♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Omg bumhole movements.. that cracked me up haha! I'm absolutely full of wind at the moment, not enjoyable for anyone! Lots of pressure down there making me feel like I constantly need the loo!
What aches and pains is everyone getting now? My skin feels sooo stretched now. Even though my bump is still ridiculously small!! X
What aches and pains is everyone getting now? My skin feels sooo stretched now. Even though my bump is still ridiculously small!! X
Achy hips and ribs mostly. And my feet get sore too but I've got bad feet anyway. My skin feels OK now I had a few weeks where it was sore top of my bump but thats settled now. How are you getting on? Anymore pains? X
Achy hips and ribs mostly. And my feet get sore too but I've got bad feet anyway. My skin feels OK now I had a few weeks where it was sore top of my bump but thats settled now. How are you getting on? Anymore pains? X

So far so good thank you. No more period like pains, thank goodness. Just usual pregnancy aches and pains that I know are absolutely normal but there still worrying me. Just wanted to hear from someone else that everything hurts now and again. Haha! X
Yup, third tri hit and WHAM I’m just sooo uncomfortable! It’s mainly my back, it probably doesn’t help having a toddler to run after and pick up all day either. My VJ is also still really swollen and the skin over my bump feels really tight. I’m dreading the next 11 weeks, it’s all downhill from here haha!

How prepared for baby are you all? Has anyone completely finished buying everything in? When are you starting on your hospital bags and washing? X
After entertaining my toddler all day I can barely move! :-?

I don’t feel ready at all!! I keep dreaming that the baby is here too!

I got the case of newborn bits down and I might make a start on washing. I had planned on doing it but it’s been too hot to function! The only thing I need is a tandem pram which the one I want is bloody out of stock until Oct so I think I’ll hold off.

I’ve ordered some maternity pads and pants with my shopping! So exciting! Thought my daughter was a bit quiet and she was happily sorting through them pulling the paper off the sticky bit and sticking them too her legs! :rotfl:
@Xsarahh omg that’s hilarious bless her! I hope you caught it on camera for her 30th?!

I still need to buy all the toiletries and stuff for my hospital bag but feeling pretty ready otherwise. I keep thinking I must be forgetting something important as there was so much to prep first time round but it’s probably just because I have most of it already! We’re still in the middle of a house renovation so just trying to focus all my efforts on getting the house in a reasonable shape before October xx
Joining in with all the discomforts and pains. I've had: a bruised feeling above my bump which is worse after a big day; pain when I switch my weight from one leg to the other which I blamed on my hips but my husband pointed out it was the area for sciatica but the pain doesn't extend down my leg like earlier in the pregnancy -this also gets worse with more activity although it's always there; itchiness which drives me crazy and wakes me up at times but my belly is well stretched so I don't have that tight feeling a lot of you have. It's getting so hard to move and bending down is hard. I got myself beached on the couch the other night and no one was listening to my calls for help haha. I'm busy preparing for a house inspection right now and my body is aching all over.

@Xsarahh, those giant stickers are just so much fun!
We aren't completely done but we've got all of the big stuff and the nursery furniture comes in a week or so. Pram came Friday and I LOVE it. My birth bag is in progress - got maternity pads, breast pads, travel size toiletries, some chocolate protein flapjacks and lucozade sport. Big nighties, and flip flops.. my spritz for bits and nipple cream, bamboo flannels and essential oils. Still need a TENS machine, and I bought some big baggy cheap clothes from primark that I'll probably wear to come home in.

Should I buy some of the Tena pants too? I've heard this is better in the first couple of days after birth!
@Natalie8964 I lived in the tena pants for 2 weeks solid, they were invaluable for me. I’m definitely using them again this time round x
@Natalie8964 I lived in the tena pants for 2 weeks solid, they were invaluable for me. I’m definitely using them again this time round x
OK thanks I'll definitely be picking some of these up then! Do you also use a maternity pad with them? That sounds like a really silly question haha! X
No, they’re super absorbent and don’t leak, plus they ‘catch’ everything that comes out (I won’t go into too much detail but prepare for lots of ‘clumps’!!) which is why I liked them so much haha xx
Re pains... I get a lot of period cramp type pains. My stomach feels so tight all the time. I get lots of painful BH contractions. My cervix feels achey. I get a really sharp pain across the pubic bone whenever I walk, get up, get dressed etc (that ones SPD) and I get hip pain whenever I lie on my side (so all night). Ahh isn’t pregnancy great. My back is fine weirdly enough though lol

I am mostly done, want to pack my hospital bag in the next week or so.. I’ve got all my snacks ready to go but nothing practical haha!
How is everyone doing? I'm super hormonal at the moment. Literally either want to cry or scream! Every little thing is irritating me, my hubby included, and I just can't control it! Anyone else?! Also baby has been super active last few days which makes me happy despite the hormonal rages!
How is everyone doing? I'm super hormonal at the moment. Literally either want to cry or scream! Every little thing is irritating me, my hubby included, and I just can't control it! Anyone else?! Also baby has been super active last few days which makes me happy despite the hormonal rages!

Same! I’m in such a bad mood all the time!! Don’t know if it’s because I’m anxious and it’s coming out as being snappy! My poor husband! I’m not being easy to live with right now x
Same! I’m in such a bad mood all the time!! Don’t know if it’s because I’m anxious and it’s coming out as being snappy! My poor husband! I’m not being easy to live with right now x
Thank god its not just me! I've been feeling so lonely as I'm working from home all day everyday and my husbsnd is out at work. Its so isolating. I dont think he understands, I'm so needy, and whenever he does something else I just get really annoyed! Bloody pandemic!!! X

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