**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Can I ask how will I know if baby is breech or not? The mw has only told me that baby is head down (which I know isn't breech) but my LO always seems to be in that position or is that impossible ? I'm not worried just interested to know really
I kinda guessed that she was breech cuz I keep feeling kicks low down. Nice to know now that the pain I keep gettin in my ribs is her head wedged right there and when she moves it hurts lol. Ill be happy if she does move on her own then I aint gotta worry ive looked it up on the nhs site and babycenter and even they say they shouldnt worry bout position of baby til 34ish weeks. But the fact the consultant said she more than likely wont move to head down has bugged me I know a few from my kids school who have breech births and they've said how painful it is and that its easier to tear when they come out that way.
My youngest was breech at 24 weeks and turned himself by 26 weeks and I didn't even feel him turn xx
I haven't been told anything about baby's position. I'm guessing if he was breech I would have been told by now?

Hope everyone is doing OK? How prepared or unprepared is everyone? Only 2 months to go!! :) xx
Has you tummy been prodded by a midwife before or after measuring you? This is where they try and verify where the head is. Emmalouise and I have had scans recently so got told then, but usually during the MW checks from this point onwards they'll be feeling your tummy to ascertain what the babies position is :-)

I am very unprepared, the MW who did my anti-d today said most second time mums have a more relaxed approach. I haven't even considered the hospital bag and the nursery is still a study (and probably will be for another month or so!). We were so on it for our first! Ah well, we'll get there. I'm going to the Manchester Baby & Toddler Show in March so hopefully I can get a bit more organised then.
Hi Cossie doing ok. Have got birth pool inflated n filled n boy does it help those aches n pains...spent total 4hrs in it on and off lol. Blissful n really helping me visualise the birth n practise my hypnobirthing in situ ready for big day. If u want to know about positioning google swinging babies as it talks about belly mapping. Not 100% sure cud work ours out from movement but fun to try lol. Also have been practising birthing ball moves n perineal massage (struggling to do on my own n dont like idea of OH doing it - he's not keen either but willing to try- then discovered epi-no - expensive but hands free so just waiting for it to arrive. Other basivs like hospital bag, washing baby clothing n preparing nursery all sorted. Not sure when to put a waterproof sheet on bed...guessin its too early atm...managing to sleep better so gud n keeping heartburn at bay. Both of us r now getting excited with countdown n my main challenge from doula is to chill out now n not think of things - easier said than done for us ftm's lol...
Yeah my midwife looks for the hb, measures my bump & then feels my tummy for me I'm amazed when she is telling me which body part is which though. I'm also surprised though that she can't feel the baby move when she is prodding around (ive asked her before if she would feel to see if she could feel baby move). So the last twice ive had it done both times the baby has been low down & the bum has been up towards me. Ive got the consultant tomorrow and they measure my bump & do hb so may ask her if she can tell me the position the baby is in & wether she can feel baby move.

Ive got everything I think I need now but not prepared the hospital bags as yet & I'm still waiting to hear if ive got my new home yet which fingers crossed I have which will then mean I need to get carpets down before I can do the nursery. I'm so excited if I do get it as means baby has their own room even though they will be in with me I just want them to have their own room ready for when they go into it.

Rooster I wanted to go to the baby event but it is so close to my due date & I live in Yorkshire so felt best to not risk it! The other one is on my birthday weekend in London this month which is even further away for me to travel :(

Has anyone been to any nearly new events? There is one locally to me which I'm hoping to go to but don't know what to expect & their isn't much information on it really so I don't know if you have to pay to go in etc. im hoping I can get a swing for the LO which isn't going to cost a fortune & had no luck so far as Ive looked at the ones I like & they don't look "safe" to me.
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Having my GTT today, really dislike not being able to have breakfast, am hungry already, can only imagine what it's gonna be like in a couple of hours!

I really don't feel organised at all, doesn't help that my PGP means I can't get out and pick bits up and I'm struggling to find motivation to do it online. I'm hoping that after my scan next week I'll feel better mood wise and so will get on and do some stuff!

