***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Ha ha, happy due date MrsS! The OH asked that if it happens today and it's a boy can be call it Marty. It didn't take me long to answer him!

Been reading about your pump, I'm planning to bf for the first 6 weeks or so then start expressing, but was going to wait until LO was here because of the price or the medela. My cousin also suggested doing it this way in case baby doesn't latch, but then surely that's the point of a pump? ! I'm planning to give baby breast milk regardless. Now I'm just thinking screw it and might buy one today!
Happy due date Gail! 1 week for me ahhhhhhh! ��getting nervous now!
An evening with no false contractions last night. Was kinda expecting it to start up again like the previous two nights. Have lost some more plug, but nothing like a bloody show or anything - still just fairly small chunks of snotty pale greenish stuff.

Now feeling like this:


Also feeling rather tearful and emotional, I just want her here. And I really don't want to have to be induced. One week overdue now by UK standards, 4 days overdue by Norwegian standards.

Got an appointment at the hospital Friday (41+2), where they will monitor baby, do a scan etc to check she's still happy in there. If all is fine I'll be left a few more days (most likely until Monday or Tuesday) to try and go into labour naturally, especially as I'm having a vbac. They may or may not do a sweep (internal examinations and sweeps are not very common here unless you're at least a week overdue - I've had none so far, which is fine by me). I hope I don't need that appointment though... Fingers crossed for the next two days!
Well i had my antenatal appt this morning
Thats the 3rd urine sample in a row with leukocytes in so there's inflammation/infection somewhere!!
Theyve all been sent off but not had anything back yet

My BP was slightly elevated today (likely nerves of the s&s)

She asked about movements
I told her about being in hospital for monitoring on Sunday and that i still don't think hes moving quite as much

Also on measuring me im the same as last week

So based on that she sent my pee off (again)
I went to the ward for a CTG. All seemed normal i think. His heartrate and movements werent as mental as Sunday. They kinda treat you like a hindrance though it really pees me off. Even the registrar said 'well you dont move the same amount every day do you. Sometimes you feel unwell and dont want to move about as much'. One of the midwives were like... Hes moved more than 10 times according to this... So long as they move 10 times in a day
Eh... No!!
I know my baby he moves way more. I know his pattern!!

The community midwife also wanted them to scan me to check cord blood flow but they didnt even bother. Said theyre happy enough.
I feel despondant after it
Id have preferred the ultrasound to an hour on trace
If placenta isnt working so well then we have a problem!!

Either way... Stretch and sweep now done
He was quite rough. He had a good ratch in there.
I've bled a bit and he said it was successful. I don't know anything else about it being ripened/favourable/effaced... He never mentioned anything else about it

Now we wait and see
If no baby by next Wednesday then itll be another sweep x
Gail, there are lots of positives in there, if the trace shows good movement/heart rate etc then that's fab, don't worry too much about measuring the same this week, baby could just be sat in a different place. I measure 37! And I know he's a decent 7lb or more. As for the sweep being successful, that's fab!! I've had two and they have been unsuccessful :( so hopefully it means you will go over the next 48hrs! Eeek! Exciting times :) xx
Been getting some nasty "fanny daggers " tonight. Gonna run a bath now to try ease them. They take my breath away :(
Oohh ladies, I do believe my waters have just gone. Called the mw, and after describing it to her she said it may or may not have been my waters? ! It was tinged pink, but was very much a pale pink and I am having some cramping. Could this have been the rest of my show and waters at the same time? ?
There wasn't much, a little splash, but it has been coming in dribs and drabs. Have rung the mw again and they seem happy that they're pink, contractions are currently around 6 minutes apart, so she has asked me to wait until either they are about 4 apart, or I can't speak through them. Don't think it's gonna be too long until I'm heading off up there. ....!
Ooh, fingers crossed Carrie, another October baby to start another boom would be good :) good luck xx
had contractions all day yesterday honestly thought that was it, then nothing since midnight last night :( so disappointed!!!!! With my first I had contractions like that and then he was here a few hours later. This one is being a bit of a tease lol!!!
Better finishing at midnight i suppose rach
At least you could then go to sleep
Rather than be fine all day then up all night contracting for nothing x
Yep that's a good way of looking at it!!! Hubby's in a foul mood today because he is tired from stressing about it, not a lot I can do to hurry it along so he'd best snap out of it soon lol!!!!!
My gorgeous boy Dexter Daniel Houston was born yesterday at 14.18, weighing 7lb5oz. Had a lovely water birth and apart from the pool the only other pain relief I had has an hour and a half of gas and air. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better experience for my first time, it went so well.

Dexter is a bit of a lazy feeder at the mo, so we're trying feeding almost constantly to try and get him to get in to the habit of sucking. He is getting better every time, and I'm sure once my milk comes in and he's not quite as mucusy he'll be better.

How is everyone else doing?
My baby girl Evie is 9 days and still below birth weight, she was 7lbs at birth and she's nearly 6.9lbs now we breastfeeding which is going really well, even though she has a mild tongue tie but Hv came today and is concerned about her weight so may need to think about topping up with formula. She seems really healthy and is definitely satisfied with the breast milk - I'm going see how she gets on over the weekend x

Congrats again Carrie! I think for most babies it takes a couple days before they latch on and suck better- sounds like your both doing great x
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