♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

We are very well, just sick of lockdown but who isn't? He is just wonderful, very lucky I have such a funny and beautiful boy. We would love another baby but a bit nervous to get pregnant at the moment due to track record with mcs. Definitely would love to within the next couple of years though!

We’re very lucky to not be in lockdown, I can’t imagine going through that again. Though with two little ones I don’t go out much right now anyway haha.

Hope it’s an easy journey whenever you decide the time is right. :)
@MammaOfMany did you manage to get babies tongue tie cut? I hope it eases some of the pain for you!

Florence is an absolute dream - I thought her brother was easy but she takes it to a whole new level. I’m feeling extremely lucky. Our only qualm is that she dislikes sleeping on her back so we have been co-sleeping together for the past 2 weeks. She’s started to tolerate short bouts in her Snuzpod so that’s good, although I’ve become so used to sleeping with her that I miss her if she isn’t with me haha.

OH has been doing the nursery run everyday but tomorrow he has to be in work super early so I’m doing my first drop off alone with both kids and a commute across London in the pouring rain...wish me luck! X
@kj1 Good luck :D

Emmy is still in our bed too. She will go in the next-to-me for an hour or two at the start of the night, then she wants out. I can’t put her down to nap so am baby wearing whenever she’s asleep in the day.
@kj1 I did get the tie cut and it has improved things but feeding is still painful. I'm grateful I don't have any blistering or bleeding anymore though.

I saw a lactation consultant in hopes we could make the latch hurt less but it doesn't seem so. I'm feeling a bit deflated on the breastfeeding front. I'll keep pushing on though.
We ordered a pump yesterday. I'm hoping that will help when my nipples just need a break.

In other news I found some threads of bloody mucus in Aadam's stool yesterday. My second youngest has food allergies and that was the first sign of his allergies so I'm bracing ready for food restrictions.
@kj1 @WinterWolf
What are you doing to co sleep safely? My boy is being a nightmare to sleep on his back and is on me constantly. I’m scared to put him in the bed with me though. X
@MammaOfMany hopefully the pain will subside over the next few days. Breastfeeding is so difficult and complicated, their really isn’t enough support for Mums in my opinion! I’ve got my fingers crossed for you...

@PinkFlamingo I’m not going to lie - she sleeps on me! She sleeps on my chest and I use my pregnancy pillow to wedge either side of me so I don’t roll over. I just make sure that she lies on top of the duvet (which I have on me from belly button down) and that there’s nothing around that could fall onto her face. In the meantime, I’ve been putting her down more in the day which she’s tolerating better now and last night she spent a good chunk of the night in her snuzpod so there’s small progress x
@PinkFlamingo I do the same as @kj1most nights tbh. Sometimes I will clear off a space for bubs between us. To do that hubby and I have to have a blanket each so baby is safe but that’s fine. We make sure there’s no pillows or blankets or anything near her. She’ll happily lay on her back and sleep there if I’m holding her hand. I also make hubby use the pregnancy pillow so he can’t roll onto her lol.

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