*** October 2021 Moms ***

Yeah I'm making sure I'm eating healthier, think your right about the timing I need to organise myself a bit more I think that would help :)

Ah spots ! So much for a pregnancy glow right?! Glad to hear the bloods all came back okay, it's it's one less thing to worry about.

My scan is on the 19th April so I'll be 13 weeks by then, feels like forever away lol. My midwife booked it at my first appointment so I was lucky to get a date without much waiting. Hope you get your date soon :D

I'm hoping the pregnancy glow comes later because if this is it then god help me haha
19th April does seem so far away doesn't it I hope it goes by fast for you though. keep us updated how you get on! <3
Congratulations!! Hope you are doing okay?
Thank you, I’m doing okay. My nausea isn’t too bad, mostly when I’m hungry and at night a little bit. My first scan was Wednesday and went really well.

I’ve only told some coworkers and my 2 best friends. I’m supposed to be a bridesmaid at my best friends wedding the week before I’m due.. We’re telling our parents, family, and social media on Easter.
My first visit is on this Friday! (it'll be 7 weeks)
Can't wait! :) Hope everything will go well..
Hope everyone is doing ok,

still no date for my scan yet and I’m 11 weeks based on my LMP, phoned the hospital and was told no scan has been booked yet and I just have to wait for someone from the ultrasound department to contact me with a date, what a joke, I had a date booked by time I was 8 weeks last time with my daughter, I need to make sure I keep my diary free at work and that my daughter will be at nursery as I have no other childcare

still feeling rough and sick all the time, can’t wait for this yucky phase to pass!
Hope everyone is doing ok,

still no date for my scan yet and I’m 11 weeks based on my LMP, phoned the hospital and was told no scan has been booked yet and I just have to wait for someone from the ultrasound department to contact me with a date, what a joke, I had a date booked by time I was 8 weeks last time with my daughter, I need to make sure I keep my diary free at work and that my daughter will be at nursery as I have no other childcare

still feeling rough and sick all the time, can’t wait for this yucky phase to pass!

I'm doing ok at the moment. It's just the tiredness that's affecting me and if I don't eat often I start to feel sick.

Sorry to hear you haven't had your scan date through yet. I was given my scan date at my booking in bloods at the hospital so I hope they do the same for you. I have my fingers crossed for you.

I hope the sicky phase passes for you soon. Not long left and we'll be in the second tri.
Hope everyone is doing ok,

still no date for my scan yet and I’m 11 weeks based on my LMP, phoned the hospital and was told no scan has been booked yet and I just have to wait for someone from the ultrasound department to contact me with a date, what a joke, I had a date booked by time I was 8 weeks last time with my daughter, I need to make sure I keep my diary free at work and that my daughter will be at nursery as I have no other childcare

still feeling rough and sick all the time, can’t wait for this yucky phase to pass!

Hope your appointment comes through soon!
I haven't had mine yet either it's the wait for an unknown date that's driving me mad. Once I have my date through I can get the countdown and focus a bit better.
Hope you feel better soon 2nd Tri is looming ☺️
Is anyone starting to show yet? I’m 10 weeks and have a little belly!! I’m so surprised I’m starting to show it feels early!
Hope your appointment comes through soon!
I haven't had mine yet either it's the wait for an unknown date that's driving me mad. Once I have my date through I can get the countdown and focus a bit better.
Hope you feel better soon 2nd Tri is looming ☺️

thank you, hopefully we will both get our scan dates soon, it will certainly give us something to look forward to!
I'm doing ok at the moment. It's just the tiredness that's affecting me and if I don't eat often I start to feel sick.

Sorry to hear you haven't had your scan date through yet. I was given my scan date at my booking in bloods at the hospital so I hope they do the same for you. I have my fingers crossed for you.

I hope the sicky phase passes for you soon. Not long left and we'll be in the second tri.

thanks lovely, I’ve felt a little better this evening, hopefully I’m over the worst of it now
Is anyone starting to show yet? I’m 10 weeks and have a little belly!! I’m so surprised I’m starting to show it feels early!

wow that’s amazing! I don’t think I’ve ‘popped’ yet but I’m definitely bigger around the belly then I was, and definitely bigger at this point then my first pregnancy, I didn’t really start showing with my first until 20+ weeks! I was desperate for my bump to pop as it just looked like I’d eaten a few too many cakes!
I’ll be ordering some nice comfy maternity leggings after my 12 week scan, I lived in maternity leggings and long comfy tops last time, will be doing the same again, embarrassingly most of my maternity leggings ended up with big holes in the crotch so they got binned ha ha :rotfl:
Has anyone else ordered any maternity clothes or bought any bits for the baby yet?
Is anyone starting to show yet? I’m 10 weeks and have a little belly!! I’m so surprised I’m starting to show it feels early!

Not starting to show yet although all my trousers are starting to get pretty tight on the waist. I'm holding out from buying anything maternity until after my scan
wow that’s amazing! I don’t think I’ve ‘popped’ yet but I’m definitely bigger around the belly then I was, and definitely bigger at this point then my first pregnancy, I didn’t really start showing with my first until 20+ weeks! I was desperate for my bump to pop as it just looked like I’d eaten a few too many cakes!
I’ll be ordering some nice comfy maternity leggings after my 12 week scan, I lived in maternity leggings and long comfy tops last time, will be doing the same again, embarrassingly most of my maternity leggings ended up with big holes in the crotch so they got binned ha ha :rotfl:
Has anyone else ordered any maternity clothes or bought any bits for the baby yet?
Since this is my first I expected it to be closer to 20 weeks! I have bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans and leggings as mine push on my stomach so so bad now!
I am 13 weeks now and look very obviously pregnant but it is my 5th baby so i think im well stretched now anyway.
I hope everyone is doing ok!
I had my scan appointment letter today, booked for the 9th and I'm so nervous 15 day countdown is on!
Anyone else have their scans booked in? X
I hope everyone is doing ok!
I had my scan appointment letter today, booked for the 9th and I'm so nervous 15 day countdown is on!
Anyone else have their scans booked in? X
Yes brilliant news !! Not too long now :D

I paid for a private early scan (I'm terrible at waiting), we went today and it was amazing to hear everything was okay and hear the heartbeat

Aw amazing! So glad to hear everything went ok <3 how far along are you now your little one has been measured? X
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