* september 2014 mummies! *

Omg nic where did you get that vest my oh would love that lol. I got a poorly baby off to the doctors tomorrow. Picture says it all lol xxx

Aww lilmiss - poor little man. Alfie has developed a cold so reflux has got worse as he can't breathe!
Ah! What's in the air!? Olivia's starting a cold, unsettled and a miserable child
Either been sleeping on her playmat or in my arms today won't settle any where else!
Hard day today!
Anyone else's baby been through a growth spurt yet? Harry has been feeding every hour through the night I'm shattered and boobs are sore!! How long did this last? He has been great so far and I've been sleeping really well, hope this is a one off and we are back to sleeping tonight.
ebay's finest babygrows, girls!

bless all these poorly babas. hope they are all happy little babes again soon! really can't be fun for any of you.

hubby been trying to settle samuel since 5am, with no luck, i've brought him down and he's fallen asleep on me. he always wakes when i move, takes forever to settle him in his basket, don't think he likes it much!
Oliver don't like the basket either much so in the day he sleeps in his rocker chair. It lays flat and he loves it. Sleeps for ages in that xxx
i have a bouncer chair but it's not flat so haven't put him in it. not sure where else he can go! will happily lay on sofa next to me but i can't leave him there nor can i sleep either.
Driving me insane, she didn't settle till 3 this morning, poor OH was up with her as I needed to sleep, otherwise today would be a write off completely, he's gone to work bloody knackered so my mum is coming round today while I have an afternoon nap so I can crack on with the night shift! Lol
Typical she's asleep, sleeping off the sleepless day she had yesterday!
Makes you feel like you're not doing a "good" enough job making sure they are okay?!
Rather than waking every 3 hours, Alfie slept from 11.30pm until 2.30am then feeding took ages - changed him twice then he threw up and then he got hiccups so bad theu were making him sick so didn't put him back down until around 4.30am. Bless him hw slept well then until half 7 - as lucky as we are to have a baby who will settle well - my own sleep issues mean it takes me so long to fall asleep that I only get an hour or so between feeds.
When did your little ones grow out of their moses basket? (to mums with older children too)
With Elara being a big baby, 9lb 13 at birth and she's now about 10 and a half pounds (she'll be weighed tomorrow) I'm wondering when to stop using the basket. What do you all think?
(her feet are close to the bottom of the basket in the picture)


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When did your little ones grow out of their moses basket? (to mums with older children too)
With Elara being a big baby, 9lb 13 at birth and she's now about 10 and a half pounds (she'll be weighed tomorrow) I'm wondering when to stop using the basket. What do you all think?
(her feet are close to the bottom of the basket in the picture)

Miller is the same,he was 10lb11 a week ago and is long..won't be long til he's out the basket. My other lo was on the cot at 10 weeks and that was only because I didn't want him to go in it any earlier,he could of been on at about 8weeks xx
Hi all, does anyone's little one sleep well all day (waking every hour or so for feeds) then won't settle at night? Ours seems to think night is day and vice versa, I know he's only 2 weeks old so won't have a routine as such but im so exhausted he was awake from 11 pm til 4 am. ..is this normal?
Gosh there's a lot of sleepless nights and poorly babies at the moment, I hope everything improves for those who are suffering with one thing or another soon!
I have now got antibiotics due to an infected section wound and think my wee girl has got oral thrush which has spread to my poor boobles now so will have to get myself back to doctors again for us both to be treated! Oh the joys.xxx
Well last night and this morning was eventful. Oliver had been constipated and that was making him cry well scream lol and eat less and in the night and this morning he pood and I mean poo it was everywhere lol up his back down his legs all inside his baby grow and the look of relief on his face bless him. Had 4 dirty nappies and now have my calm baby back. He gets weighed tomorrow I'm guessing 13lb and is almost 2 big for his basket now. He isn't going into his cot yet as we want him in with us so we bought a crib that's bigger than the basket that should last him.

