♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

I’m so sorry you’re going through that @PinkFlamingo keeping everything crossed baby stays out. Stay strong, you got this! X
Wow @PinkFlamingo I’ve just seen your update! As all the other ladies have said, I hope baby stays put that little bit longer for you...that’s so good that you were checked. Always trust your gut! Did they give you any indication of when baby might arrive?
@PinkFlamingo fingers crossed your bubba cooks in there a wee bit longer. Well done for trusting your gut and getting checked out.

We are just home from my parents anf brought home the moses basket, pram, car seat etc. Everything just seems so much smaller than I remember! Getting so soon now! 75 days to go till my due date!
PinkFlamingo, sorry to hear this! You did the right thing going in, it just goes to show you should listen to your instincts <3 Fingers crossed baby stays put a little longer :pray:
Has anyone been feeling really emotional?! Feel like I either wanted to scream at someone or burst into tears today :?
Thanks WinterWolf! Yesterday I just felt so emotional - one minute really grumpy and the like I was going to cry - not like me at all :smile:
I was thinking no but then I remembered that I almost cried after smelling a perfume I liked which is just weird.
Thank you everyone for all your well wishes, it means a lot <3
Baby still hanging in there. Just me that’s trying not to be a nervous wreck. Any little ache or bit of discharge I think it’s something progressing. It’s so tough :(
Hope everyone’s doing well x
Thank you everyone for all your well wishes, it means a lot <3
Baby still hanging in there. Just me that’s trying not to be a nervous wreck. Any little ache or bit of discharge I think it’s something progressing. It’s so tough :(
Hope everyone’s doing well x
Oh bless you.. are you at home? And have they said when baby could come, could it maybe take a while? Hopefully they stay nice and cosy for a good few weeks yet! You're doing an amazing job, its impossible not to worry but try and just take it easy as much as possible! We have all been thinking about you and your bub! X
Oh bless you.. are you at home? And have they said when baby could come, could it maybe take a while? Hopefully they stay nice and cosy for a good few weeks yet! You're doing an amazing job, its impossible not to worry but try and just take it easy as much as possible! We have all been thinking about you and your bub! X

yes I’m at home after 3 nights in hospital. They haven’t really said, I’ve just got to get to hospital with any pains or loss of fluid. It’s just hard waiting for it to happen when it’s not really meant to be happening yet. I’m just counting every extra day as a blessing x
@PinkFlamingo I can imagine it must be pretty nerve wracking for you both. It sounds like you are in good hands though which is great! Sending lots of love and hope little one stays put for as long as possible x
Thinking of you pink flamingo! Try and rest as much as you can <3 I’m in hospital too! Had a mild bleed last night and again this morning and some cramping so they are keeping me in overnight. If bleeding stops I’ll be allowed home tomorrow lunchtime - if not then I’ll need steroids but determined not to stay in after that if I don’t have to as last time I was in around this time for 6 weeks! Need to get back to my wee boy :doh: x
Thinking of you pink flamingo! Try and rest as much as you can <3 I’m in hospital too! Had a mild bleed last night and again this morning and some cramping so they are keeping me in overnight. If bleeding stops I’ll be allowed home tomorrow lunchtime - if not then I’ll need steroids but determined not to stay in after that if I don’t have to as last time I was in around this time for 6 weeks! Need to get back to my wee boy :doh: x
Oh no! Fingers crossed for you!

I had my Consultant appointment about my low placenta and bleed last pregnancy. Basically said that my placenta is moving away from my cervix but I'll get the final decision at a scan at 36 weeks if it's csection or not but it's looking like it will be a natural birth!

I cannot believe we are tri 3 already. Its going to fly in.
I had my gestational diabetes test today and still feeling yucky from the awful drink you get! I also get high blood pressure when I have anxiety and going to the dr always makes me nervous. My regular OB knows I monitor it myself and that it’s usually in a good range. Today it was high and I saw a new dr. who now had me get lab work for pre eclampsia and did a fetal stress test. The stress test came back fine but I won’t have the diabetes or pre eclampsia test back til next week... hoping all looks ok! I really think it’s my nerves and not actual high bp. I don’t have any other symptoms so far that go along with pre eclampsia is so I guess we will see.

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