***** October 2015 Mummies ******

Just enjoy the cuddles

Its probably to do with not having you assessed and moved to the correct facility quick enough
They probably dont have all the same equipment thats needed etc there if something wasnt to go quite right x
Induction day for me tomorrow. Getting very nervous about it now :-/ have been a bit of an emotional wreck, everything is making me cry! Don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...

I probably won't do a labour thread but wish me luck!
Good luck Littletwix, the goal is in sight. Hopefully you will get some sleep tonight. Can't wait to hear your news :) xxx
Induction day for me tomorrow. Getting very nervous about it now :-/ have been a bit of an emotional wreck, everything is making me cry! Don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...

I probably won't do a labour thread but wish me luck!

Good luck hon, don't be nervous just think of all the good induction stories so far and you'll have your baby in your arms and be able to sleep on your tummy and not worry about fanny stabs and all the other lovely end of term niggles we get 'blessed' with lol!!!
Good luck little twix. I didn't sleep much the night before. I just resigned myself to resting! You'll be having those amazing baby cuddles soon. Xxx
Induction day for me tomorrow. Getting very nervous about it now :-/ have been a bit of an emotional wreck, everything is making me cry! Don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...

I probably won't do a labour thread but wish me luck!

Good luck love
Do you know what flavour youre getting?

Easier said than done but do rest up
If not...
Maybe get some meals lined up for the first few days. Last check of hospital bag, give place its final hoover (is that just something i would do??)
Have a lovely hot bubble bath and give yourself a bit if a pamper before an early night in clean bedsheets
Induction day for me tomorrow. Getting very nervous about it now :-/ have been a bit of an emotional wreck, everything is making me cry! Don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...

I probably won't do a labour thread but wish me luck!

Good luck hun, wishing you a great induction! I'm going in Wednesday morning to have my baby delivered and the nerves are starting to appear so I gone cleaning mad!

Try and relax tonight if you can, will be thinking of you x
Induction day for me tomorrow. Getting very nervous about it now :-/ have been a bit of an emotional wreck, everything is making me cry! Don't know how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...

I probably won't do a labour thread but wish me luck!

Good luck hun, wishing you a great induction! I'm going in Wednesday morning to have my baby delivered and the nerves are starting to appear so I gone cleaning mad!

Try and relax tonight if you can, will be thinking of you x

Eek so that's at least 2 more babies this week!!! Good luck for Wednesday :love:
Can I just say I'm not liking my ticker this week saying the baby is as big as a pumpkin :shock: I mean it certainly feels as big as one but having seen the size of those badboys in all the shops at the moment I don't particularly want one coming out of my lady parts!!! :faint:

On a different but no less scary note I had to register and apply for my little boy for a place at school today argh!!! He's my baby and he's actually starting school next September it just doesn't seem right!!! I get goosebumps when I see the confirmation email in my inbox!!!
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Not pumpkin shaped thank god
Or those 10cm are bugger all good!!
Good luck tomorrow, littletwix! And good luck for Wednesday, bunnykins!

It's just a waiting game here... UK due date (40+0) would be Wednesday, however my Norwegian due date is Saturday.
Can I just say I'm not liking my ticker this week saying the baby is as big as a pumpkin :shock: I mean it certainly feels as big as one but having seen the size of those badboys in all the shops at the moment I don't particularly want one coming out of my lady parts!!! :faint:

On a different but no less scary note I had to register and apply for my little boy for a place at school today argh!!! He's my baby and he's actually starting school next September it just doesn't seem right!!! I get goosebumps when I see the confirmation email in my inbox!!!

My baby is also starting school next September its such a scary thought, how quick they grow!
Thanks ladies, I really hope there be a few little arrivals this week, still cant believe how fast the last few weeks have gone x
Thanks girls :) I had a lovely relaxing evening which included a long soak in the bath. Just what I needed.

if I'm not on here before Wednesday (which is very unlikely!) best of luck cas xx

I'll try keep you updated if I can. Now to sleep...! xxxx
Good Luck with your induction!!!! I honestly had a really positive induction with my 1st. It's not all bad.
Good luck littletwix- cant wait for the next October baby! Xx
How's All the mummies, bumps and new babies doing today?

I got my premeds at the hospital so lots of tests etc and not looking forward to being weighed either!
We still not sure on baby names, we got few in mind but nothing we both love x
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All these babies are coming thick and fast now ahhhhhhh!!!!. Went to see our friends newborn baby yesterday and got me really exited to meet ours. 16 days till due date for me :)

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