October Mummies - Chat/team update thread

M2A, could you please change me to team blue? :) thanks xx
Hi M2A- I know you were going away (today I think) but could you change me to team blue when you can? Cheers hun xx
Hi ladies, I've been away for a while as been moving house, but thought I should ask m2a to update my details with team blue as we since found out that we are having a little man!!
Hi ladies, I've been away for a while as been moving house, but thought I should ask m2a to update my details with team blue as we since found out that we are having a little man!!
congrats on team blue meggymum! :) we're having a boy too ;)
hey October mummies! :wave:Just wondering how everyone's feeling and where you're all at? I had an antenatal check with midwife on Thursday, she felt bump and also listened to the heartbeat again which was a nice surprise as I wasn't expecting that! Gave me my Mat B1 form. Have my next appointment in 6 weeks time when I will be in tri 3 - eek! Said she'll take last lot of bloods and book me in for anti-natal classes. How time is flying! :shock: x x

p.s does anyone have any tips for backache? Mine's been hurting pretty bad all week - not used to carrying this extra weight around lol
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Ive got another 2 weeks till my second midwife app, can't believe I've only seen her once in all this time! I've booked my antenatal classes to start at the end of august and booked my 4d scan for when I'm 28 weeks, can't wait for that!

I've started getting pelvic girdle pain, thought it was sciatica as it's in my bum cheek and down my leg, seeing personal trainer Monday to alter my workout see if my hips can be strengthened. He said it helps to strengthen lower back and hips if you have back pain, normally you would strengthen abs to help the back too but obviously we can't do this just now. So maybe try finding an antenatal exercise class or home DVD bella? Also read to sit on a birthing ball regularly and not slump, which I always do on the sofa!
Hello :-)
I've got next midwife appointment next Friday so should get my matb1 form and sort out my appointment to get my anti-D injection.
Getting pelvic bone pain when I am getting up but eases off when I'm walking around. I spend most of my life sitting at the dining table as I just can't get comfy anywhere else unless I'm in bed lol
Alittle more stressed and tearful than normal but that's more to do with the wedding being in 6 weeks than the pregnancy!!
Ive got another 2 weeks till my second midwife app, can't believe I've only seen her once in all this time! I've booked my antenatal classes to start at the end of august and booked my 4d scan for when I'm 28 weeks, can't wait for that!

I've started getting pelvic girdle pain, thought it was sciatica as it's in my bum cheek and down my leg, seeing personal trainer Monday to alter my workout see if my hips can be strengthened. He said it helps to strengthen lower back and hips if you have back pain, normally you would strengthen abs to help the back too but obviously we can't do this just now. So maybe try finding an antenatal exercise class or home DVD bella? Also read to sit on a birthing ball regularly and not slump, which I always do on the sofa!

From what I've heard you have slightly less appointments with midwife if this is your 2nd baby so perhaps this is why is been so long? Thanks for the tips, am atcually starting an aquanatal class in a couple of weeks time and I have one of those excercise/birthing balls so I'll get OH to blow it up for me!

Ooh good luck with the wedding Tinks! How exciting :) x x
I had a slipped disc, which was basically right at my bum/very lower back and pain went down my legs, and my physio said the only way to to help it is to strenghten it, as Sarah said. But i'm not sure which exercises are good for pregnancy, there is one you could try where you stand facing the wall, put both hands flat on the wall at around level with your head, lift up one leg w/out bending at the knee and gently bring your leg back a couple of inch's til you feel your bum tightening then hold it for 10 secs, bring it down and repeat with the other,its the most simple exercise you can imagine, I had to do it 10x a day and it really helped make my bum/back stronger.
Pregnancy seems to have, touch wood, sorted my funny back, i normally have muscle spasms in it due to a funny disc, and think the hormones have relaxed the muscles.

Strengthening the musles around your back should help, but try not to over do it, it'll cause just as many problems over strengthening your muscles in your back when you can't do anything with the abs.

Baths might help if it is hurting, and as Sarah suggested, sitting on a birthing ball might help. When my back plays up, i sit on my exercise ball and gently move my hips in a circle (only little circles), it relaxes the muscles
All updated ladies, sorry its taken me a while.
At the moment we have 24 team yellows, 6 team pinks and 5 team blues, i wonder if anyone else going to give in and book a 4d scan to find out what team they are on ;) x x

Wow can't believe there are so many team yellows! Thought I was a minority these days!
Same here Sarah. At my scan they said a few years ago everyone wanted to know, but this year there have been more and more that would rather stay team yellow!
Woooop jst wanted to announce that im 24 weeks today (as of 7 mins ago!) lool

You can change me from Team Yellow to Team Blue... :-) Other half convinced me to find out... At least we can focus on finding a boys name now as was having real trouble with this....
You can change me from Team Yellow to Team Blue... :-) Other half convinced me to find out... At least we can focus on finding a boys name now as was having real trouble with this....

Aaawww congratulations on team blue sweetie :) i bet it didnt take alot of persuading on your OH part ;)
We have one blue and one pink halloween baby :D
Do you have any names in mind or are you really struggling? x x

You can change me from Team Yellow to Team Blue... :-) Other half convinced me to find out... At least we can focus on finding a boys name now as was having real trouble with this....

Aaawww congratulations on team blue sweetie :) i bet it didnt take alot of persuading on your OH part ;)
We have one blue and one pink halloween baby :D
Do you have any names in mind or are you really struggling? x x

Having real issues with boys names. We went through a whole book the other day and came back with 14 names... the idea we have is to call the bump by each name for a day or two and see how we feel. We got through 3 names (Adam, Andrew and Austin) in one day yesterday as they just did not work for us.... We are up to Daniel now.... then 10 more to go.....

Only reason Adam got rejected was the fact that my OH has a cousin Adam and he did not want to have a name that is already in the family... Fairly hard when my family is SO big....

Boys names are just so much harder... We had a girls name all sorted... will keep it for next time maybe. :-)
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Pointless and nothing to do with babies but my wedding dress arrived today!!!!!!!!! 5 weeks to go and looks like it might only need a slight adjustment at the bust. Soo excited now :-D
Pointless and nothing to do with babies but my wedding dress arrived today!!!!!!!!! 5 weeks to go and looks like it might only need a slight adjustment at the bust. Soo excited now :-D

Ohhh that is very exciting! This time last year we were setting everything up for our wedding.....

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