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**** April 2015 Mummies ****

exciting! baby will be here soon! i feel horrific atm, mornings are worse i felt like id drank a litre of vodka over night and been beaten up this morning :( had to have a 2 hour nap to feel human, thank god max still loves a good nap!!! xxx
Ok more regular now 3 every 10mins...also lost some plug so gud sign cervix is dilating...come on baby sometime today wud b nice...gettin sleepy after 4hrs sleep 11hrs ago lol
Exciting! Good luck kitten and cossie.

Definitely could do with my baby staying out. My son was admitted to hospital today and will be there at least until tomorrow afternoon :-(
Hope things are going OK Kitten! Looking forward to seeing your update!

Oh no Rooster, hope your son is feeling better, and that you are OK.

No progress for me, just waiting to have the pessary taken out before seeing the doctor and working out the next step.

Hope your little man is ok Rooster.
Looks like we'll have some more baby news soon, good luck ladies!
Nothing happening here, my body hasn''t responded at all to the propress, so its in for another 6 hours. Am gonna end up on the drip I reckon, which I didn't want due to continuous monitoring. Gutted.

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Aww rooster. Hope your toddler is better soon. Must be very stressful having him not well and in hospital.

Emmajane- it really isn't ideal and not at all what I wanted but when my waters broke there was meconium so I had to be induced even though I was already 3cm dilated. Having the cannula in is probably the worst bit as it makes gripping difficult when you're in pain. Also maybe have to reconsider what you were intending on wearing as monitors can be interrupted if covered apparently. I ended up in tshirt and bra that I walked in wearing though to be honest you're unlikely to care when it starts off. Good luck and you'll get through it. It's worth it all in the end and it won't be long before you start forgetting it:)
I know it's not what you wanted Emmajaine and it means you'll be restricted but if it wasn't for the monitor Arran might not be snuggled on my chest right now and our story could be very different.

Hope it goes well.

I know it's not what you wanted Emmajaine and it means you'll be restricted but if it wasn't for the monitor Arran might not be snuggled on my chest right now and our story could be very different.

Hope it goes well.

Thanks all. We've just got back home. So pleased.

I hope things start moving soon Emma and fingers crossed for Cossie and Kitten too.
Thanks ladies, have seen doc and plan is to wait til morning to see if my cervix becomes favourable at all, if it does they'll break my waters, if not I'll be having a c section. Completely broke down in a sobbing snotty mess earlier, but having a plan has really helped me see an end to this!

Glad you are back home Rooster.

Anyone else showing signs of an immenint arrival?

oh no really hope something happens over night for you!! nothing happening here, went for a reflexology session this evening, was very relaxing so hoping i can sleep well tonight! consultant app tomorrow morning after
my growth scan last week so wonder what the outcome of that will be!! xxx
I really hope I DON'T go into labour for the next few days at least! The last two days have not been fun. First bedtime at home and my son was horrific to settle. We need normality to resume before the baby shakes things up again :-( My. Poor son.

Good luck for tomorrow Emma.
Still here though not due until next Saturday! Frustrating as the midwives were sure that baby was going to be here by the 5th! They can't believe im still pregnant ��

In a way it's a good job baby is hanging in there though, my fiancé has had a nasty case of gastroenteritis which is only just starting to clear up so I've been frantically bleaching everything in site trying to avoid catching it myself! Imagine having that and being in labour or looking after a newborn at the same time!

Hope things start to get moving for all the remaining mummies very soon!
I thought the same that it has gone so quiet here this week. I am a bit shy person so don't write too often. But I am here with the ones who are still waiting :)
I'm still here, just! Lol

In delivery having just had my waters broken! Hoping for a due date baby.

Hope you manage to avoid getting poorly snav, would def not be fun to labour with that!

Hi guys just to let you know phoebe abigail was born at 11.14pm last night weighing 8lb 9oz. Early labour 3.20am tues to 1am wed, established labour 1am til approx 1pm. Had assistance breaking waters as only went from 8-9cm dilation in 7hrs. Active labour 6-11pm. Hardest part was head as she was back to back 11.5cm diameter! OH nearly lost all feeling in his hands n neck as was pullinggripping so hard. Body was the easy part. Think active pushing was approx an hr or so cant remember lol. Was shattered as only managed 1hr nap yesterday morning. Latching gud but not sure bout production, doula back later to assist. Two things didnt know about whole process...with all the effort in active labour had hiccups n burps galore lol. Also period pain cramps after r a bitch. One tiny tear no pain relief n she was born calmly in water! Despite duration I got what I wanted with an ace team around me

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