I said I was going to get the rest of my hospital bagbstuff but I just cant be bothered its too cold and keeps snowing on n off. But ive gotta go out at 11 to pick my daughter up from nursery then come back and then back out at 5 to 3 to pick my son up ftom school as he comes out at 10 past 3. Will more than likely end up goin town after ive picked my son up as its only a 10 min walk from the school.

Ive gotta decide what im taking into hospital babygrow wise etc for Lil miss I just cant seem to make my mind up but I know that she'll come home in a babygrow and snowsuit to keep her warm. I dont see the point in puttin her in an outfit just to come home in to be then gotten changed not long after x
Im so tired! Max isnt sleeping well at all because hes got a tooth coming through, last night I reckon I got about 2.5 hours and half of that was on the floor with him as he wouldnt settle anywhere else, argh!
had 28 week midwife check yesterday, all fine except measuring below the 10th centile bump wise, so have to go for a growth scan on wednesday! fingers crossed all is fine as I always measured small with Max so hoping its just the same! she did say she thinks baby isnt breech anymore though woo xxx
Anyone being sick? I've been sick twice today and still feel a bit nauseous. I'm putting it down to these iron tablets? Its not fun anyway.
Just out my 28 weeks midwife appointment everything measuring fine she didn't mention baby's position but I'm guessing from what most of you are saying she wouldn't be concerned at this early stage. She took 3 blood pressure measurements and all were a bit off so she wants to see me again in 2 weeks, thinks it's down to me knowing I'm getting blood taken but wants to be on the safe side. Absolutely no other signs of pre eclampsia which is good but I've to be extra cautious. First little hiccup in this pregnancy so hopefully it sorts itself out in 2 weeks time.

Aw no Rooster you must be fed up with sickness it hasn't seemed to leave you alone for very long!

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Iron tablets make me feel sick, it's normally better if I take just after my main meal.

I'm exhausted and defeated. My week is frankly going crap.

I'm knackered, yesterday I get to work slightly late for month end (accountants ultra busy period) and my laptop stops working, but only for me. My personal I'd "profile" corrupted leaving me waiting for it to fix.

Today, I'm making good time until my tyre burst on a main road, 9 month old car with 3000 miles. So I'm standing in the snow, 7:30am no hat, scarves or gloves, a thin jacket (the only one that fits) waiting until 8:30 for the aa, by 9 emergency one is on and I can get to kwik fit to spend 99.50 to replace the tyre. Get in to work for day 2 of month end at 10pm!

Ever get the feeling some benevolent force is trying to prevent you going to work?
im starting to feel sicky these days :( I think alot of is is down to how tired I am though, I think I got cocky with how well I was coping with a 1 year old and pregnancy as its hit me now haha xxx
Oh no - prettypee and rooster, it seems like today is not a good day for either of you!! I hope things pick up for you both as the day goes on.

So we stayed up over the weekend to watch the Superbowl and I'm really feeling it today so I've treated myself to half a can of red bull to get me through the day! I used to drink at least 1 can a day pre pregnancy and so far I've had hardly any caffeine through my pregnancy so I thought I would treat myself to help me through my work day so I don't fall asleep!!
The odd bit of caffeine won't hurt. Being a second time mum I think i've just been overly relaxed when it comes to watching food, caffeine etc. During the MS days I lived off flat cola and maltesers...

I'm feeling much better this afternoon, thank goodness! It's just the mornings... they're starting to be horrible all over again.
I think it's the other things in energy drinks that are bad for you & baby. Just be careful! Can cause heart palpitations and things. Xx
I always thought it was the high caffeine content that was bad! I guess I never really thought about the other crap in them! I don't plan on drinking any more cans after this one (especially after learning that it's not just the caffeine in them that's really bad), I just needed something to get me through today :)
theu reccomed no more than 200mg a day.. which is actually quite a bit. The NHS has a good list actually.

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