***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Congrats everyone, lovely pics Petchy and good look MrsS!!

Who's left now is it just me and vegas??

I'm still waiting, but got a section booked for the 3rd if he is not here by then x

Due date wed for me eek! All these babies are getting me really exited. Can't wait to meet my little man now. No signs if him coming soon though. Got a sweep on wed so hopefully that will help things along. Still got car to get cleaned and ready, check over all my hospital stuff to make sure I've packed everything and wash all the bottles ready for sterilisation. :)
Good luck to you all, Vegas and Ftm It doesn't seem long since you both got your BFPs! !!!

I'll do a copy and paste from fb

It couldnt have been further from the birth plan I had written
I wanted a water birth, no pain relief, to be active and have as little intervention/monitoring as possible
I ended up having gas & air and the diamorphine (?) jag
I did have a dihydrocodeine and paracetamol but they came straight back up!
I was too sore to move even if i was able to but I was in the fetal position strapped to a monitor the entire time
I had the pessary put in about 10am, left half an hour then put on the monitor for an hour. He was happy in there with that so at 11:30 we went a wander through the hospital grounds. The pain quickly ramped up. I didnt at any point throughout it all actually have a contraction or tightening. The entire time I had extremely low period type pains which were constant and relentless (my mum didnt ever contract either in her pregnancies so i followed her lead). And at no notice it just ramped up to unbearable pains for about a minute at a time so the g&a rarely got time to kick in at its peak as it was the beginning the pain was its worst
The dihydrocodeine done bugger all cos instantly came back up. Eventually I went on gas and air at about 1pm which I was really reluctant to do but it made me floaty and took the edge off it
About 2pm i really wasnt coping and at about 3pm i eventually got the jag in my leg (took so long cos they were doing shift handover). From then on i think I was just in and out of it sleeping on and off sort of away with it. I dont think i let go of that gas and air once lol.
On going in at 9am my cervix was long, far back and not very favourable
When i asked for the g&a at 1 it had shortened and widened out
I did get examined after that another 3 times but i have no recollection of any of those lol. First i was 3cm, then 7cm then fully dilated
I don't remember being told it was ok to push or that i was ready, i just reached a point where I was pushing whether they said so or not lol
I basically spent 7 hours in pain with my eyes shut the entire time. My eyes weren't opening for anybody haha
Apparently they were setting up for foreceps as his heart rate kept dipping to about 80. I woke up with a cannular in and a fluid bag on. I think they tried that first to see if it helped make him happy again. I was only pushing about 20 mins and tore a little. A tiny bit to the perineum but he came out with cord wrapped round his neck so the removal of that quickly meant i tore a bit more and i think i got some chunks took out of my poor labia! (that nips!)
Its all one continuous stitch but indivudually itd equate to about 10 singles so not too bad really
The stitching for that was probably worse than pushing him out!
My mum actually turned up half an hour before starting to push. I dont remember her showing up at all but i know it was good having her there. She stroked my hand and face the entire time
We are being kept in as he has a wee infection, probably as a result of the waters being gone too long. We will get kept in at least 2 days but no more than 5 if its not clearing great
They took him away for about an hour and a half as he wasnt pinking up but i think i was a bit relieved to just get to lie there.
It was a few hours before getting stitched up so i think i appreciated the cool air just hitting against me. Plus i dunno if it was shock or the drugs but i was really shivery afterwards
So apart from a bit swollen downstairs... Im pretty much over it already!
Cant complain - 8 hours from pessary in to being pushed out. I'm rather proud of myself

Hes having 12 hourly antibiotics and they now think Ive an infection too
P.S. why are maternity wards so bloody hot??
Hi guys, I know most of u have had your babies now so is there anything you didn't use in your hospital bag or wished you'd has more of. I'm gonna go through mine and check I have everything but would be helpful for any tips. Thanks :)
I would say make sure you have plenty to snack on, I was bored and hungry and spent a fortune in hospital shop :lol:
Second the snacks! Have spares easy to hand too just incase you need more! Xx
Congratulations to all the new mummies and babies :) who is left for October mums now?
Congratulations to all the new mummies and babies :) who is left for October mums now?

