♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

Thinking of you pink flamingo! Try and rest as much as you can <3 I’m in hospital too! Had a mild bleed last night and again this morning and some cramping so they are keeping me in overnight. If bleeding stops I’ll be allowed home tomorrow lunchtime - if not then I’ll need steroids but determined not to stay in after that if I don’t have to as last time I was in around this time for 6 weeks! Need to get back to my wee boy :doh: x
Oh goodness, I really hope you get home - but take it easy if you do! These babies are really giving us frights aren't they! X
Oh no! Fingers crossed for you!

I had my Consultant appointment about my low placenta and bleed last pregnancy. Basically said that my placenta is moving away from my cervix but I'll get the final decision at a scan at 36 weeks if it's csection or not but it's looking like it will be a natural birth!

I cannot believe we are tri 3 already. Its going to fly in.
Fab news about the placenta moving, fingers crossed for a natural birth for you! I cant believe I'm 30 weeks next week. That seems like a huge milestone for me. Well and truly the final stretch from there!
I had my gestational diabetes test today and still feeling yucky from the awful drink you get! I also get high blood pressure when I have anxiety and going to the dr always makes me nervous. My regular OB knows I monitor it myself and that it’s usually in a good range. Today it was high and I saw a new dr. who now had me get lab work for pre eclampsia and did a fetal stress test. The stress test came back fine but I won’t have the diabetes or pre eclampsia test back til next week... hoping all looks ok! I really think it’s my nerves and not actual high bp. I don’t have any other symptoms so far that go along with pre eclampsia is so I guess we will see.
Oh i do hope everything comes back clear for you, sounds like its unlikely you'd have pre eclampsia. Do you only get the GD test done if you have it come back on your wee sample? It's not a routine test I don't think? X
Blimey! We’ve got some naughty babies haven’t we!! I was back in hospital yesterday after having no movements all morning. All ok, they think it had its back to my belly so I couldn’t feel anything. Moving lots today though thank goodness.
Hope everyone else ok <3
Wow, these babies are putting some of us through the ringer!!! Sorry to hear you’ve been back in hosp @PinkFlamingo but glad everything is ok. I’ve had a few quieter days but In my gut new everything was fine and baby was probably behind my placenta.

Hope you don’t have to stay in hospital @MrsLG it must be so hard when you’ve got your son at home! Fingers crossed for you!

The GD test isn’t routine I remember asking why I’d not had one last time. I think it’s if your BMI is above 30 you’re more at risk. I’ve heard the drink is horrid. I can barely put a tooth brush in my mouth without being sick so I don’t think I’d keep down a yucky drink! :sick:
Since last night the bottom of my bump feels tight and uncomfortable is that braxton hicks? I didn’t have that last time.
Sorry to everyone having problems, and all at the same time too!! I have read all your posts, I just don't get much time to reply. Thinking of you ladies x

Since last night the bottom of my bump feels tight and uncomfortable is that braxton hicks? I didn’t have that last time.

BH generally only last 1min at a time and can hurt, but don't usually. You feel them over your entire uterus. Sounds more like baby is in an uncomfortable spot but I'm no doctor!
@Oliviasmommy The GTT made me so sick and tired for a good 24hrs last pregnancy. This time I just did a fasting blood test, which was fine. Hopefully it comes back all clear for you x
Oh i do hope everything comes back clear for you, sounds like its unlikely you'd have pre eclampsia. Do you only get the GD test done if you have it come back on your wee sample? It's not a routine test I don't think? X

