* september 2014 mummies! *

SarAh , Eden was back at doctors this morning and they have given him another medicine to try , he's only 9lb 2 so he's not gaining weight the way he should as he was 8lb 13 at birth.
I feel so sorry for him and totally helpless but hopefully we will get there

Happy birthday Amy !! Enjoy your day xx
What a wee shame julie...i hope this medicine helps him,nothing worse when they dont feed properly.

Happy birthday amy xx
YAY! So lovely to see so many join - it's been baby madness last day or so I see from the other thread.

Rest assured, Zac and I are nearly 6 weeks into this and I still doubt myself - he was as grumpy as sin at the weekend, constantly cried, didn't really want to sleep - I was beside myself with worry/upset as well as frustration. Husband had to step in a few times to let me chill and calm down.

My advice for the coming weeks if you haven't already stock up on: Colic Drops (Colic will just appear at night, nothing worse for your confidence than not being prepared as I found out the hard way!) and for when they're 4 weeks old - Gripe Water plus Dummies, Zac loves to have a good chew on his dumdum when he's upset or sleepy.

Also, I've come to accept that after the 1am or 2am feed, Zac will refuse to sleep for at least 2 hours and that there's no point me stressing or getting frustrated because it makes zero difference. Last night between 1:30am - 4:45am, I got one hours sleep! Thankfully, Zac then went from 5:30am - 8:45am, so I did manage to catch up in the end. My mum came round and we were fast asleep!! haha.

Alipops x
i don't understand feeding.. :(

i know to count from the start of a feed. but for eg samuel has now only taken 1oz and fallen asleep? he's been taking 2oz every 2hours. (once hes got past 2oz and given up after ive tried several times and hes not interested then i just leave him be?) and mostly sleeps til he's hungry again (2hrs currently).

how long is a feed supposed to take for a week old? it's 3oz i'm aiming for each feed right every 3-4 hours?

is this still the same feed if he's had a nappy change fallen asleep done whatever in the middle of it? how long do i give it before giving up? what if he takes him two hours to take this 2 or 3 oz, then his next one would be due?

i'm so confused :'(
I was told you count from the end of a feed... and that was from my midwife!

It's such early days Nic, just follow Samuel's lead. If he has 1oz then 2 oz and different gaps in between then so be it. Henry went 4 hours between feeds all day yesterday, and I had to wake him for them, then last night fed at 10pm, midnight and 3.45am (so approx 1.5hr gap and a 3hr gap that he decided himself!)

In terms of how much, I always thought it was a case of however much they're taking is fine as long as they aren't losing weight. When do you next have a midwife/HV visit? Don't be afraid to ask them all your questions - they have 100% would have heard it all (and more!) before!x
oh. i got told from my midwife yesterday, the start!