I think it's me, vegas and ftm still left.
I'm gonna be a November mummy I can feel it in my waters lol, this one does NOT want to come out.
Due date tom. I defo think I'm gonna be a Nov mummy too. Sweep tom will hopefully get things going but I can't see it. I honestly think I'll end up getting induced ha. How u feeling Bunnykins?
Cant believe there's only 3 babies left- enjoy the rest of your pregnancies. I agree with the other ladies - plenty of snacks and comfy bottoms for yourself x

I had Evie weighed today she's still not back to birth weight but as gained a couple oz's so I can carry on breastfeeding!
Depends if youre kept in or not i suppose
But hubby can bring all the extras in

Plenty change for the shop, snacks and comfy clothes x
Official due date! Ahhh!! Major mix of anxiety and exitement which has kept me awake for most of the night. The past 2 nites I've been struggling with sleeping after having great sleeps for weeks which is frustrating me. I need all the sleep I can get but my body just won't let me! Think my brain is in overactive mode :(
Due date tom. I defo think I'm gonna be a Nov mummy too. Sweep tom will hopefully get things going but I can't see it. I honestly think I'll end up getting induced ha. How u feeling Bunnykins?

Good luck with your sweep today!!!!

I'm feeling frustratingly ok :( I've had huge chunks of brown mucus falling out since yesterday but nothing else, guessing my sweep on Monday didn't work. Seeing midwife again on Monday next week to talk induction :(
Due date tom. I defo think I'm gonna be a Nov mummy too. Sweep tom will hopefully get things going but I can't see it. I honestly think I'll end up getting induced ha. How u feeling Bunnykins?

Good luck with your sweep today!!!!

I'm feeling frustratingly ok :( I've had huge chunks of brown mucus falling out since yesterday but nothing else, guessing my sweep on Monday didn't work. Seeing midwife again on Monday next week to talk induction :(

Sweep was ok. Midwife said he's really low down and full engaged. She couldn't really get a finger in my cervix though think it's tight shut. So she said she's gave it a good jiggle around to hopefully kick start the hormones. She made me bleed a little bit. Found it quite uncomfortable and it's been a bit browny when wiping after she did it. was really crampy after for a few hours but seems to have died down now. I've got booked in to be induced thurs next week if he hasn't arrived by then. I hope I don't need to be induced but the fact that I'm pretty much shut making me lose hope. Had a little bounce on my pregnancy ball and gonna keep doing that every now and then to help things along. Will they let u go to 42 weeks? My hospital only let 41 weeks which I'm pleased about. Come on these babies!
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Mine managed to get up to a knuckle in and hook her finger in to pull it down (ouch!) but she said that was because my cervix is soft as am a second time mum. So I'm assuming that means I'm also pretty closed up too. Plus she said there was room for babies head to come down further, it's bum is still very high up in my bump.
Other than that all the after effects sound pretty similar to mine, I still get brown when I wipe 2 days later and lots of chunks of mucus and some period pains. Nothing else though.
They let you go to 42 weeks here so when I see her Monday I'll be jut 41 so she'll do another sweep and then discuss an induction. Which would likely be end of next week or beginning of following week.

Hope it doesn't come to that as am doing hypnobirthing so don't want to be induced but what will be will be I guess. Plus my son's playgroup have professional photographers coming on 7th November and we'd booked a slot to get a family pic with the baby so kinda need it here by then lol!!!!!!
Ouch! That doesn't sound pleasent. We could be having our babies at the same time then ha. I'm booked in thurs 5th but get taken in the night before to start off. Still got little bit brown and bit sore down there after her good rummage around. I'm hoping for a better sleep tonight, must have only got 4 hours tops.

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