On a different note I had my repeat echo on my heart today and the broken bit is still broken and as it's still there means I was born with it and it's not caused my pregnancy so Oliver will be getting a little brother or sister if all goes to plan :D have my ct scan tomorrow on my kidneys before a final diagnosis can be made for the fluid in my lungs so all in all a happy day xxx

Hi all, does anyone's little one sleep well all day (waking every hour or so for feeds) then won't settle at night? Ours seems to think night is day and vice versa, I know he's only 2 weeks old so won't have a routine as such but im so exhausted he was awake from 11 pm til 4 am. ..is this normal?

Oliver was exactly like hun till about 4 weeks then settled down. Night owl like his mum he was xxx
Olivia's not well! :-(

Off to the doctors at 10am tomorrow! Think she's full of cold :-( she's so unsettled! Doing this pathetic cry once then shuts up and she just looks so sad :( dead sniffly.
She's really sleepy as well, normally due her feed now but she's in her basket half asleep still.
Don't know whether it's worth taking her out of hours.
Hi all, does anyone's little one sleep well all day (waking every hour or so for feeds) then won't settle at night? Ours seems to think night is day and vice versa, I know he's only 2 weeks old so won't have a routine as such but im so exhausted he was awake from 11 pm til 4 am. ..is this normal?

My midwife told me that some babies like to "cluster" feed in the evening/night. This is what I found online about it. Hope it helps.

Aw all these poor poorly babs! I hope they all feel better really soon.
Yep Pixxy, my midwife told us that too. Pippa's cluster feeding definitely seems to be when we've been warned to expect a growth spurt too. Glad to know it should only be something that happens in the first month or so! x
I hope all these babies get well soon. It's awful when they are poorly as there's not much we can do but comfort them which mummy cuddles is always the best medicine :).
I've had day from hell with my DD. I'm convinced she's turned into mini Satan these past few months but today was icing on cake to point i actually lost it and put her to bed (now feeling incredibly guilty as normally I'm very patient). I've never raised a hand to any of my children and strongly believe that I'd rather they where frightened of my voice than my hand,and today my voice was certainly raised, but I now feel bad for raising it now that she's in bed and all peaceful sleeping. Emotions are a bugger huh?
Blake who's coming up for 3 weeks old now (how's that happened? ) is cluster feeding through the day, and won't settle unless he's on someone or feeding but at night he will happily sleep in his poddle pod for 5 hrs straight. The other night got him to bed at 9 and that was him till 4! Couldn't believe it but I stupidly stayed awake thinking he would wake for a feed around midnight. I dosed off around 1 so I didn't get any benefit from his mammoth sleep. He went down at 8 last night and woke at 1 and I was sleeping by half 9 as just felt emotionally drained after the days events. DD ran off and aimed for main road, I was in state of panic as couldn't actually run to get her due to pain from surgery, Blake had to be left (thankfully sis was in house to watch him but if it wasn't for my sister's kid my DD wouldn't have ran off cos she went after him) so when I finally caught them she refused to walk home so had to grab her and lift her and drag her home, must have looked awful to onlookers. Then was in kitchen with my sis, Blake under his play gym thing quite happy (longest he had been quiet/settled all day without being on me or having a feed) and I walk in to find my nephew trying to smother him!
Then my DD went on to purposely pour her juice all over the sofa bed that's in toy room and then want to use potty but wouldn't use it but soon as went to put nappy on she wanted potty...just drove me round the bend so off to bed..didn't help that she was knackered too and refuses to nap in the day now.
But as a result of the events I'm so sore and crying on and off. I could have lost 2 children today ....I need to switch my brain off.
Hope everyone is well xx
Who said 2 was hard lol One asleep and one watching tv lol

Oh wait a min, baby now awake wanting a feed and toddler wants a drink and food from the kitchen, anyone available to split me into two please lol xx

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