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**** April 2015 Mummies ****

How we all doing ladies? Hope you are all OK and that your babies aren't making you too uncomfortable!

I'm really scared at the moment, am going into hospital tomorrow to be induced! Am terrified that it going to take forever and that I'll end up with an emergency c section (I'm not against having a c section, just want it not to be an emergency one). Wish there was something I could do to ensure that the induction is successful!

I really hope cossie has her little boy by now!

Good luck for your induction tomorrow Emma!

I've had cramps on and off today but they're just a constraint pain so I doubt that they'll lead to anything!
Hi guys also havin more painful braxton hicks, stabbing pains on cervix n hip ache, only had period like pains a little today but found it painful to walk far... but cud b days...our thoughts r with u emmajaine...also wondering how cossie gettin on...
congratulations to all the new mummies :) i still check in regularly just haven't managed to post until now! I had a little boy called Rowan, he was 8lbs 9oz and is wonderful, i can't believe he's almost 3 weeks old now. He actually sleeps and we can pop him down in his moses basket here and there which is the absolute opposite of my eldest son who never slept, screamed non stop and wouldn't be put down at all. Labour was very quick, contractions started about 10.30pm and he was born at 3.21am. There was about 25mins between my waters breaking and him being born. I very nearly had him on the loo! Looking forward to reading about the rest of the lovely April babies.
Thought I update you ladies quickly. Still no baby :-( contractions still strong and very painful. I've got a sweep booked with me midwife tomorrow morning so hopefully she'll give me some good news and say that I've progressed further along. I've now been having these contractions for over 48 hours and quick frankly am wondering how the hell I'm going to deal with the pain of pushing him out.

Anyway, if she says that I'm still only 1cm tomorrow morning I'll be going back into Telford to get some pain relief.

Thanks for all your advice guys. Emmalouise I would love to take cocodamol but I'm allergic to codeine!

Wow emmajaine! If you want me to do your labour thread just drop me a text and I'll do so as long as I'm not having mine at the same time!!! :lol:
Good luck Emmajane. Think positive thoughts. All you can do is your best and trust in medical staff. Hope it all goes well and you've your baby in your arms later today.

Wow Cossie you're doing a marathon- you poor thing. Fx you're told later that you've progressed well and things start moving along quicker.

I'm just finished night feeding. Baby is such a good baby but still exhausting. He's doing well though and has put on nearly a lb from his initial drop. Hope you all have your babies soon:)
Good luck with the induction Emma! I hope all of you experiencing signs of labour will be enjoying baby cuddles soon.

I am finally off all tubes - yay! But I am a black and blue with all the needles. My liver function and blood results are slowly returning to normal and they think they might have a diagnosis - diabetes Insipidus caused by enzymes from my placenta. It's all been very traumatic but I am starting to feel like me again!

Tonight I got my first proper a baby cuddles with Arran it was amazing! Still frustrating I need to rely on others to do so much but the midwives are worth their weight in gold and OH has really taken to the role of being a dad during the day with all the feeds and changes. I just hope I can become more involved soon.
Good to hear CDx cant imagine wat tgat must b like...

Things may b starting for me too...had painful braxton hicks last night went to bed then suddenly woke at 3.24 with first wat I will call opening sensation. I have now counted 6 in past hr approx 1min each n have started rracking them on babybump pro. I was immediately hungry with first couple have tried sidelyin now lying on bak...I know I shud b sleeping in between but too excited....does this sound like it. Also baby is very active soon after is that normal? Best way to describe pain is starts gathering like BH then cramps lower abdomen middle which radiate out to hips and have to breathe through them...will keep you guys aprised of developments may try now n sleep ...if I can...
Oh no Nicki! I was sure you would have progressed by now! Fx for progress at the sweep. If you are up for doing my labour thread that would be great, if not I can try and update as and when myself.

Glad you are doing well babbybo.

Yay for being off the tubes CDx, glad that you are on the mend and are getting baby snuggles. Fx you keep improving and can get home quickly.

How exciting kitten! Fx they develop into something.

Thanks for all the good lucks, I'm bricking it tbh, just the unknown factor I think, like how long its going to be etc. But I know that the end result will be worth it, however it happens! Just gonna sort stuff out, pack page into the car and have some food then I'll be off!

3hrs later n still goin strong. Been tryin to sleep but no luck. Managing wih music deel breathing atm but they r sure intense. Still same regularity tho...cud b few hrs cyd b all day but exciting go know she'll soon b here itvdoes explain sudden bak/hop pain that started 2dayd ago n gassiness yesterday! Think our cats sensed someyhin yesterday too. Just waiting til better time of day to let OH know its started. No need to wake him yet lol
Sounds like it must be something Kitten. I didn't get normal contractions as I only felt them in hips/pelvis and back but if you are having to breathe through them and move around I'd say its looking hopeful.

So good to hear you are improving CDx and that midwives are great. Ones at my hospital were awful at nighttime. Hope recovery continues quickly for you.
Ok almost 5hrs n now theyre 2 per 10mins defo stronger have to concentrate n get nausea n dizziness during...birthing pool bein filled, had a shower n eaten something for brekkie...

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