***** October 2015 Mummies ******

MW-appointment went well, there was a slight trace of blood in my urine, which she said is often a sign things are about to happen. That, coupled with my recent bouts of on/off contractions in the evenings, makes her think I won't need that overdue assessment next Friday - I hope she's right! I had such strong braxton hicks while she was palpating today, she didn't get a proper feel of baby, even :P

Vegas, don't worry about the stretch marks, my lower tummy is all covered too. They do fade to a silvery white and become much less noticeable after a while. I've not got any new ones this time I think, but the ones I had are more prominent again. Besides, they're tiger stripes, and you've earned them, mama!
Petchy, sounds like you are nearly there.

Sara, induction near the end can be a good thing, I am a great example of this! I was so agonisingly close and wouldn't have been able to take much more of the false starts, SPD etc. I literally had waters popped and that was it, baby there 4 hrs later without anything else being done!
It does depend where you are as to what they'll do. If your cervix is still closed, they'll put in a pessary first to get it to open a bit then pop your waters.
If you don't get contractions naturally they put the drip up to boost the hormones and give you contractions.

Its never to late to start bio oiling the stretch marks!

Gail, that's more like it with the nesting :lol:
Sounds promising Petchy ! Nothing apart from some "fanny daggers " to report from me today ha ha :)
Good luck Petchy it might just take one little thing to set you off now x exciting
I think you may be next chick!! Exciting x

Went to see midwife...all okay with little one. His head has been free from my pelvis in recent apps but today he is 2/5 engaged which is good going for a 2nd baby. She said he could pop out of this position at any time but highly doubts it. 5 more sleeps until induction.

Any news from Caroline? xx
Hi girls! Hope you're all well. Just checking in to say baby Patrick was born yesterday morning at 11.30 weighing 3.52kg. He's absolutely amazing and completely perfect. We're so in love with him.

In the end forceps were needed but he's here and safe which is the main thing. I'm still in hospital but once I'm home I'll write a full birth story. Xx
Welcome to the world baby Patrick!
7lbs 7oz is a lovely size x
Congratulations Littletwix! Hope you're feeling okay after the delivery. Welcome to the world little man. xxx
Congratulations littletwix and welcome Patrick!

Btw anyone want 3 Next first size baby sleep suits dinosaur prints? Xander now grown out of them having only worn them a few times!
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Eek my waters have just gone! Waiting for mum and dad to arrive to watch lg then off to hospital. Feels weird! X
Oooh, Chloe! How exciting!

I'm just checking in to say I'm still waiting. Had another evening of false labour, and a restless night. Bit of a dodgy tummy too. Here's hoping it's part of my body gearing up and that it's actually doing something!
Congratulations littletwix and hello little Patrick will read your story when you put it up. Octo-babies coming in full swing now..aren't they just a bunch of cuties :)
Congratulations Littletwix, missed your thread before.

Petchy sounds exactly like how I've been feeling. Come on the babies! Yay! xx
Petchy, sounds like you are nearly there.

Sara, induction near the end can be a good thing, I am a great example of this! I was so agonisingly close and wouldn't have been able to take much more of the false starts, SPD etc. I literally had waters popped and that was it, baby there 4 hrs later without anything else being done!
It does depend where you are as to what they'll do. If your cervix is still closed, they'll put in a pessary first to get it to open a bit then pop your waters.
If you don't get contractions naturally they put the drip up to boost the hormones and give you contractions.

Its never to late to start bio oiling the stretch marks!

Gail, that's more like it with the nesting :lol:

Fliss, thank you for this. Yes MW said they would likely break waters and let me go :) here's hoping.
Reading back through this thread I noticed that when I had my anxiety wobble was exactly the time that little man stopped growing so rapidly! Definitely something to be said for mothers instinct!
Good thing is he's fine, big enough and we are both ready to start the next stage of his life. I can't wait.
Thank you for your support, I really do feel better having you ladies to talk too :) xx
Congratulations Littletwix! Yipeeee

Chloe!! You go girl!! Hope contractions are coming thick and fast now, can't wait to hear xxxx
Stretch and sweep booked for next Wednesday
His head is 2/5 in
And she estimates 8lbs 8oz x

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