October Mummies - Chat/team update thread

thanks girls :) Coco pops I agree - I don't think the worrying ever ends even once baby gets here! x x
Good luck with all your scans ladies!! Its soooooo exciting!

It's really starting to do my nut in about OH not knowing, I honestly thought he'd of cracked within the week and when I rang up and told how the scan went he said he'd probably crack before he went to bed that night. But no, he's enjoying see how much it's torturing me!! lol!
I honestly think he's had a sneaky look in the baby's room and seen stuff I've bought even though i've hidden them all.

So far pink I've bought:

- minnie mouse baby gro and matching bib
- 2 hats in pink/pink stitching that say 'I love Mummy' and 'I love Daddy'
- Little pink booties that match the afore mentioned hats
- Littlest cutest jeans with pink stitching (for £1.50 in a sale!!!)
- Pink cardigan (for £1 in a sale!!)
- Pink fleecey cardigan type thing

.....and that's it I think?!?! But OH hasn't seen any of them and I'm dying to show him how cute they are. Must buy a little cute dress for her but all the ones at the moment seem to be far to thin and summery and won't be suitable for october.
PP how are you managing??? If I knew, the world would know. You've really got some bargains there hun!

Am having trouble buying gender neutral things, not sure if it is just me, but the neutrals are either masculine or feminine. Trying to get the essentials, babygros, sleepsuits etc for newborn up to 12 months, then proper outfits once Pickle arrives
Know what you mean Emma, they seem to think most people find out the sex these days. Hopefully we wont need much as you know what people are like for buying presents when a baby arrives, you even get things from people your mum or gran knows and you've not seen since you were a kid!!

Talking of baby clothes, I recieve a lovely surprise in the post this week, my mum had knitted a new born cardigan, so cute and so tiny!
good luck otmorrow girls! xx Will be waiting for news.
PP how are you managing??? If I knew, the world would know. You've really got some bargains there hun!

Am having trouble buying gender neutral things, not sure if it is just me, but the neutrals are either masculine or feminine. Trying to get the essentials, babygros, sleepsuits etc for newborn up to 12 months, then proper outfits once Pickle arrives

I have no idea how I'm managing. I've nearly slipped up a couple of times. Just last night when we'd gone to bed I was about 80% there at convincing him to let me go get the stuff I'd bought to show him but he wouldn't let me I nearly said something about 'Little Miss' and I had to stop myself.
My bargaining plees... yes I'm trying to force him to find out as it's killing me more than him... so far have included that you can call bump by they're proper name we've picked out. You can say 'your daughter' or 'your son' rather than just 'It' and loads of random things like that to try and convince him and we can paint/decorate the nursery in the new house with either pink or blue things.

The biggest thing for me is I want to see his face when I tell him he's having a daughter. I want to see his eyes light up and I know he'll start crying and give me the biggest cuddle in the world. (He's desperate to have a little girl!!)
I said last night that the day it's born won't be any less amazing if you knew what it was and I'll not be able to see/remember much of his reaction as I'll be too high on gas and air and in pain to savour the moment when he realises he has a baby girl and that's why i'm so desperate to tell him but so far no luck! :(

I was so sick of buying whites/neutrals as you're right, they're still aimed at a gender. I got so sick of whites/creams that I bought this lush little orange jacket (sound a bit OTT but it's really nice) after being convinced I was having a boy even though it's designed to be neutral, I just don't think it would look right on a little girl.... :oooo: I'll see if I can find a pic....

hey girls! Back from scan it was amazing! Have made a seperate post in tri 2 x x
Ceris! Peanut is due on 8th december. I dont have a text buddy but would love one!
We will be finding out what (s)he is in 5 weeks!

sorry, just realised this is an october mummy thread!!! xxx
With all the 20 week scan that all our lovely October Mummies to be had last week, do we have any updates on teams?

Ive got my 20 week scan on Tuesday so excited but a little bit anxious to make sure she is growing as she should, im going to get them to check she definetly is a little miss aswell, otherwise the gorgeous pink pram will have to be changed for another colour!

Cant believe tomorrow all of us will have hit the 20 week mark and everyone will have 140 days or less till they meet their bundles of joy (unless we go overdue - but not thinking of that!)

Hope your having a lovely weekend ladies :)

Ceris - Might be worth making a December Mummies Thread, its a great way to see whos due around the same time as you :) x x

M2A your baby will be growing perfectly - just remember all the great movements you've been having!!

And dont worry - she'll be a girl!!

Good luck for the scan, cant wait to see the pics! We're defo staying team yellow!!

Thanks Littlemiss, i love your willpower in staying team yellow :) I always said we would find out with the next one after Adam was a suprise and I think both finding out and having a suprise are both as lovely as each other but i may change my mind after labour! x x

TBH I was 50/50 - good reasons for wanting to find out and good reasons for not, but OH was 100% sure he didn't want to find out, so obvs his feelings were stronger. Its gonna be pretty hard when it comes to buying things, but we managed the first time so we should be ok!

My OH was the complete opposite he desperately wanted to know with this one, which is one of the reasons we went for our 4d scan. I think deep down he wanted to know with Adam but I really didnt want to know first time around.
Its nice being able to buy things in pink but at them moment Im having to stop myself buying clothes as they are all summery, I bought bits but not much. Had to stop myself this weekend with us going away and getting the pram, but as soon as we get back, we are going shopping for her nursery theme, I think ive got my heart set on the sweetie pie one in babies r us but have promised OH I will look around before jumping into the deep end and just buying it.
Cant wait for the end of July beginning of August, the builder would have made her room and I can start ordeing my OH around letting him know where I want things :) plus my little man will have a new room to settle into before she arrives x x
What do you mean builders are making her room? Are you getting an extenion on your house? We only have a 2 bedroom, which is where we're staying untill baby is at least a year. We moved house when first was 2 weeks old and i've never been so stressed in my life. But she has a double bedroom and we're thinking of partitioning it off to make 2 rooms.

You could still buy the summer stuff for a girl (or wait til end of summer to get sale items) when it comes to the little dresses, they all look really cute with a pair of tights, or bare legs. My girl was born in June and wore dresses all through til xmas (with tights) I've been having a look online at baby clothes and there's defo alot more there for girls than boys!

Your holiday is coming up real soon...are you packed yet?

We must have some updates from all the scans we have had today :D its been a very exciting day.

Littlemiss- im getting our room split, its a big room so we are moving into Adams room and Adam and little missy are going to have our room cut in half. Im going to miss my massive room but we have no other option at the moment as our neighbours would reject the plans for an extension :( x c

That sounds like the same thing we were thinking about - no idea how to go about it right enough, regarding the door ect! We got a new kitchen and bathroom fitted a cpl of weeks ago so we need to finish that off first.
All this re-arranging of our houses to make a baby's room! I did design a loft conversion then changed my mind a couple of weeks back and now decided to build an office/studio in the garden so baby can have my office as a nursery, just waiting on planning now so that will probably take months!

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