Hi M2A could you update me to team blueI missed this thread and feel very left out as I have no text buddy
Thanks SarahOur due dates are quite close but I'm sure it will be fine. I'm really hoping my little one will come early. I now feel like I am starting to blow up like a balloon - every day I look bigger!
Oh that's scary m2a!
That's me finally had a second midwife appointment today! Bloods were all fine, BP fine, wee wee fine and baby was so wriggly mw had a nightmare finding it's heartbeat! Bump measure dead on as well which has reassured me I'm not too small! So appears both me and baby are fit and healthy just now!
She seemed really positive and encouraging about having a home birth too. Had a chat with a breast feeding mw (which was optional) as well, she was lovely too, kind of knew everything she was telling me but been a long time so there was a few differences they advise differently from 14 years ago!
That's me finally had a second midwife appointment today! Bloods were all fine, BP fine, wee wee fine and baby was so wriggly mw had a nightmare finding it's heartbeat! Bump measure dead on as well which has reassured me I'm not too small! So appears both me and baby are fit and healthy just now!
She seemed really positive and encouraging about having a home birth too. Had a chat with a breast feeding mw (which was optional) as well, she was lovely too, kind of knew everything she was telling me but been a long time so there was a few differences they advise differently from 14 years ago!
Thats great news that your mw appointment went well!
How did she measure bump? Was it just a measuring tape? Sorry if thats a stupid question lool i've never had mine measured thats why i'm asking!
That's me finally had a second midwife appointment today! Bloods were all fine, BP fine, wee wee fine and baby was so wriggly mw had a nightmare finding it's heartbeat! Bump measure dead on as well which has reassured me I'm not too small! So appears both me and baby are fit and healthy just now!
She seemed really positive and encouraging about having a home birth too. Had a chat with a breast feeding mw (which was optional) as well, she was lovely too, kind of knew everything she was telling me but been a long time so there was a few differences they advise differently from 14 years ago!
Thats great news that your mw appointment went well!
How did she measure bump? Was it just a measuring tape? Sorry if thats a stupid question lool i've never had mine measured thats why i'm asking!
Glad all was good, you know what it's like worrying about everything!
She felt the top of uterus (above belly button now!) and measured down centre of bump to pubic bone.