It’s actually routine in the US for every pregnant woman to have the GD Test between 24-28 weeks. Everyone gets tested even if there isn’t sugar in your urine. I haven’t had any sugar in my urine so far so fingers crossed. The pre eclampsia test came back fine thank god!! She called me and I was surprised they had the results back so fast.
Sorry to hear everyone’s problems at the moment...I’m in the same boat! I’ve been in hospital since Friday morning with severe cramping and vomiting. The Drs thought I was going into preterm labour which was pretty scary but luckily it turned out to be something else. I’m now being treated for an obstructed bowel which is pretty nasty at the best of times but seems to be even more of a pain whilst pregnant as they’re limited as to what they can do to treat it! Scans are off the table due to the radiation and possible effects on baby and surgery is also far from ideal. Hoping I don’t have to be in here longer than a few days...we’re up in Lancaster visiting some friends so it’s really put a dampener on what was supposed to be a fun weekend away. I’m staying in a delivery suite so they can monitor baby too and every hour or so I can hear women in labour, which is obviously the last thing you want to be hearing with only 12 weeks to go haha! X
Sorry to hear everyone’s problems at the moment...I’m in the same boat! I’ve been in hospital since Friday morning with severe cramping and vomiting. The Drs thought I was going into preterm labour which was pretty scary but luckily it turned out to be something else. I’m now being treated for an obstructed bowel which is pretty nasty at the best of times but seems to be even more of a pain whilst pregnant as they’re limited as to what they can do to treat it! Scans are off the table due to the radiation and possible effects on baby and surgery is also far from ideal. Hoping I don’t have to be in here longer than a few days...we’re up in Lancaster visiting some friends so it’s really put a dampener on what was supposed to be a fun weekend away. I’m staying in a delivery suite so they can monitor baby too and every hour or so I can hear women in labour, which is obviously the last thing you want to be hearing with only 12 weeks to go haha! X
Oh my goodness! Im so glad it wasn't preterm labour, but still must be awful for you. I've had a bowel obstruction before but definitely not as severe as that, although I did have to attend A & E because the pain was so bad I thought my appendix had burst or something. I really hope they can get it sorted for you soon! X
OMG these October babies are a nightmare! That sounds awful @kj1 thinking of you! X

I’m pretty sure baby has turned again and is back breech.
The GTT is routine for everyone here too @Oliviasmommy , though I refused the full one this time as I have zero risk factors.

@kj1 That sounds horrendous and I hope you’re home soon!!
@kj1 omg that sounds awful! Glad you are in safe hands. These October babies really are being very naughty!

The pain in my tailbone is awful whenever I put my weight through my right leg. I feel like I might have to dig out my crutches soon for some support!

Is everyone all ready for baby coming or do you guys still have things to buy. We are pretty much good to go now I think. I am waiting on my mum bringing me up a new set of drawers from ikea for my little boys new big boy room so that baby can get the smaller of the 2 rooms.

I really hope the schools go back full time as I am really struggling with my back and we end up doing screen time for most of the day at the moment and I'm feeling super guilty about it.
@monkey1988 We're pretty much set in terms of purchases... Just need to buy new nursing bras and postpartum things like pads etc. Oh we also need a new mattress for the next-to-me crib! I'm considering buying a new swing/rocker (we sold the other one to a friend), but my daughter didn't like hers so I don't know if its worth bothering..

You with your back pain sounds just like me with my SPD pain.. I can barely walk at the moment either so we do quite a bit of screen time as well. I feel guilty too but am trying to remember its not forever and at least she's happy.
I don’t feel ready in the slightest! Haven’t bought anything new and with the house move all the baby bits have gone back up in the loft!

I did have a little panic now I’m 30 weeks but I suppose I’m probably more organised than I think as we have all the main things - swing rocker, furniture, next to me crib, lots of unworn clothes, nappy caddy etc. Just a case of bringing it all back down.

Been busy sorting my daughters room and playroom but the babies room is freshly decorated. :smile:
Gosh a few of us are really going through it. Sending everyone love <3
@Xsarahh I had a panic last week for the same reason lol. We have everything but its all in boxes etc. Hubby won't let me turn the spare room into a nursery until baby is out of our room so I don't really have anywhere to put all the baby stuff at the moment!
Sorry to hear all the problems you ladies are going through. I hope things improve and those babies stay nice and safe inside for a while longer.

I have been wanting to pull all the baby clothes out and wash them for weeks but I couldn't wait any longer and I finally gave in. Bags are packed and the room is set up. I'm still enjoying being pregnant but at the same time I'm feeling ready - I know bub isn't though. I still have heaps of nesting to do around the house if I get the urge. Other than that I just want to put some things in the car for just in case we don't make it to hospital in time. Oh, I also want to get some cooked meals in the freezer.
I’m getting the urge to wash all the newborn bits too and also to pack my hospital bag! I found a photo of my bag last time and I’d packed it a week before my daughter was born! I’m mentally preparing for baby to come at 37 weeks again but I’ll probably be late this time! :rotfl:

How are all you ladies that have been in hosp? Xx

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