Hubbys off work today
I've attempted some usual cleaning tasks
I can stand for 2 mins and can barely breathe with these vasovagal things. Im up for 2, sat panting for 20. Its ridiculous. Im not worth my while bothering
I got really annoyed by it this morning. I was trying to hang clothes up and had to lie down for ages. I ended up snapping at hubby ... He was only watching a film bless him but i got annoyed he was doing nothing knowing im totally reliant on him and just can't do anything for myself
Not his fault really![]()
Quick question girls. Do u think labour pains will be like bad period style cramps or like really bad "fanny daggers" cos I honestly don't think I could cope if it's like extreme fanny daggers! Ha ha
Quick question girls. Do u think labour pains will be like bad period style cramps or like really bad "fanny daggers" cos I honestly don't think I could cope if it's like extreme fanny daggers! Ha ha
I remember it as period style but like a wave, so starting gradual and building to a peak of uncomfortableness then dying down to nothing. They only last a minute or two at first then obviously as they get more frequent it feels more intense as less of a break between them. Mine defo didn't feel like fanny daggers lol or I'd not be having a second!!!!!
Also something I notice with this baby was the amount of pressure I felt on my bum while I was on way to the hospital, it was unreal. It felt like it was the totally wrong hole she was wanting to come out.
I had my hospital app for all my pre meds that I need for my c/section however I kind of felt bit pressured to breastfeed up to 2yrs, I'm more than happy to give breastfeeding ago with this one but not that long- it just wouldn't work with having other children. She also thought the baby was very strong but abit small.
You all sound so close to labour, I got those cramps and can feel everything stretching but baby needs to stay put till Wednesday.
Hope Littletwix is having baby cuddles or is getting close to them x
I had my hospital app for all my pre meds that I need for my c/section however I kind of felt bit pressured to breastfeed up to 2yrs, I'm more than happy to give breastfeeding ago with this one but not that long- it just wouldn't work with having other children. She also thought the baby was very strong but abit small.
You all sound so close to labour, I got those cramps and can feel everything stretching but baby needs to stay put till Wednesday.
Hope Littletwix is having baby cuddles or is getting close to them x
Don't let them pressure you into anything feeding wise, I get it's best but that's the last thing you need to be worrying about on top of everything else. I managed 6 months with mine then my milk dried up I already felt a failure as I'd found it so hard to begin with so I'm glad I didn't have any pressure to do 2 years or I'd have really felt shit!!!! this time I'll do my best but as you say with other kids to think about there is only so much time in the day to worry about feeding!!! Makes me so mad that any pressure is put on new mums about anything, educate us on options sure but leave out the guilt trip!!!!!
Good luck for Wednesday it will be here before you know it![]()
I'm being induced a week today!! My last induction resulted in 18 hours of active labour. I'm hoping this one is quicker as I was too exhausted to push and needed ventouse. We shall see.