***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Due date today! Feeling a little crampy but have been like that for 2 weeks. Need to keep distracted! x
Ello ladies, not had much time to get on here with baby Callum! Hope you're all keeping well :).

I actually miss being pregnant, never thought I'd say that haha!!

This expressing is hard going as I need to express during the night to get the 'good milk' Callum has reflux which results in my washing machine never bring off - how can such a small person create so much washing hehe!

Not much sleep happening in this house :) first HV visit today & Callum has the snuffles - poor wee soul, he's such a wee happy contented baby too.

Hope all the new mummies are having as much fun & all the mummies 2 be babies hurry up xx
I've still no niggles or signs

I was up at 4:50am this morning though down in the kitchen chomping on spme branflakes haha
Hi Ladies! I have so much to catch up on!!!!!!!! Any new arrivals after mine???

Little Nina is a delight but I find the recovery part very difficult... Hope to feel my normal self again and soon!

Come on the remaining October babies! Can't wait to meet you x
Having numerous mild twinges today, nothing painful, more like slight pressure down towards my foof. Trying not to think anything into it otherwise it will wind me up! Did dtd this morning, so in the back of my mind I'm hoping it did the job but avoiding getting excited is hard work lol!

I know that your waters are meant to have a sweeter smell, and I know this will be a ridiculous question, but would you have to actively smell it, or would it 'hit' you? !
I dtd the other night first time since about March so hubby was happy lol :rofl: I was the same hoping it might do something but not so far although have had more twinges since.
I can't remember if my waters smelt of anything as they broke them when I was about to start pushing so I wasn't really with it?
Good luck ladies- sending labour vibes your way! Can't believe we nearly half way through October- hope littletwix us having newborn cuddles by now x
Both times I've had my waters broken for me, so I'm not sure...

I have MW tomorrow, feel like this is going to go on forever!! My house is spotless, I hate everyone right now (well, not everyone! Lol ) and I'm the same size as a whale! And can't stop eating!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
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Still no twinges here
Sore back though
Im gonna attempt some tidying!
No dtd though. Feck that haha
Good luck for tomorrow Cas xxx

I've spent all day asleep on sofa, despite sleeping really well last night, guess the iron stuff isn't working yet!! Still not really eating my ds made me share his pizza at tea bless him!! He never shares pizza lol!!!
2 weeks to go tom for me. I find myself living in the bath these days, I just love it in there and can let everything hang out and feel relaxed. Still have mental lists going round in my head of everything I want done before he comes, anyone the same?
I'm way past the to do lists at this point, lol! I've been sooo tired today, all I could muster up energy to do was going to the grocery store, pick up my DS from school and cook a very simple dinner. I've done bugger all for the rest of the day!
Good luck for tomorrow Cas xxx

I've spent all day asleep on sofa, despite sleeping really well last night, guess the iron stuff isn't working yet!! Still not really eating my ds made me share his pizza at tea bless him!! He never shares pizza lol!!!

Thanks hun, don't think I get much sleep tonight! So sweet of ds sharing his pizza x
I think this nesting thing has kicked in a little
I stripped the sofas, washed and dried the covers, hoovered the.sofa inside out, washed both livingroom windows (not recommended to do when its dark outside!), put new curtains up and another hour or 2 worth of effort tomorrow morning and thatll be the livingroom fully clean and decorated top to bottom :)
40 weeks today! If I lived in the uk, today would be my due date! Been having more tightenings but very on and off. Last night they started again, but trailed off. Can't remember having this on/off thing with my DS so it's kinda frustrating! Was surprised by a frisky OH last night, so we've done our bit to get things going ;) Not that it seems to have done anything... I see the midwife this afternoon, otherwise nothing to report.
MW appt today, bubs still not changed and growth scan showed signs of him being a good size but reducing down the centiles... So I see consultant on Friday to be booked in for induction next week, unless he decides to come of his own accord :)
On my way to queue with all the oldies for my flu jab, bit nervous, will it make me ill???
No it wont make you ill
Just maybe a tad tender
Its nothing on the whooping cough vaccine!

I got mine in asda pharmacy
Its a diff brand for pregnant people to non pregnant people apparently x
Finding new stretch marks by the day! How depressing :( 2 weeks to go and can imagine my lower belly covered at this rate!
No it wont make you ill
Just maybe a tad tender
Its nothing on the whooping cough vaccine!

I got mine in asda pharmacy
Its a diff brand for pregnant people to non pregnant people apparently x

Phew, I really suffered with the whopping cough one so that's good to know!!!! I had mine at the gp surgery as they had a drop in session for it, had to queue with all the old biddies cooing over my bump bless em!!! Have treat myself to some special ice-cream that I'm now going to gorge myself on!!! First time I've fancied 'food' in 2 weeks and it's the least nutritional thing I could have picked :rofl:

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