***** October 2015 Mummies ******

I've got a mw apt today, do you reckon she might do a quick internal check if I ask? I've been having so much cramping and I want to know if it's actually doing anything or if I'm still 'unfavourable'
They tend not to check unless they really need to rachael
But you never know
Make it out to have been far worse than it has and she might x
Hubbys off work today
I've attempted some usual cleaning tasks
I can stand for 2 mins and can barely breathe with these vasovagal things. Im up for 2, sat panting for 20. Its ridiculous. Im not worth my while bothering
I got really annoyed by it this morning. I was trying to hang clothes up and had to lie down for ages. I ended up snapping at hubby ... He was only watching a film bless him but i got annoyed he was doing nothing knowing im totally reliant on him and just can't do anything for myself
Not his fault really :(
MW has said baby couldn't be further into my pelvis if it tried and from the cramping it sounds as though my body is gearing up but she can't say how long. I didn't get an internal as my mum came in with me so wasn't appropriate to ask lol!! She did advise me to start expressing to try set off labour so might have a go tonight!!

She did say that even if baby was moving if I feel the movements are unusual to get them checked which panicked me a bit as it's been quieter last few days but as was still moving I figured ok?!
I've been put on spatone sachets as she thinks my exhaustion, lack of appetite and breathlessness might be due to my iron stores being low, I've got a great red blood count but baby has drained my stores apparently lol!!! All in all though I'm healthy, baby is healthy and it's just a waiting game for when I meet them woo hoo!!!
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Hubbys off work today
I've attempted some usual cleaning tasks
I can stand for 2 mins and can barely breathe with these vasovagal things. Im up for 2, sat panting for 20. Its ridiculous. Im not worth my while bothering
I got really annoyed by it this morning. I was trying to hang clothes up and had to lie down for ages. I ended up snapping at hubby ... He was only watching a film bless him but i got annoyed he was doing nothing knowing im totally reliant on him and just can't do anything for myself
Not his fault really :(

Aw bless him, I feel your frustration though it's awful getting so tired and breathless at the littlest things you feel so useless and much more easily irritated!!!! Hopefully it's not much longer like this, but don't feel bad for asking him to help you, if you need help he should be lol!!!
Wonder how littletwix is going, hope everything ok and progressing :)
I know bunny
Im more annoyed that im so far from independent its just not funny
God... Its got to the point before he leaves for work he puts my socks on while im still in bed
I love him and do feel sorry for him lol
Quick question girls. Do u think labour pains will be like bad period style cramps or like really bad "fanny daggers" cos I honestly don't think I could cope if it's like extreme fanny daggers! Ha ha
Thinking of you Littletwix...

We had a growth scan today as baby has slowed down on measurements, he's a little smaller than his normal line, but still a good 7lb 2!! So I'm not too worried. I have to go back in two weeks if I haven't delivered (which I'm confident I won't have!)

Hubby brought me a lovely yummy mummy bag with owls on it to make me feel better :)
Quick question girls. Do u think labour pains will be like bad period style cramps or like really bad "fanny daggers" cos I honestly don't think I could cope if it's like extreme fanny daggers! Ha ha

I remember it as period style but like a wave, so starting gradual and building to a peak of uncomfortableness then dying down to nothing. They only last a minute or two at first then obviously as they get more frequent it feels more intense as less of a break between them. Mine defo didn't feel like fanny daggers lol or I'd not be having a second!!!!!
Quick question girls. Do u think labour pains will be like bad period style cramps or like really bad "fanny daggers" cos I honestly don't think I could cope if it's like extreme fanny daggers! Ha ha

I remember it as period style but like a wave, so starting gradual and building to a peak of uncomfortableness then dying down to nothing. They only last a minute or two at first then obviously as they get more frequent it feels more intense as less of a break between them. Mine defo didn't feel like fanny daggers lol or I'd not be having a second!!!!!

Brilliant explanation! Mine were like that... A cramp came and got worse and worse and worse the died off. My stomach was rock solid. I did have a lot of sharp shooting pains as that's where baby is travelling. And aching at the bottom of the back.
Also something I notice with this baby was the amount of pressure I felt on my bum while I was on way to the hospital, it was unreal. It felt like it was the totally wrong hole she was wanting to come out.
I had my hospital app for all my pre meds that I need for my c/section however I kind of felt bit pressured to breastfeed up to 2yrs, I'm more than happy to give breastfeeding ago with this one but not that long- it just wouldn't work with having other children. She also thought the baby was very strong but abit small.

