***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I've just had a complete meltdown! Found some energy and appetite and made myself a pretty good ham, cheese, mustard and salad baguette. Thoroughly enjoyed it as hadn't eaten at all today (byvthis time it's 3pm) got to the last mouthful and without even getting to chew it I threw the entire lot up, whilst weeing myself from the force.

Ended up covered in wee and vomit (in my last clean item of clothing as only have 3 dresses that fit me) stood in the kitchen hysterically sobbing for 20mins. I know it's hormones but it's truly been a hard and long 9months and I just can't do another day like this, or that's how it feels, I know I could have another 3 weeks and baby will come when it comes. I want this baby so badly and know how lucky I am so hate moaning but feel am at my limit today :cry:
Awk love

You taking any meds for the sickness?
Didnt feel it coming on at all?
Maybe little and often would be better x
I've just had a complete meltdown! Found some energy and appetite and made myself a pretty good ham, cheese, mustard and salad baguette. Thoroughly enjoyed it as hadn't eaten at all today (byvthis time it's 3pm) got to the last mouthful and without even getting to chew it I threw the entire lot up, whilst weeing myself from the force.

Ended up covered in wee and vomit (in my last clean item of clothing as only have 3 dresses that fit me) stood in the kitchen hysterically sobbing for 20mins. I know it's hormones but it's truly been a hard and long 9months and I just can't do another day like this, or that's how it feels, I know I could have another 3 weeks and baby will come when it comes. I want this baby so badly and know how lucky I am so hate moaning but feel am at my limit today :cry:

Congratulations Quinn & welcome to October mummies (I'm officially a Sept mummy as I que jumped too!! Lol).

Aww not good, you'll see the funny side in a couple of weeks hun xxx
Oh no Bunny! Not long to go now x
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Bunny - oh no!! :( poor you! That's horrid, I really hope baby arrives very soon for you :( xxxxxx
Thanks ladies, sorry for the moan, I think I just needed to vent it somewhere!!!
I tried explaining to my mum when I picked up my boy (thankfully he'd been at hers this aft so missed my breakdown!) and she just said to man up and get on with it as everyone else manages to get through pregnancy without hysterics. She never had morning sickness so doesn't understand how wearing it is.
What upsets me the most was there was no sign I'd be sick, I wasn't nauseas in fact it was first time I'd fancied food since Friday, such a waste of a darn good sandwich!!!
I've cheered up a bit now but baby is still in bad books, it's currently trying to elbow my hip out of place and internally punching me in the privates with its head!
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I feel pretty disgusted with the amount of food I've ate this weekend. I honestly don't know what's got into me. Massive breakfast, lasagne for lunch, Chinese for tea polished off with sticky toffee pudding and loads of pop. Feel physically sick now. The weight is piling on now and my appetite is out of control. Hope this baby comes on time! :(
Hey Quinn, come join October mummies and babies if you like :lol:

Bunny that sucks so much I remember the clothing issue well. My mum gave me the man up talk at the end too when I was struggling with the false starts and it was kind of what I needed (she was also helping me loads with childcare at the time!!), even though at the time it made me feel more wretched :-(

Really not long now, final hurdles ladies!
Induction day today. Booked in, pre assessment checks done. Just waiting for doctor to write me prescription for propess. X
Good luck Natalie- so excited for you x
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Just back from the midwife, baby is now fully engaged and just sitting and waiting. Also measuring near the very top of the scale, so hopefully nice and chunky.

Booked in for a sweep next Monday, and midwife commented that she thinks it's likely she'll be seeing me, which put a dampener on the day for me! So I'm curling up on the sofa with trashy TV and a yummy new candle I've treated myself to!
I dunno what's up with me today
I've felt really sad
Having him is iminemt in the grand scheme of things and im sad
Not excited or impatient. I dunno whats wrong
I think maybe just overwhelmed at how my lifes about to change x
Taking the bump for a walk

Been up since 4 this morning, bubba was sitting heavy on a nerve in my pelvis, haven't felt pain like it! It calmed down and it only happened a couple of times during day, but have found it impossible to get a kip in today which shucks!

I've decided I'm going to jump the boy tonight to see if I can prompt a due date delivery tomorrow!
MrsS hope your feeling a bit happier today, it's a big unknown step when it's your first and can feel very overwhelming and strange in these last few days. I was the same with my first but it's the start of some amazing times to come :) just tonight my ds told me he loved his tea and I was the bestest and cleverest baker for making it for him and he was so proud of me!! Lol it was only a sausage and rice hotpot but his little unprompted compliment has had me ticked pink all night :) you have all this to look forward to with Eli :love:
Im feeling much better today thanks Rachael
I slept til half 9
Played games on my phone in bed til 11
Had a greggs for lunch
Had my hair done (much darker than id planned but happy either way its so shiny!)
Had dinner at my mums
Then spent the evening pottering about downstairs(its nice having motivation to do housework again... I absolutely love my dishwasher and the location of the washing machine is brilliant now its so handy for the dryer!)
We sat listening to classical music (the piano guys i think theyre called - its current pop type songs done classically - very soothing!) and i had a shot of my medela swing pump which although was weird im rather impressed

Its been a very productive day!

And tomorrow is due day!
Good luck Carrie
Id like Eli to come tomorrow purely cos of the Back to the future connection
He would be nicknamed Marty McFly!
But im quite happy for him to stay cooking x

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