luckily we have HV on thursday so i will definitely be sure to ask her, so confusing!
Conflicting advice everywhere! So annoying, especially when you're worried :-( x
Hi all. First post in this thread-yay! 2 days in and getting on ok. Was a bit concerned about whether I was breastfeeding right initially but got some reassurance from the mw yesterday that I am. She's maybe not latching on perfectly all the time so getting sore nipples but at least I know I CAN do it now and how to do it right so will persevere.
My only problem is getting Pippa to sleep anywhere but on us, she does not seem to be a fan of the Moses basket. As soon as you put her in there or the carrycot she wakes and starts grizzling and acting hungry again, even when just fed. May just be that she doesn't like being alone as it's still only early days so may just need lots of cuddles but going to try a few tricks to see if she will warm to it. Otherwise options are co-sleeping or one of us (ie me) staying awake all night-neither of which I want!
Anyone else had a similar issue or any suggestions? Xx
My friend has a similar problem with her baby and got a sleepyhead cushion..they are really expensive but meant to be amazing... I am reading loads about the 'getting baby to settle in crib' at the moment... one thing someone said works is heating the crib with a hot water bottle before you lay baby down so they still get the warmth...
Olivia settles on our bed, we potter around getting ourselves ready for bed (that's if I haven't fallen asleep downstairs already hehe!) by the time we've finished she's conked out, we put a blanket underneath her so her body heat is transferred to the crib with her so she doesn't really notice the difference, we just tuck the blanket underneath the mattress so it can't go no where and cover her up with a cellular blanket! And were done :-)
She's really settled the past week...thank god! :-)
Hello everyone. It's so nice to see/read about our babies and how different they all are with their needs etc.
During day I have noticed Blake will slitter with his feeds. He will take 2/3 oz then an hour later look for more but then only take an oz and just generally doesn't seem to want to settle during the day and will only settle when on someone's chest. Some days he will sleep 2 hrs in his bouncer but then the rest of the day he's slittering with feeds and being on you. At night time he will happily sink a 5 oz bottle then an hour later look for more. At 1st I didn't think it was possible for him to be hungry but I done all the checks but, wind etc even a dummy but no so give in and he will sink a further 3 oz if not more. It's as if he's stocking up for the night. He will then settle no bother in the poddle pod and sleep for 4 hrs then up sink 5 oz and sleep for another 4 hrs. .come morning he's like a different baby, not sleeping and slittering an oz or 2 here and there.
He does love the bath though. Hates getting naked and will scream the place down but soon as he's in Bath he chills right out. And he refuses to poo in a wet nappy. The other morning I changed his but, was just a wet nappy, put clean nappy on and hadn't even fastened one side and he done a poo. He just point blank refuses lol. Such a character.
It's taking some time with recovering from section as well as looking after my 2 other children. Very tired. Hope your all well. I'm dreading my OH going back to work on Monday. Not sure how I'm going to cope with all 3 kids without him.very scared x
Fair play to you Ema for managing with two other children on top of a newborn and after a c-section! Feel like I've overdone it a bit today and feel a bit sore down below-hopefully stitches are healing ok.
Had a very mixed night last night, Pippa cluster fed from about 8pm-1am and had loads of nappy changes too so just didn't seem to settle. Finally got her to sleep about 1 but in our bed-intended to try and move her but fell asleep too and all of us slept right through to 6am. Felt better for a sleep but very guilty for her sleeping in our bed. However the midwife said not to worry too much and we've made a but of progress today as she's actually slept in her moses basket not once but twice (that's where she is now!). Hoping after a bedtime feed and change she might go down in there for part if the night at least! x
Evening all can I please join in? My bundle of joy Harry was born on 19th September at 23.10 weighing in at 7.13 love him so much and seems like he has been here forever. I'm loving every minute so far even the sleepless nights :)
welcome mummy2be, congratulations on the safe arrival of harry!
Well last night Eden slept from 10:20 pm till 6:50 am. OMG !!!!! Was truly amazing. I'm under no illusion though that this is probably a one off but was amazing to get a decent sleep. Can't believe he is 4 weeks old already. X
Well last night Eden slept from 10:20 pm till 6:50 am. OMG !!!!! Was truly amazing. I'm under no illusion though that this is probably a one off but was amazing to get a decent sleep. Can't believe he is 4 weeks old already. X

What's your secret?!
Julie, must have been something in the water last night! Pippa slept in her moses basket for the first time ever. Slept from 9.30-6am with feeds/changes at 10.30, 2 & 6 and straight back to sleep after each feed! Feel like a new woman! We're the same, don't expect it to last but at least it proves they CAN do it!

Welcome mummy2be x
Nice one Beckybiscuit ! Love it when it all goes to plan.
Wish I had a secret Vicky ! Was shocked when I opened my eyes and saw the time. Auuatically thought something was wrong. Me and oh have been doing a night each and of course it was his shift not mine last night. Bet he is awake loads tonight just for me lol. X
Alfie is usually a good sleeper and feeder but has been more 2 hourly feeds over last 2 days and was awake most of last night. Have walked into town to put back his feed until 1pm - hopefully he will sleep until we get home. Can't get anywhere without people stopping to admire him!

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