You all sound so close to labour, I got those cramps and can feel everything stretching but baby needs to stay put till Wednesday.

Hope Littletwix is having baby cuddles or is getting close to them x
Also something I notice with this baby was the amount of pressure I felt on my bum while I was on way to the hospital, it was unreal. It felt like it was the totally wrong hole she was wanting to come out.

Oh god yeah the bum pressure I forgot about that! I couldn't sit down as it was so intense in my bum I was practically stood up in the car!! felt like I needed the biggest poo lol!!!!
I had my hospital app for all my pre meds that I need for my c/section however I kind of felt bit pressured to breastfeed up to 2yrs, I'm more than happy to give breastfeeding ago with this one but not that long- it just wouldn't work with having other children. She also thought the baby was very strong but abit small.

You all sound so close to labour, I got those cramps and can feel everything stretching but baby needs to stay put till Wednesday.

Hope Littletwix is having baby cuddles or is getting close to them x

Don't let them pressure you into anything feeding wise, I get it's best but that's the last thing you need to be worrying about on top of everything else. I managed 6 months with mine then my milk dried up I already felt a failure as I'd found it so hard to begin with so I'm glad I didn't have any pressure to do 2 years or I'd have really felt shit!!!! this time I'll do my best but as you say with other kids to think about there is only so much time in the day to worry about feeding!!! Makes me so mad that any pressure is put on new mums about anything, educate us on options sure but leave out the guilt trip!!!!!

Good luck for Wednesday it will be here before you know it :)
Had MW apt today, told her about the show and the cramping, baby is still sitting at 3/5ths engaged tho, boo! Really hoping this week is my week! I walked to our surgery and because of this my bp was slightly high. She would normally have made me an appointment in 2 weeks, but she wants to see me next week. Fun and games!

I'm so ratty at the moment is unreal! I'm normally really laid back but I could kill with my bare hands. .....!
I had my hospital app for all my pre meds that I need for my c/section however I kind of felt bit pressured to breastfeed up to 2yrs, I'm more than happy to give breastfeeding ago with this one but not that long- it just wouldn't work with having other children. She also thought the baby was very strong but abit small.

You all sound so close to labour, I got those cramps and can feel everything stretching but baby needs to stay put till Wednesday.

Hope Littletwix is having baby cuddles or is getting close to them x

Don't let them pressure you into anything feeding wise, I get it's best but that's the last thing you need to be worrying about on top of everything else. I managed 6 months with mine then my milk dried up I already felt a failure as I'd found it so hard to begin with so I'm glad I didn't have any pressure to do 2 years or I'd have really felt shit!!!! this time I'll do my best but as you say with other kids to think about there is only so much time in the day to worry about feeding!!! Makes me so mad that any pressure is put on new mums about anything, educate us on options sure but leave out the guilt trip!!!!!

Good luck for Wednesday it will be here before you know it :)

Thanks hun,

Last time they were really good about feeding, it could just been the mw views herself on breastfeeding. My youngest I did bf for a little while but ended up topping her up with formula as she was slightly jaundice and wasn't gaining much weight, I've got so much more going on now I got 3 other children and 2 youngest are quite demanding- this time I was going see how we get on with feeding.

I feel so stressed today. Just running around not had a moment to myself and obviously I'm worrying about Wednesday x
Congratulations on the two new arrivals! I keep missing these little ones being born. Have had a manic week with my mum having surgery.

I remember trying to go to the loo after having Oliver and it was more traumatic than the birth. I have lactulose which I will start taking after this little one is born...

I'm being induced a week today!! My last induction resulted in 18 hours of active labour. I'm hoping this one is quicker as I was too exhausted to push and needed ventouse. We shall see.

I think all midwifes HAVE to promote breastfeeding...it's usually the hospital policy. My midwife did say to me though that even though she shouldnt say it "it was not a crime to feed formula and to do whatever made mum and baby happy" Which, I thought was a lovely thing to say.

I fed Oliver until 13 months and he self weaned....2 years would be a long stretch. I'm aiming for 12 months again but you never know...he may be a formula baby. x
I'm being induced a week today!! My last induction resulted in 18 hours of active labour. I'm hoping this one is quicker as I was too exhausted to push and needed ventouse. We shall see.

Your first labour sounds like mine. This second time I went to 1hr 18mins active labour from something like 22hrs, so don't go by first labour!
I almost thought it was going to be my turn yesterday. Braxton hicks really ramped up and got more frequent and even painful. They calmed down again as the evening progressed though.

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