* september 2014 mummies! *

I love my perfect prep when Oliver is crying and he hears the beep he pauses cos he thinks milks coming lol then screams waiting for the second beep haha xxx

samuel does the same - soon as he hears the first beep stops crying then when the milk doesn't turn up he carries on :rofl:

couldn't be without my perfect prep
Hey ladies,
I'm finding it really hard to have the time to post on here nowadays!
Had a really fussy night last night with Katy, she is really suffering with wind cos she gulps at my milk due to it being so fast flowing. She really struggles to bring wind up, we try all the tried and trusted ways but mostly without success. We started using infacol yesterday but it doesn't seem to help...any ideas?
Also I'm struggling with my recovery after section...it all seemed to be going really well but I must have overdone it as my wound has started to open up, bleed and weep and is causing quite a bit of pain. It's so hard to 'take it easy' with a new baby, a toddler and never ending household chores. Hubby went back to work on Monday so unless I can get people to come and help then I'm on my own! Think il have to go to doctors on Monday if I can to get it looked at. Iv also developed a terrible itchy condition on my legs and feet for the last week...it's so bad I actually make myself bleed with the scratching. All in all I'm feeling pretty under the weather just now.

sazzle sounds awful.. sorry i don't know about her wind :( poor girly.. hope you manage to get some help in, defo make a trip to gp :).
Sazzle - please see someone about your wound. Have a good look at it with a small mirror id it's yellow on the scar and red and inflamed around it, you must get antibiotics. Mine was very bad. Also put shower over it twice daily and pat dry with cotton wool pads.
Sazzle - please see someone about your wound. Have a good look at it with a small mirror id it's yellow on the scar and red and inflamed around it, you must get antibiotics. Mine was very bad. Also put shower over it twice daily and pat dry with cotton wool pads.

Thanks, I will go to docs on Monday, it's inflamed and weeping/bleeding at points on the scar and starting to go red around it so think it needs to be checked. I'm trying to keep it clean with salt baths every day and once dried I put a bit of germolene on but it's still looking a bit angry and it's quite painful...feel like iv taken a massive step backwards in terms of how I was feeling physically. Hope it gets fixed quickly! Hope you are doing ok!xxx
Hey sazzle I would be inclined to try and get an out of hours appt over the wkend for both your wound and the itch. Well done too - I have hubster off for another week and tbh I think I would have crumbled had he needed to go back after 2 wks.

I seldom post but am on here most of the night with the wee man feeding. Lovely to catch up with all the new arrivals-congrats everyone! So I'm 12 days after my emergency section...
Had to start on antibiotic for a water infection. My main issue (aside from the post op pain etc) is feeling very emotional about the birth and labour. I never had a birth plan, always an advocate of 'wait and see what happens' but having the section... Well I feel a bit traumatised about the whole thing. I know there was nothing that I ir anyone else could have done to avoid it- he got tangled up in the cord. I just keep randomly bursting into tears when I think about it or feel discomfort on my tummy or if I see my post-section body in the mirror and the sleepless nights don't help either. I had pnd after my first born so worried it might be the same again? Seeing Hv next wk so will mention to her...
Eden got his operation yesterday And it all went well! He had a great nights sleep and woke up bright eyed and enjoyed his first milk in 4 days. He is only on tiny amounts just now but it's all looking promising. So we are hoping to get drip off later tonight and fingers crossed we get home tomorrow xx
Julie - so glad to here that Eden had his operation and is doing well. It must be such a relief after the trouble you have had. You can now start to enjoy time together again x
Oh Julie that is good news. Really pleased everything went well and that Eden is starting to feed again. You must be over the moon xxx
A sneak peek from our newborn photo shoot today. My wedding photographer does mostly babies and as she's a friend the occasional crying fit didn't matter and we stopped for my mum's apple crumble in the middle.
such sweet little babes!

Crazycatlady - gorge pic! And you can't go wrong with a bit of apple crumble ;-)

Very cute Kathy!

Henry is 10 days old today and had his first trip to the doctors. He had a bit of a sticky eye when he was born,seemed to clear up after a few days. Last night it started producing gross looking yellow gunk :-( Midwife came today for her last visit, she suggested docs after seeing it all gunky. Eye drops for the next few days now, poor little fella x
Gorgeous pics girls! Nic-I love the Heisenberg onesie-OH was admiring it too when I showed him on Instagram!

Crackers-hope Henry's eye is better soon. Pippa had sticky eye too but it seems to have cleared up x

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