* september 2014 mummies! *

hi julie

sneaking in to see how your getting on with the reflux problems? x
Hi mummybexee.
Unfortunately no further on. Still spewing everywhere. Outfit 4 so far today. I thought yesterday was a slight improvement as it seemed to be a but less but then today had just went back to normal.
Got hv today at 2 so will see how his weight is and see about changing milk as that's the only thing I've not done so far!
It's just so frustrating. Xx
i know it is :( ive been there ...oscar was about 7 weeks when he dropped a centile and i made the call to stop breast feeding.

I think you will find a huge improvement with a milk change to reflux milk :) im back to GP at 3.30 as Oscar has gone backwards a step- hes on a high doseage of omeprazole but hes been sicking up food the past few evenings! 'it gets better when you wean ' they said ... yeah right !

hope little man is ok - let me know how you get on x
Awe hope it's just a e wee blip and oscar gets back to normal soon.
I did hear it got better when you weaned my friends lo is 6 months and they weaned T 4 months and the difference was amazing.
I do worry about his weight dropping but so far he just ain't gaining so I'm ok with that.
We are going away for weekend to visit oh family and I don't know how I'm going I survive clothes wise as won't be able to take everything with us. Think I will just wear a black bag at least I can just a wipe that down lol xx
i found always having a muslin on my shoulder or over my lap helped- i constantly had oscar in bibs

i was implying it doesnt get better ( was sarcasm ) or it hasnt for him anyway. there 3 things that helped oscar are milk, bottles, meds - in that order :)

His weight gain is poor- and since weaning he has dropped another centile. So hes now dropped 2 since birth. hes 17lbs however most babies i know who are young than him weigh maybe 3lbs more on average.

take abit of washing powder and do abit of washing whilst your there :)
I know I feed him with a towel on floor and on my legs but somehow he manages to catch me off guard. I think it's all over and then suddenly when when you least expect it there's more lol.
That's quite a drop All you want is to see them happy healthy and thriving. Oh and no sick. Lol , my other 2 where always in the 95 th centime.
Well off to the hospital we go again. He is now below his birth weight and dropped from 75th centime to 25th. Maybe now they will realise we need help x
Though I would come over and post here as now officially a Sept Mummy!!

Loving life with Annabelle, DH is also being a star and really helping out don't know what I would do without him! Had a c/section so still quite sore and taking things steady, slowly feeling more human each day.

Well off to the hospital we go again. He is now below his birth weight and dropped from 75th centime to 25th. Maybe now they will realise we need help x

Demand meds Hun! Remember to talk to them about omeprazole and renitidine etc - let me know how you get on
Evening! I've heard off Julie and an update from baby Eden!
They are still in hospital. Edens been admitted and diagnosed with pyloric stenosis. They have put him on a drip and tubes up his nose and nil by mouth and the poor mite will be operated on tomorrow. She's asked me to update you all!

Sending love to Julie and Baby Eden xxx
Oh thanks for the update and really sorry to hear Eden has been admirers to hospital. Hope he gets better soon my thoughts are with them!
lots of love and luck to them, poor baba. hope all goes okay and this resolves the issue
Poor Eden, and mummy. Fingers crossed they're home soon xx
Update from Julie: A little update. Unfortunately Edens blood tests still rant back to normal and too dangerous too operate today so another day of fluids and fingers crossed they get better and get operated over next few days. It's so hard watching him cry and not being able to feed him. Xx
Hi all

I hope you can help...?

I am mainly feeding Étienne expressed breast milk from a bottle as he won't latch but I am having to use formula too as not producing enough.

I am really confused about the rules for cooling a kettle for no longer than 30 minutes. How long do you actually need to cool it down for? It says no longer than 30 minutes but does that mean 20 or 25 minutes? Or how long exactly?

Also why do I need to let the water cool down. Why can't I just make the bottle with boiling water then cool if under the tap or in a jug of cold water? Help, I don't understand.

I don't want to buy a perfect prep machine at the moment as I am 95% breastfeeding so I don't think it is worth the investment.
I got confused by this as well! I had the perfect prep ready for when we got home....got home and it had no power in!! We had no clue how to make a bottle up etc, as we were relying on that. Sent it back so for 4 days we made bottles, I waited 10/20 mins then added the formula! The water needs to be at least 70c so it can kill of Bactria
I presume it's something to do with the plastic bottles? Heat used to react with the old style BPA bottles and release chemicals? Most bottles are BPA free not all though.
Also, when your making a bottle with boiling water you're at risk of burning yourself? When you shake it (specially Tommee Tippee bottles) I found it sometimes it sprays at the top.
Or it may kill off nutrients in the formula!
Like I said I'm only presuming.

Perfect prep is deffo worth investing in, it's saved my sanity - if you're not planning on BF long term, id say get one! Xxx
I love my perfect prep when Oliver is crying and he hears the beep he pauses cos he thinks milks coming lol then screams waiting for the second beep haha xxx
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Soph - the reason for 70 degree water is that boiling has been found to kill nutrients in the milk and it needs to be above 70 to kill any bugs but not the nutrients! All slightly crazy. 20 mins is long enough to leave kettle (I have measured the temperature). Hope that helps. X

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