is it about spag bowl??? You can guarantee he will eat his dinner if it is that!!!amazed that it seems to be a common thing as my nephew and niece are the same (all similar ages) but I know it's upsetting when you out so much effort into cooking good meals and they literally throw it back at you!!

Cdx, moan moan moan, we can all sympathise with you, especially more than your husband can, it's the same for us all I'm sure. When I speak to my husband, he tries to be understanding, but he never knows what to say or do...and to be fair, not sure I know what I want if him either. We are near the end of this lobbing around a belly full of moving weights...it's all worth it for the end result, our little babies :) when you feel a crappy as this, if you can, relax, allow yourself to stop.

I'm in such a lot if discomfort with my constipation and pressure that I just want to sleep all day...but alas, I cannot...and tomorrow I have to take my son to swimming lessons and just not sure how I'll manage the stress of bending down so much to get him dressed and getting in and out if the pool with him :( used to love it, now I'm getting so fretful about it. There is another pregnant lady who does it and she seems to manage really well at nearly full term, bends over like a spring chicken and there's me...like an old dear. My son has even started mimicking my "ooof" noises haha
Sorry to hear lots of you are having a rough time! Hope all the niggles and what not ease between now and labour!

Weaning wise we did baby led weaning! Will definitely be doing it again. So we never had a need for pureeing or buying jars because she just had what we had put on her highchair tray! Subsequently at 2.5 she chose broccoli and carrots over extra Yorkshire pudding yesterday & Raspberries for pudding over apple crumble! I'd definitely reccomeded BLW to anyone !:-)

I'm feeling really p'd off today!
A friend asked a few months ago if she could borrow our infant seat&base for when she looked after her friends little one at the weekends, we said no problem we know her well and she doesn't have pets or smoke etc.
Got it back yesterday and it absolutely reeks of smoke! I felt sick when OH walked in the house with it!
Oh trust me, we started weaning that way... Some kids like their grub and others don't. My son took to fruit like no mans business, lunch was okay too, but mains and veg - forget about it. I read it can take 10 goes at certain food for babies/toddlers to take food - well it has been 1 year, 9 months ish since we started weaning and is still a struggle. Anyway, going to have to move off this weaning talk as it's a touchy subject for me. I just get frustrated when people think they've done fantastically when really they've got a good little baby who likes their grub (and there is nothing wrong with that, be proud!). Yet for me, my baby throws everything back at me and it is assumed I have done something wrong gahhhhhhhhh.

Oh Em, I'd be very very upset by that too. I wouldn't be lending stuff to her again.
I wasn't trying to brag rooster, sorry if it came across that way.
Having worked in early years for the past 10 years ive seen BLW work generally better than pureeing but i also know some babies just dont like food! He'll get there eventually! :-)
Oh no no, you're fine, don't worry about it :lol: I get quite envious of those with babies that feed well, and that's my problem, certainly not anyone else's.

As I said, it's a touchy subject as continues to be a long, frustrating battle. PLEASE let this child be better! Not sure how I'll handle two meals being thrown back in my face :lol:
Thats disgusting Em, I would be mad too.
Had to call in sick today, my lower back just wouldn't cope with travelling to work or sitting at a desk all day. I've been in bed since 7pm last night as that is giving me light relief, was going to go for a bath but scared I won't be able to get back out of it now OH is away to work.
I'm sure things will improve rooster. My friends little girl used to hate meal times and would literally throw anything that was put in front of her across the room! What actually worked for my friends was when they were expecting her brother they simply told her she needed to show him how to eat like a grown up and how he would only grow big and strong enough for playing with her if she showed him how to eat properly! The difference was amazing and she still does it now and he's 2!

Crikey Em! I hope you said something! I wouldn't have been able to hold back! I don't get how people can borrow something and return it in terrible condition like it's an acceptable thing to do!

Sorry I haven't been on much this weekend guys, Friday night was Spamalot which was hilarious! The casting of Joe Pasquale and Todd Carty was ingenious! Then Saturday night we went to our local theatre to see Robert Webb in Jeeves and Wooster! Needless to say yesterday we were both exhausted and pretty much slept the entire day!!

Hope everyone had good weekends? xx
I wouldn't worry too much about fussy eaters. Your kids will eat what they need.
Alexander is a TERRIBLE eater, and yet still wears age 4-5/5-6 clothes at nearly 3. Xx
Id be the same tbh if I lend something out I expect it to come back in the same condition and not reeking of fags.
Me and oh cant stand the smell of them cuz we live in a smoke free house we smell it more when we go to ohs dads or around people who smoke.

Got a very hyperactive 1 n half year old this morning cuz keeps jumping off of the footstool onto the settee shouting Yay and then decides to give me cuddles and sayin awww and running off :/
Finally phoned midwife about the itching and she said to keep an eye on it and if I think its worse then to phone Her back and she'll arrange a home visit and see how im doing and make an appointment to see my consultant earlier than 34 weeks.
I would've said something. In fact I would have said to her face, why does my newborn baby carrier stink of smoke? I would honestly then expect her to either pay for a professional complete scrub and clean or to replace it.

How on.earth could she think handing it back was acceptable!? Why on earth would anyone smoke around a baby or the baby stuff? It's irresponsible and disrespectful.....

Sorry my tolerance levels are pretty much non existant atm.

4 weeks of work to get through, i brought my date forward slightly to 10th March. Which can't come soon enough. My boss is making me do pointless tasks on top of my busy daily stuff. It adds no value and will waste valuable time. I honestly want to throw a tantrum and storm out. Grrr

NCT classes and baby shower were good this weekend but the weekend went so quick that I could just burst into tears right this second.... Oh my god I'm actually going insane with these hormones and I'm struggling t of cope with normal life :(
Sorry to hear you're struggling prettypee. If it helps at all you're very much not the only one. My work are actually the opposite, they're throwing stuff at me and it's stuff that usually takes a qualified member of staff 2 months to do and I've got 5 weeks to do these things in on top of my normal work! I'm getting very frustrated with work, hormones and the fact that I'm struggling to get through do the simple things like climbing stairs, putting on socks, getting dressed etc.

I'm also with you on the zero tolerance levels. I think I've upset a few family members lately basically telling them to leave their opinions at the door because it's just too much to take in at the moment and all the advice is different! My nan is the worst, "I've bought you 30 knitted cardigans and some bottles, I can get some formula for you too. I've also put together a wash bag as you'll be in hospital for at least a week..." I know she means well but the cardigans she's got are for tiny babies and I really don't think mine will be smaller than 8lb! Secondly, I've told her I'm going to try breastfeeding first so formula at this stage would be a waste of money! And finally there is no way on the earth I am spending longer that 3 days in hospital (unless of course there are complications and it's what is best for baby) *sigh* - I'm sure people just don't think...
I'm off sick from work too, managed to pick up a cold which has wiped me out completely! Spent most the weekend asleep but couldn't face sitting in front of the computer all day with a headache. Can't get comfortable either which isn't helping :-(
Oh dear, what a poorly bunch :-( I've been sick twice today and still feel nauseous :-(
:hugs: to all you ladies feeling unwell. Hope you are all getting as much rest as possible.

I've got a growth scan this afternoon, can't wait to see how much baby has changed in the last 10 weeks!


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